Chapter 5: Beauty Snatches Cigarettes

After a BBQ in the back street, a few people got a taxi to 42'S Club to continue drinking.

Santiago's anxious expression remained as he sat in the car with Henry.

"Fourth, do you really intend to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on a car only to annoy Stephen?"

"I'm not so ignorant, and I don't have a driver's licence," Henry said with a smile.

"I'm not so ignorant, and I don't have a driver's licence," Henry said with a smile. If I buy a car, I can only keep it at home and not drive it."

Santiago nodded relievedly, snapped a selfie with his new phone, and uploaded it to Moments.

Santiago paid for the car at the 42'S Club door and led the squad inside to drill.

"Wait a minute, I think I saw Stephen 's car."

Charlie headed to the end and noticed the black Land Rover Aurora parked at the door.

"I'm rubbing, this grandson is also here, it's pretty disappointing," Homer grumbled.

"Why don't we switch places?" Santiago asked Henry. It's not a bad idea to create a new store right next door. "All right, let's head there."

Henry motioned with his hand. He'd heard of people giving way to dogs, but never of dogs giving way to people. Without realising it, the dog was scared away by the dog chain.

"Relax to sing, drink with confidence, don't worry about anything else, just walk.

Santiago had already purchased the all-night concert on the way.

There are two cases of beer as well.

Everyone is aware that they don't have much time to get aLee in the future, and they are sentimental toward one another.

When the two boxes of beer swiftly ran out, Henry took advantage of the opportunity to use the restroom and dashed to the lobby counter.

"Can you tell me about the most costly wine on your side?"

The beer from the group buy seems unappealing. Henry intends to allow the brothers in the dormitory have fun today because he has decided to relax.

"The 21-year Royal Salute costs $1,680 per bottle." If you purchase the one-time salute, you will receive a 30% discount off the original price."

With a smile, the girl in a black dress murmured.

"1680, my dear?"

A small snack in Henry's heart surprised him.

42'S Club mostly caters to University students. Budweiser and the like were regarded to be the most expensive drinks.

"However, our shop also offers additional drink packages at varying prices for different consumers." The following is the price list. You are welcome to investigate."

Henry didn't look at his watch and instead took out his phone.

"Scan it, don't read it."

Henry used internet banking to transfer 100,000 pounds to his mobile Instagram wallet in the afternoon when he was in his bedroom.

Otherwise, when he saw the mobile phone vendor take out the bank card, he always thought he noticed a strange expression on his face.

When the girl noticed that more than 14,000 pounds had been withdrawn from her Instagram balance, she became concerned.

This guy seemed to be a Nantah University student, as opposed to the folks in society who come here to fish for female college students.

The payment was successful.

The girl respectfully handed over the tiny ticket to Henry before listening to Henry whisper: "Go to Room 5555, and tell that this drink is a free present on the anniversary of the opening of what you happen to do." "Don't bring up my name, you know?"

Henry didn't want to look like a snob in front of his roommate.

He just wanted to thank a couple brothers and didn't want to worry about much else.

Back at the private room's door, the boss's very hoarse voice sounded from within.

Henry leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette, took out his phone, and texted Bella.

It's half past seven o'clock and leaving now would be too much for the brothers in the house.

More significantly, he recognised his own body, that it was nothing dangerous, and that there was no need to travel to a nursing home to mobilise others.

"Would you mind lending me a fire?"

The sound of high heels stepping on the marble floor rang out loudly, even in a busy 42's.


Henry expressed his sadness.

However, after a period of playing with cell phones, five girls have asked to borrow fire, and they are not selling lighters. Are all of the girls in 42'S now picking up like this?

"I appreciate it."

Two slim and white fingers stretched out of Henry's shocked mouth, removed the cigarette from his mouth, and carefully confined it in his red lips.

Henry turned his head in surprise, and a light aroma immediately floated over him. When Henry saw the face of the woman who took his cigarette for the first time in the faint light, he couldn't help but shudder.

