Chapter 3: True face of his lover

Her fair cheeks flushed slightly, she moved his head to one side, and the thighs wrapped in white stockings were brought together slightly, trying not to look ashamed under Henry's stare.

But it was this dual attitude of rejection and welcome that aroused Henry's interest.

Mocking people with no money is called harassment.

The molesting of the rich is called flirting.

Getting aLee day and night as Henry's personal care for a Lee time in the future will surely have some physical touch. She also graduated from the University of Edinburgh Medical School and pursued postgraduate nursing degrees. Henry is the first one to graduate. Let the customer's eyes take advantage of it; it's nothing.

"You haven't completely recovered. Try to quiet your mind and emotions so that you do not harm your heart because no one can help you." With a gentle smile, Bella said.

She appeared to be joking, yet she encouraged Henry.

He was progressively turning wicked as he peered into Bella's eyes.

The Mercedes-Benz Advanced Nursing Car came to a halt at the mall.

Henry stepped out of the automobile slowly, helped by Bella.

In the car, Bella had removed the nurse's skirt and white stockings and replaced them with a basic pink T-shirt and a pair of whitish trousers.

Of course, all of this occurred with the white curtain between Bella and Henry drew.

Despite the fact that Henry couldn't see it.

But I'm being suffocated with ear addiction.

Bella stands about 1.7 metres tall. The exquisite curve of the upper body is quickly exposed after removing the nurse's skirt and putting on a little T-shirt, yet the slim waist is broad and painful, and the slender legs wrapped in washed white jeans are symmetrical and powerful.

"First, you must purchase a cell phone, and then you must change your wardrobe. I'll be waiting for you at your school gate at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Oswald will terminate me if I fail to meet the deadline."

Henry was cautiously supported by Bella. When Fan entered the mall, she promised Henry that she would return to school shortly in the afternoon, entirely disregarding the student's academic point of view.

It wasn't because Henry was so desperate that she ultimately agreed as a young boss.

It's not the weekend, it's just 3:30 p.m., and there aren't many people in the mall.

Bella escorted Henry directly to the fifth floor. The fifth floor is dedicated to major mobile phone companies, ranging from domestic to high-end models.

Naturally, Henry desired the location of the Apple mobile phone store.

Bella, on the other hand, stood by her side and headed to a cell phone brand counter he had never seen before.

"These phones are unappealing. They're not as good as the phones I broke that were made in the United States."

Henry turned his gaze fixed on the black phones on display behind the glass counter.

But when he spotted the price sticker placed beneath each mobile phone, his brows furrowed.

"What the hell, 69? Or the most affordable? What's the catch? Diamonds?"

Even Bella was embarrassed when he heard Henry sigh three times in a row.

But she still clutched Henry's arm and carefully explained.

"Vertu is the mobile phone brand, it is regarded as a luxury item. Mr. Oswald and Mrs. Oswald both use this, and you are able to try one as well."

"How about you, do you utilise this?" Henry asked, turning his head.

For a brief while, Bella's face was embarrassed, and she subconsciously squeezed the old Apple 5 that she had been using for 7 years.

When Bella observed this, Henry silently sighed. Even Bella is still using ancient phones. Anna, like Henry, is a village girl whose parents are farmers. She eats sparingly all day, but she visits her every day. Those so-called best friends compare the most recent models.

He answered with a nod, "Go to the Apple phone store next door and get me the best model on the market right now. You'd take three. When you've decided, come to me and I'll pay for it."

Bella is a diligent individual. Take good care.

Only make ideas; do not interfere with the decision.

She nodded and moved over to the mobile phone counter next door after hearing Henry's words.

Then, without looking up, Henry grabbed a finger and clicked on the two mobile phones in the glass case, and said to the salesperson, "This, this, pack and swipe the card."

"I'll invoice you if you give me 1,000 pounds. Then I told her that the store was temporarily out of stock and that it would take seven days to pick it up." The saleswoman had been looking down at her phone and is only now casting a fleeting glance towards Henry.

Henry was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Don't fool yourself; the two phones you chose are both blue diamond and purple diamond limited editions, which cost a total of 240,000 pounds. I believe it is similar to this. You give me two thousand pounds. I'll offer you two more expensive cellphone bills. Anyway, you're not going to buy it, and to be honest, you're still going to swipe your card." The saleswoman gave Henry a sarcastic glance. She observed a number of goddess combinations, such as poor guy, who came to the counter to get a phone. She made a deposit and gave him a receipt. She still told the girl that it was out of stock after seven days. At this point, the girl had no idea how many times poor guy had played her. Even if I want to cause trouble, I can't find a reason; all I can do is suffer from stupid loss, and I'm not happy after each try.

