Chapter 1: Beginning of a new life

"Wake up, wake up, Henry!"

A shove jolted Henry awake. To be more specific, he was awoken. When he opened his eyes, he was lying on a hospital bed, his hands still wrapped in bandages around him.

"Hey! "Get up!" The woman's voice was high and piercing, having a haughty tone to it.

He turned to face the woman in front of him and raised his head. She was dressed in a white nurse's skirt, a pink shirt with an exposed neckline, and white pantyhose on her legs.

"Hey, you've been lying down here all day and night, and you still haven't paid a dime in medical expenditures." This is the hospital's property, not yours. "Would you choose to live in vain?"

What about the hospital?

Do you

Henry stared down at his body, his face expressionless. There were bandages everywhere, as well as multiple patched wounds, injuries all over his body, and a bottle in his hand.

Henry's consciousness was fully awake after taking a closer look.

Henry is a college student in Nandu who is set to graduate from a second-rate university.

In his junior year, he spoke with a girl from his rural upbringing. He had been working at a McDonald's near the school for the previous two months in order to buy the newly-listed Apple X for his fiancée before graduation.

But, only last night, as he was leaving McDonald's and returning to the school's dormitory, he noticed a small girl racing towards the middle of the road out of fun. A van was passing by at this time. He didn't give it any thought, so he pushed the little girl directly. When he got outside, he was hit by a van, and the wounds on his body were all caused by being thrown into the green belt.

Henry couldn't help but feel grateful when he thought about this.

I assumed I'd be able to finish it at the speed of the van at the moment.

But I wasn't expecting to return with his life.

"I'm talking to you, Henry!" The nurse struck her across the face on the table.

"Did you find the driver who caused this accident?" Henry raised his head and inquired.

"The driver fled the scene of the accident. We rescued you from the trash after receiving a suspicious call, but you should phone your family right now and beg them to send the medical expenses as soon as possible, or I will call the cops. You, don't sleep in the ward, go to prison!" The nurse waved the bill in front of Henry's face. At this point, a man in a white coat burst through the door.

"Who sat you up? Your body is still covered with plaster. Do not move!" Doctor Holden looked disappointed at Henry. He is the inpatient department's chief physician, and he will give his all to every patient.

"Doctor Holden, this is Henry, who was brought to the hospital yesterday night and hadn't paid a dime in medical charges." The nurse reminded them.

"Has he been unable to reach his family?" Doctor Holden smirked.

"His phone has been broken, and he is unable to contact his family." The phone number 120 has been deactivated. There's a student ID card all over his body, and there's no other way to contact him." With a shake of his head, the nurse expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation.

"Do you remember your family's contact information?" Doctor Holden questioned Henry. I may call you on my cell phone, or anyone else can."

"How much does medical care cost?" Henry paused.

"The rescue price plus the medical treatment fee adds up to 9,800 pounds." You can pay with cash by swiping your card." The female nurse stated matter-of-factly.

"What?..." Henry inhaled deeply.


To the wealthy, this may seem insignificant.

It's nothing more than a meal, a piece of clothing, or a cell phone.

But for his parents, who farms in the country, this is just two lifetimes!

Even his tuition expenses were paid for by working during the holidays while his father was working in the hamlet. Suddenly, he was worth around 10,000 pounds. He couldn't conceive what might happen on the other end of the phone if he called back.


"Lend me on the phone. I know someone who can send the hospital expenses," Henry hurriedly stated to Dr. Holden.

He only paid his wage yesterday, after more than two months of saving enough to purchase Apple X for his girlfriend Anna. The money was transferred directly to Anna when he got off work yesterday night, totalling 6,900, plus his ordinary living expenses, and it was sufficient to cover the medical charges.

Henry seized Doctor Holden's cell phone and hurriedly dialled the familiar phone number.

"Who?" On the other end of the phone, there was a sluggish female voice.

"Anna, it's me, Henry"

"Who? Henry?" "When did you get a new phone?" Anna was a little taken aback.

"Don't worry about it too much; where are you now, and can you send the money I deposited to you yesterday to the First People's Hospital, where I am now?"

"Wait for a second!"

Anna cut him off and asked, "What? What the hell are you talking about, the money you transferred to me? I'm busy here, Don't call me!"

"Oh, you forgot about that? It's the money to buy you a new mobile phone. I only transferred it to you after I got home from work last night; I'm currently in the hospital, and I don't have enough money to cover my medical fees. Could you please send it here? I'll find a way to get enough money to purchase you a new one after I get out of the hospital, okay?"


Anna, on the other end of the phone, let out a sneer for no apparent reason, and Henry was perplexed.

"Do you know what I'm going to do now, Henry?" I'm heading out with my best pal to buy apple X! Do you want me to give you the money right now? Is it true that you are a jerk? All of my pals now use it. Apple X, I waited long enough for you to be patient. Do you really want the money now? I tell you, Henry, you are a jerk from the bottom of your heart, and you will have nothing in this life. Why did I glance at you so casually in the first place? Now that the peasants are peasants, we will no Leeer have a relationship!

The phone was abruptly disconnected.

Henry sat blankly on the hospital bed, his ears still throbbing.

Is this split?

He couldn't believe it and phoned the phone again, but the microphone produced a harsh blind tone.


Henry chuckled as he clutched the phone in his palm.

Anna never inquired why he was in the hospital from start to finish.

I didn't give a damn about him, which is why there was no news after the move last night.

Except for Apple X, Henry appears to be nothing.

A non-essential bystander.

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until nothing is left...

Henry raised his head in a stupor when the phone in his palm was yanked away from him.