Twenty-five years old, Lee black hair shawl, amazing and lovely face, a sensual white shirt, one-step skirt concealing the hips, Lee black silk legs that make people bloody, a pair of high heels under the feet, she's the best beauty!

"Whatever you're smoking is my cigarette." Henry was taken aback.

"How come it can't?" Her voice was tempting, as if it had the power to captivate people.

" can be, but it's a little unsanitary..."

Henry couldn't help but swallow, his gaze darting between the two red lips and the cigarette butt he'd just smoked.

"What?" The girl inquired curiously, not hearing well.

"It's nothing, you're beautiful." Henry coughed quickly, masking his inner nastiness.

The girl gave him a gentle glance, straightened up, and took a deep breath.

"Return it to you."

Henry smirked and began smoking unscrupulously in his mouth, his red lips discoloured on the cigarette.

For the first time, I smoked a cigarette that had been smoked by a lady.

She's still a sexy and lovely lady.

"Are you trying to reach out to your girlfriend?" The woman stood up and looked at Vertu, who was in Henry's hand.


"Do you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend?"

Henry cocked his head, surprised. It was the first time he had been approached by a woman, and he was a sexy and stunning stunner.

"Giggle~" The woman smiled sweetly, took the phone from Henry, touched her lovely nails on the screen, and then handed it back to Henry.

"This is my Instagram; please add me."

"Why do you include you?" Henry inquired, perplexed.

"Yes." The woman snatched the cigarette butt from Henry's grasp, flicked it with her fingers, and the red light of the cigarette butt formed a beautiful arc in the air before landing on the floor.

"I'm going to leave. Smoking a bit less isn't beneficial." The woman stood up straight, stepped into high heels, and walked out, waving as she did so.

Henry pondered for a Lee time before grasping the gist of the woman's final comments.

He hurriedly looked back, but the woman he had seen earlier in the passageway was no Leeer there.

"What an odd lady."

Henry returned to the box, and the temperature inside was already very high.

Charlie and Homer were fighting together, while Santiago brought the bottle of wine and drank it while singing "Nothing."

Three more women are seated nearby, eating a Apple plate and putting their heads down to answer their phones.

Homer hurriedly greeted Henry's return.

"Come on, fourth child," I say, "let me introduce you."

Homer rushed in front of the three girls, wrapping his arm around Henry.

"This is my sister, Molly, and the other two are her good girlfriends, Matilda and Virginia, all from the School of Oriental Cultures Management and Economics." A lovely lady from the School of Economics and Management.

The three women are striking, tall, and well-dressed, and they are all holding the latest Apple X.

Especially the short-haired girl in the middle, capable and nimble, with huge wet eyes that seem to speak, and a small and cute figure.

"My name is Henry."

Henry grinned and took the initiative to extend his hand.

The two girls next to them did not take their gaze away from the phone; only the short-haired girl raised her hand in collaboration and gripped Henry's hand.

"My name is Molly." We've gathered here at the School of Economics and Management today. I happened to run across my cousin. "I'm going to sit here and leave." Following the courteous welcomes, a small group of folks sat in the private room and played with each other.

Matilda and Virginia couldn't sit here for a minute if it weren't for Molly's face.

Henry could also see that Homer had a good aim to introduce him to the beauty of the School of Economics and Management as soon as possible, so that he could move out of the shadow of losing contact.

However, based on the current environment, the three beauties clearly do not intend to waste their time on these dicks.

"I heard tonight that Stephen opened a magnificent private room on the third floor." They will be free of charge and have limitless drinks as Lee as they are a student from our School of Economics and Management."

Matilda browsed through his friends' list and clicked on a large photo to show Virginia next to him.

"Our school is wealthy, and it has to be Stephen."

Virginia's eyes were filled with envy.

"It's a shame Anna beat me to it; else, I'd be worried about finding work after graduation." It would be lovely to move straight to being a young grandma with so many buildings and hotels in his house."