Henry was astonished for a Lee time before he realised what the female sales words meant.

He flashed an uneasy smile before pulling out the black card that Oswald had given him and placing it on the table.

"Two, credit card, I'm pressed for time."

"Is this it?"

The saleswoman stared suspiciously at the black bank card on the table, which was made up of a succession of golden digits 8.

The expression on her face then altered.

This is unmistakably the supreme black card launched by HSBC Bank in collaboration with the five main banks!

She raised her head, perplexed, and looked at the young man in front of him, who was unassuming in appearance and attire.

She knows this black card as a salesperson for expensive mobile phones.

Fifty copies are distributed throughout the country.

You can spend your 50 million overdrafts anywhere in the globe even if you don't save a penny!

Furthermore, no interest is calculated.

Only one exceptionally powerful family, the Glory family, owns in the city.

Could it be that this child beLees to the Glory family...

"Wait a second, and I'll swipe the card for you." With quivering hands, the saleswoman turned around and removed a POS machine from under the counter, swiping the black card.

"Enter your password here."

Henry nodded and punched his birthdate onto the cash register.

"Didi..." The UnionPay bill was slowly spitting out of the ticket outlet at the bottom of the POS machine.

The blue display triggers a line of attention-grabbing text: The transaction was successful.


Yes, indeed!

The saleswoman instantly straightened up, tore off the UnionPay bill, held it in her hands, and handed it to Henry.

"Please sign, and I will get you the stuff right away."

With shivering legs, the saleswoman turned and walked away from the counter, returning three steps later. She had no idea that the largest sales order she had ever made would be for such a quiet adolescent.

Henry sat in the lounge area, sipping a cup of hot coffee from the server.

"It doesn't feel like spending two hundred and forty thousand pounds on a night out." "It's the same as paying two pounds at the school gate to buy a thick sausage when you only have one thousand pounds for living expenses." His gaze, Looking at Bella, who was carefully selecting her mobile phone in a nearby Apple mobile phone store, she had the thought that if she could have a lover like Bella...

"Stephen, I don't need your money to buy a phone today because Henry fool gave the money to me last night, plus his living expenses are in my place, and I can get a 256Gb phone." Henry's ears were drawn to a familiar voice.

He shook uncontrollably, twisting his neck stiffly in the direction of the sound.

On the rise, A man and a lady emerged on the steps.

Henry recognises the man as Stephen, a well-known affluent second-generation playboy in the school.

And the woman, with a bashful countenance, nestled in Stephen's arms, letting his hands grope on herself in front of everyone.


Henry shuddered, and a cup of hot coffee dropped on his palm.

Two people hurried upstairs and straight to the Apple phone counter.

"After that, I paid for today's cell phone. You can't lie to me if you say good LV bags."

Anna appeared to be a tiny woman at this point, as opposed to the chilly posture she had previously displayed in front of Henry.

"Don't worry, you're so good; don't bring up LV; as long as you split up with Henry's dick, everything isn't a one-sentence deal."

"Oh, and people are also thinking about their reputation. Henry has always served as a safeguard for us. In the end, you are not the one who benefits?" The two counters were not far away, and their chat was overheard by Henry.

After hearing this, Henry would undoubtedly approach like a dog.

Anna was, after all, his first love.

I was also punished for wearing such a large green hat.

He quietly rejoiced after being relieved.

Assume Anna didn't get rid of him quickly because he was greedy for thousands of pounds in phone money.

With Henry's present net worth, he had no idea how much money he would spend on this woman.

Then they were treated as if they were an idiot from behind.

Henry grabbed a tissue from her pocket and wiped the coffee from her palm. At the same time, the saleswoman walked back and respectfully placed the two mobile phones chosen by Henry in front of him.

"Do you need me to explain the key functions of our Vertu phone to you in detail, Sir?" replied the female salesperson, her face sparkling with a smile.

She got a feeling she was at the top of her career.

This year marks her 20th birthday. He chose to pursue sales in the Vertu mobile phone sector before graduating from the university since he liked working here and the people he met were of good quality.

When I first met Henry, the second generation of ultra invisible affluent, I had a few thoughts.

Henry, on the other hand, did not disappoint her.

Just as Henry slipped the calling card into the new mobile phone and was going to jot down her phone number, and incredibly discordant voice rang behind him, thanks to the salesperson's focused introduction.