"He stopped taking the medication and then contacted the school using his student ID, requesting that the school pay for the medical expenditures and pick up the individual." Otherwise, he would have phoned the police and taken such a person to a detention institution. The doctor is still a university student. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. "How did all of these college students end up like this?"

Following the explanation, Doctor Holden exited the ward. The nurse drew the needle from the back of his hand, switched off the electrocardiograph on the table, and finally threw the bill in Henry's face. She sped away.

Henry remained motionless, staring at the sparkling numerals on the bill.

Henry has learned about the unfortunate situations of many well-meaning people who have performed heroically throughout the years.

But I didn't anticipate that this day would befall me.

9800 pounds

I was also born as a human being. When others took this money, they would ask their friends to eat a meal and sing a song for them, but it compelled them to be here with nowhere to go and nowhere to escape!

For the first time in his life, Henry felt as if his existence was pointless.

And once the hospital informs the school that their children have a medical dependency, the school will undoubtedly deport them in order to care for their faces.

Isn't it unfortunate that the graduation diploma from four years of hard work has been ruined?

I'm not sure how his parents, who are still in the countryside waiting for graduation, will respond to this news...

And just as Henry was contemplating this, the door to the ward was slammed open.

Before Henry could reply, he was confronted by an elegant and opulent lady.

"Mom finally discovered you, my poor child..." The lady hurried to Henry's side, sobbing uncontrollably.

Behind the lady stood a middle-aged man with exceptional bearing, red eyes, and a shaking mouth.

But, in the end, he couldn't keep the tears from welling up in his eyes.

"It's all right if you wake up, and it's all right if you wake up."

He could tell his heart was racing as well.

Henry couldn't help but feel compelled in such a predicament.

How is everything going?

Isn't it true that your parents are still farming in their hometown?

What is the identity of the pair in front of you?

Why do they refer to themselves as sons?

Did you admit the incorrect person?

When the middle-aged couple saw Henry's puzzled expression, they understood they had maybe startled their son.

"Son! I'm your biological mother. We have a paternity test." The lady appeared especially ecstatic, trying her hardest to establish that she was Henry's biological mother, but the more she talked about it, the more disordered Henry became and becoming increasingly perplexed.

"Please, my wife, allow me to speak about it." When he noticed his wife was virtually out of her mind, the middle-aged man began to say.

It was discovered that this couple's male name is Oswald, and their female name is Gloria.

They previously had a son, according to them.

However, their son was kidnapped by a trafficker only nineteen years ago.

They wanted to discover their son after doing numerous searches.

Nothing came of it.

The couple believed they would never see their own kid again in their lives.

Who knows, maybe Henry was hit by a vehicle while saving a little girl. He required a blood transfusion after being admitted to the hospital due to severe blood loss.

Henry has a unique physique and blood type, according to the results of the tests.

In the entire city blood bank centre, there is only one bag of blood for this blood type.

It's the blood that Oswald donated here a month ago!

The pair drove there immediately after receiving a blood call from the hospital.

They finally noticed Henry through the window at the ward's door.

Henry's age, as well as the same rare blood type.

This naturally made Oswald think about his son, who had been abducted since he was a child.

And the more it appears, the more it appears.

So, they conducted a paternity test with Henry to confirm their doubt with the help of the Cheif Doctor.

The results revealed that Henry was their stolen son.

This is why the current scenario occurs.

After hearing Oswald's explanation, Henry had a mocking expression on his face.

"I also realise that this incidence appears to be too coincidental, but we have conducted a paternity test with you. There are a total of two copies. We don't have to deceive you." Oswald handed Henry a document.

"Despite the fact that we were pressed for time, your mother and I performed a paternity test on you at the same time. The outcomes of the two reports are identical. There isn't a single error."

"And if you don't trust me, I'll book the flight right now. Let's go to Germany's greatest medical research facility and have the most authoritative experts do a paternity test for us, as Lee as we can relieve your fears." Gloria expressed concern.

When the paternity test came back positive, Henry was at a loss for words.

The most essential point is that Henry couldn't think of any spot within himself where it would be worthwhile to deceive people.

After all, he couldn't even get 10,000 pounds, and the hospital is still forcing him to be desperate.

Is it possible that the pair in front of him are his biological parents?

Gloria was concerned when Henry remained silent.

Women are more emotional than men at this time.

She was terrified that Henry would be enraged and would not recognise their parents.

"It's all our fault, son. It's entirely our fault since we were preoccupied with business at the time and allowed you to be kidnapped by traffickers."

"From now on, we will unquestionably recompense you and allow you to live a happy life." Gloria was tense. With that, he gazed eagerly at Henry.

She has investigated Henry's present family circumstances as quickly as possible and understands that he is not doing well.

Henry was thinking of his parents as he looked at Gloria.

For the past twenty years, I've been raised by a couple of honest farmers.

Henry became irritated when he thought about their feelings for him.

"So you're seeking for it now to make me sever my ties with my parents and then acknowledge you since I was born to you?"

Gloria's face lit up when he heard Henry's comments. It has to be white.

She realised she had misinterpreted Henry with what she had said.

"We didn't intend it that way. I just came in to see you and transfer you to a better hospital. I also dispatched someone to pick up your adoptive parents. Within the next two days, they will arrive at Nandu. What else can you say? Are you able to say it in front of them?"

Oswald gave Henry a hard look before withdrawing a bank card from his arms.

"It contains a hundred million pounds. You spend it first, then tell me if it is insufficient. It's a small amount of money in comparison to the abuses you have endured over the years."