"Hush, stay quiet, this Henry appears to be Anna's. Ex-boyfriend, I've heard I've been green for a Lee time, but I'm still not sure."

Matilda motioned with her finger to Henry, who was clutching her phone.

"What are you scared of?" Virginia's lips curled. "A man can't even keep his own women under control." What a gentleman. Furthermore, if I were Anna, I would absolutely turn his cock green. "Either way, sooner or later."

"You can stop it." Molly's brow furrowed. frown. "They are, after all, my cousin's roommates. You talk like this because you aren't frightened to be heard?"

"Cheer up, in any case, you got us here." You understand what your cousin means. If you're so considerate, you should be Henry's girlfriend; otherwise, we're not interested in this type of dick."

Matilda's final sentence was quiet.

But Santiago had just clicked the music at this point, and the entire box became silent.

Homer blushed, his hand trembling as he held the dice.

Molly gazed at Henry, her cheeks flushed with humiliation and the word "sorry" in her eyes.

In truth, it was the first time she had seen Henry today, and she had only heard Henry's name through her roommate's talk about Stephen in the previous two days.

In fact, she is likewise perplexed as to how, as a guy, she can watch her partner being robbed while pretending to do nothing.

However, based on Henry's unresponsive expression right now, this man is not very good.

"I apologise to you for her; what she said just now is incorrect; yet, as a man, I also hope that you can be a man and not be like her."

Molly picked up a recently opened can of beer, hinting something in front of Henry.

Matilda and Virginia were immediately dissatisfied when they heard this.

"Apologize to him?" said Matilda.


"A big guy wouldn't even worry about this, right?" Virginia sneered at Henry. Let's talk about your green hat belt now that you've brought it. Now?"

"Could you perhaps say a few words less?" Molly shook her head, annoyed; for the first time, she was dubious of her circle of friends.

"It's fine."

Henry grinned and turned to face Molly.

This was Molly's first time seeing him, but Henry included the entire University boys, and none of them knew Molly's name.

Although Molly does not have the appearance of a schoolgirl, she is born with a tiny and exquisite body and a porcelain doll's face. She usually wears and dresses in a strong intellectual style, which quickly inspires all the lads who see her. Unparalleled protectionism and masculine chauvinism.

This immediately resulted in her not becoming a school bachelor, but instead receiving preferential treatment in school.

Molly sighed when he saw Henry's arrogant smirk.

"Seriously, even if a man is generous, it should be limited, especially when it comes to women and parents."

"And the way you look right now doesn't make me appreciate you at all. "I find you repulsive and hypocritical."

"If this is the most true feature of you, then regard it as if I never said it, and I'll punish myself for half a cup, and likewise treat it as if we've never seen it."

Molly drank half a can of beer, wiped the corner of her lips, and stared provocatively at Henry.

She didn't want to encourage the boy because they didn't know one other, but she felt from the bottom of her heart that such a man was filthy.

She can't wait to die if her partner is like this.

"That is, I heard that Stephen passed by him with his arms around Anna this afternoon in the Fortune Commercial Building." He wouldn't even dare to fart. He squandered any saliva he had with this kind of nonsense." Matilda exclaimed excitedly.


"I guess I'd do it if I met a garbage gangster whistling while driving my girlfriend to supper."

Henry paused for a moment before speaking softly, but his gaze remained fixed on Molly.

Matilda turned her head and gazed at Virginia after hearing Henry's words. Obviously, she didn't anticipate the other party saying such a thing.

"Is it just you? What else can you do than grin at the mobster and walk away, not daring to turn back?" Matilda retorted sarcastically.

"No, I will prefer to work hard to make money and take her to the nicest restaurant for dinner," Henry said, shaking his head.

Molly's face fell when he heard Henry's response.

Can a guy be brave enough?

Nonetheless, she sighed and inquired, "Why?"

Henry cast a casual glance towards Matilda and Virginia.

"Because there isn't any garbage there."