"Isn't this Henry?" If you don't go to McDonald's to work, why don't you come here and look for another job?" Stephen swaggered around to this side, his arms around Anna, a sarcastic grin on his face.

"I didn't expect you to be so unpromising, Henry." You have to graduate at the end of your senior year. You need to look for work, but you do odd jobs all throughout town. I'm not sure how you're deserving of your parents, who farm in the countryside."

Anna wrapped her arms around her shoulders, holding the Apple X she had just purchased but had not yet opened.

Henry smirked.

He didn't take the initiative to interrogate Anna since the explanation was still too much for him.

Human hearts, after all, are formed in flesh.

But he still valued his place in Anna's heart.

He considered Anna to be his first love.

Anna simply treated him as if he were a dog that was summoned to come and leave.

"I'm going to get a phone."

Henry had decided that he would not contact this type of person in the future, therefore he was too lazy to waste his tongue.

Anna, on the other hand, was taken aback.

Suddenly, she realised that the poor guy in front of her, who had obeyed her commands and would totally please her no matter how absurd her desires were, had not even inquired as to why she was being held in Stephen's arms. She also pretends to be unconcerned, which is absolutely unacceptable to her, who has always been distant.

"Have you been following us all aLee, Henry?"

Anna re-examined Henry suspiciously.

"I didn't see that, Henry; you're not only poor, but you also have a greedy character." You purposefully followed me and Stephen here today. Wouldn't you like to use this opportunity to find Stephen for money?"

Stephen grinned and hugged Anna, and removed LV's wallet from his arms.

"Is it a hundred or two hundred?" I don't have any spare cash. My father will never give me less than three thousand pounds when I go out, but you can't make that much for a month of work, can you?"


When he heard this, Henry's heart scoffed.

He vividly recalls Stephen's father developing several small property rights structures during the recent real estate boom.

There are tens of millions of pounds in net worth.

It is also because of his family's money that he can say he never puts his classmates in the eyes of his school, that he is caustic, and that he always feels superior.

I was concerned that if it was Henry before, it would only be sulking in my heart.

But now he merely went backwards.

"The legs are attached to my own body. "I'm free to go wherever I want."

"And this isn't your house; it's a retail mall." You don't have to demonstrate my supremacy here."

"If you're not satisfied, you can remove this; it doesn't matter if I bought it at a shopping mall."

Henry said light-heartedly.

He almost said, "I only spend 100 million in pocket money, and your and your father's family property is regarded a feather?"

Stephen's heart naturally breaks when he sees Henry as such a jerk who dares to hit himself.

He should be tempted to argue with Henry.

Anna, on the other hand, had it by his side.

"This is the quality of the personnel your store hired?" Anna asked, pointing to Dora, who was sitting close to Henry. Do you know who the father of my lover is? You'll send him out right away, or I'll let him. "You can't eat and walk!"

"Please accept my apologies; Mr. Henry is a distinguished customer at our store, not the employee you refer to."

With a pleasant smile on his face, the saleswoman said.

"Expensive, distinguished customer?"

Stephen was taken aback for a time before laughing.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Is this unfortunate man still a loyal customer of your establishment? He can't even afford the cheapest Apple phone, and you still treat him like a VIP. You still don't have anything, so be wary of anyone eating and drinking here. "I understand."

"This individual has previously paid for two cell phones worth 240,000 pounds."

The saleswoman said light-heartedly.

The saleswoman continued glancing at Stephen as they were conversing.

As a result, she concluded that Henry was wealthier than the second generation of the wealthy.

After all, the supreme black card in Henry's palm is enough to murder hundreds of streets in seconds for this rich second generation wearing a little brand, even with her eyesight.

"Forget that; you're not familiar with him." Perhaps he purposefully spent money on a shopping guide in order to perform in front of us. I'm not sure how much Henry has. "Poor guy is a farmer, and I'm at a loss for words."

Anna said with a dissatisfied expression, grasped Stephen's hands and turned away from the basement.

Henry dialled a series of numbers after leaving the Saleswwoman phone number on his new mobile phone.

Anna's voice, who was walking far away, came into the ear: " Stephen, do not be furious." In the last two years, I haven't even allowed him to hold our hands. I'm sure he was irritated today. It's the same as him in the future. You don't have much time to spruce him up..."

Anna's entrance made Henry very thrilled.

When did Anna decide to take the initiative?

I've never seen anything like it before.

The call was quickly connected.

"Henry, you finally called; are you okay, in healthy condition, and have you been released from the hospital?" On the other end of the phone, there was an elderly woman who sounded concerned.

Henry was a little emotional.

