Chapter 2- Making A Scene at the Wedding

This was an extremely grand wedding with the escort team snaking along three blocks.

Dressed in a red wedding robe, Lord Pinghe was riding a tall horse. Although it seemed that he could fall off the horse at any moment, all the ladies along both sides of the road were fascinated by his handsome appearance and covered their faces with handkerchiefs while blushing.

Li Hengyuan had been bumping with the sedan chair for more than an hour before it finally stopped at Lord Pinghe's Mansion.

The curtain of the sedan chair was lifted and someone's hand reached in.

The fingers of this palm were slender and chiseled, but the skin was pale with blue veins clearly visible.

This was Cheng Zheng's palm, which was as lifeless as himself.

Li Hengyuan placed his hand on Cheng Zheng's palm as gentle as possible, for fear that Cheng Zheng would be pulled in even with the slightest force.

In fact, Li Hengyuan was in a feeble condition as well, because the toxins in his body had not completely worn off and he had lost much weight because of the abuse he had suffered for many days.

It was a perfect match for an invalid to marry another invalid.

Li Hengyuan walked out of the sedan chair with self-mockery.

Li Hengyuan was even more shocked when he observed Cheng Zheng's face from a close distance. On his pale face with no visible pores, the feather-like eyelashes were moving gently like delicate paper fans.

Cheng Zheng coughed a few times and he looked so weak that as if he would fall down at any time. Li Hengyuan came back to his senses immediately and subtly changed his position from being helped by Cheng Zheng into helping him.

Cheng Zheng turned to fix his gaze on Li Hengyuan with a faint smile on his face.

Because of his weakness, Cheng Zheng was pale all over his body, except his scarlet lips, which were fascinating when he smiles.

What a charming demon! Li Hengyuan thought while supporting Cheng Zheng into the mansion with one hand.

The host of their wedding was the eunuch director who had been serving the emperor. Li Hengyuan stood aside and listened to the eunuch's sharp voice, smiling gently.

Seriously, a eunuch was hosting Lord Pinghe's wedding?

To put it mildly, the eunuch was someone that the emperor trusted and he only sent the eunuch to host the wedding because he attached great importance to Lord Pinghe. But to be real and honest, the eunuch was just a slave regardless how much the emperor trusted him. Wasn't it an insult for Lord Pinghe to have a slave host his wedding?

"Bow to the heaven and earth!"

The eunuch raised his sharp voice all of a sudden, which outshouted the sound of the horns and rangs in the lobby of the mansion.

Cheng Zheng and Li Hengyuan were about to go down on their knees with the help of the servants...

"Get the hell up! As long as I'm here, there is no way brother Cheng can get married today!"

Before their knees landed on the ground, a woman in a red dress rushed in and waved the whip in her hand, aiming at Li Hengyuan's face.

Li Hengyuan tried to dodge it, but he forgot how inflexible his body was, which couldn't catch up with his mind. In the critical moment, he could only tilt his head to protect his face and some other fatal spots before he was whipped on his back.

Although the woman seemed to be fragile, the whip falling down ripped apart Li Hengyuan's wedding robe, leaving a bleeding scar on his back.

Li Hengyuan only felt intense pain coming from his back, burning his nerves, and he couldn't help gasping.

A servant hurried forward to stop the woman from waving her whip again.

"Princess Xilan, please don't do this!" The servant held Princess Xilan's hand and begged her, "Today is Lord Pinghe's wedding day. Please don't make a scene here for Lord's sake."

Princess Xilan, the daughter of general Weiyuan, was admitted by the queen as her goddaughter. The emperor named her Xilan personally, which symbolized her status equal to that of a princess.

"No way! I won't allow brother Cheng to marry anyone else." Princess Xilan shook off the servant's hand and said. "Lord Pinghe's wife can only be me!"

These audacious words gave rise to the whisper among guests in the room right away.

However, when princess Xilan glanced over, everyone kept their mouth shut and lost the courage to utter another word.

This was Princess Xilan, the young lady spoiled by the queen. The princess was so arrogant that she had the courage to make a scene at the wedding which was granted by the emperor, let alone giving them a hard time.

Princess Xilan retracted her gaze and approached Li Hengyuan despite the obstruction of her servant. She stared at Li Hengyuan with a vicious look, as if she was looking at a lifeless object.

"How can a bastard like you marry brother Cheng?" Xilan kicked Li Hengyuan who fell over right away.

Princess Xilan waved her whip which was just about to fall when Cheng Zheng stopped her hurriedly, "Xilan, stop!"

His voice was weak, but his tone was very determined.

Princess Xilan turned to look at Cheng Zheng and smiled gently, "Brother Cheng, he can't marry you. He is a man, the abandoned son of the prime mister, who can't help you in anyway. I'm the only person who can help! Brother Cheng, only I can give you what you want. Marry me!"

The more she talked, the crazier she became. Princess Xilan stretched out her arms to show Cheng Zheng the Phoenix coronet and embroidered dress on her, which could only be worn by a bride. "Brother Cheng, do I look beautiful? I'm ready. Will you marry me right now? I am definitely more suitable for you than this loser, Li Hengyuan."

"My father is general Weiyuan, who holds military power in his hand. My grandfather is the highest official of the Ministry of Penalty, who has real political power. I am the emperor's most beloved goddaughter. I have everything you need. Will you marry me? As long as you're willing to, they'll all be yours, Brother Cheng."

Princess Xilan's words became increasingly bold, and some people in the lobby had already started to gasp.

Li Hengyuan sat up from the ground and looked at Princess Xilan like she was an idiot.

Did she really think those things belonged to her?

Well, it made sense. Only an idiot would have the boldness to stir up trouble at the wedding granted by the emperor himself.

However, has it ever occured to Princess Xilan that everything she just said was an insult for Cheng Zheng?

These words were no different from torturing Cheng Zheng in public, as they were telling all the guests present that he was incompetent and could only marry the abandoned son of the prime mister as his male wife, and he was even less favored than a woman in the emperor's eyes. Even though he was indeed a prince, he had no power supporting him, but could only be manipulated by others.

At this moment, merely a woman could stop his wedding from proceeding.

It can be said that every word of Princess Xilan was a slap on Cheng Zheng's face fiercely.

Li Hengyuan peeked at Cheng Zheng who remained emotionless. His eyelids were lowered, and his feather-like eyelashes were trembling slightly. Further down, his hands were clenched tightly on both sides of the wedding robe, as if he was trying hard to hold back something.

It seemed that Cheng Zheng was not indifferent. Li Hengyuan thought.

Li Hengyuan tried to distance himself from this, but the next moment, Princess Xilan whipped him again.

Feeling intense pain in his arm, Li Hengyuan cursed secretly and wanted to fight back just before he saw Cheng Zheng falling straight into his arms.

Li Hengyuan turned his gaze on Cheng Zheng and realized that Cheng had taken the whip for him with his back, and that was why the whip only fell on his arm with its tail, instead of flying straight towards his face.

The skin on Cheng Zheng's back was split and he passed out in pain.