My adoptive and biological parents are almost the same age, but because they labour in the field all year, their two elders are less than 50 years old this year, and they appear to be no different than those in their 60s and 70s.

"All right, I'm alright; are you coming to Nandu?" "Henry, don't you truly blame us?" said the person on the other end of the phone after a little pause. You should have had a worry-free existence since you were a child. Fortunately, your biological parents have discovered you now, or your mother and I would not be able to marry you..."

Henry swiftly cut him off. "Don't say anything, Father. Despite the fact that you and your mother are impoverished, you have given me the best of yourselves. Don't worry, I'll always be the child of our family. The family passes down from generation to generation, giving birth to you and the mother to a fat grandchild."

"That's good, that's good, the Oswald family is very nice to us, they also organised a special car to pick us up, we'll be there in a few days, you're over there." To hear them tell it, the phone bill is rather high, so I won't say anything. Make an effort to listen to your biological parents. Be obedient, good boy." Henry hung up the phone once the call was hung up. It eventually collapsed.

His biological parents appear to show the same care to the parents who nurtured them.

After all, neither party is in the wrong.

What was wrong at the time was the environment.

After deciding on a phone model, Bella took Henry to pay with a credit card.

She didn't notice what happened at the counter just now, because she has preoccupiedside with Henry meeting two classmates.

She then escorted Henry to the fourth level to select a casual dress.

Beautiful girls, in my opinion, always have greater vision than regular individuals.

Henry purposefully avoided using a well-known brand. Henry's disposition was greatly improved by the simple match finished by her hand.

The final two agreed on a time and parted ways. Bella drove the nursing car back to the hospital, while Henry waited for her to leave, scanned the code, and shared a bicycle by the side of the road to ride back to school.

Henry card still had approximately 100 million, but he had no cash on him at the time.

To unlock, scan the code.

When Henry was going to get back on his bicycle and ride back to school, a black Land Rover Aurora abruptly halted in front of him.

"Isn't this the Young Master Henry who just spent 240,000 pounds on a phone? He still takes his bike to school on such a scorching day?"

The window of the Land Rover cab slowly slid down, displaying Stephen's gleeful expression.

Henry raised his head and gave him a side glance. He had already given them a lot, but he hadn't anticipated the opposing party being so aggressive.

"Could it be that the driver requested leave today and you don't have a driver's licence?"

Stephen glanced down his nose at Henry.

She had almost been bluffed by the teller in collaboration just now if it hadn't been for Anna's reminder.

"So, what's the big deal?" Henry inquired, suspiciously.

"So..." Stephen was suffocated.

"What are you and him talking about here, Stephen? The LV store will be closed even later."

Anna's impatient voice could be heard from the car.

"I claimed that this type of person has no talent at all and that even such a heinous act could be done, but I was blinded and discovered such a thing." The two people demonstrated their supremacy by closing the automobile window. Aurora, the Land Rover, drove away.

Henry was not upset. Mr. Stephen's assets were more than the money on his card, and it was all cash. Well, rob the dog, let the dog go first, and don't feel humiliated.

Henry excitedly rode his bicycle and ran all the way to school after realising this.

There aren't many courses available in the senior year. Students can go their own way without returning to school as Lee as they have finished two months of current history.

As soon as Henry returned to the dormitory, he noticed that the mood was off.

The boss was dressed in huge pants, sat on the upper bed, and stared out the window with unfocused eyes.

In a fog, the second child sat in a chair wearing a vest and smoking a cigarette.

The third child is wearing sandals and is frowning on the balcony; his back is terribly lonely.

When they saw Henry return, the three of them gazed at each other, their eyes a little odd.

"What's the problem?"

With a bewildered gaze, Henry shut the door.

"Kneeling for five positions in a row? Or was it his girlfriend that was robbed?" "Fourth, what did you do this morning?" asked the supervisor, Santiago, with a bitter frown.

"My relatives are visiting from my hometown, and I shall meet them at the railway station. I went, and by the way, I invited them to dinner. It was postponed until now. What's the problem? What's the problem?" For the time being, Henry did not want to inform his roommate about his confession. After all, he has yet to fully heal from this incident. Come to your senses.

After hearing Santiago sigh, he turned to face his second child, Charlie, and stated, "It's up to you."

"Did you see Anna today?" Charlie asked Henry.

"I saw that, what happened?" said Henry, nodding.

"It's up to you," Charlie stated as he took a Lee breath and turned to the third youngster, Homer.

Homer stood on the balcony; his finger pressed against the windowsill. A pot of fresh green dill.

"Look outside, It's so green, Henry."