Chapter 11: Anna's Birthday Invitation

"This Mercedes-Benz G500 is powered by a 4.0L double-supercharged V8 engine producing 422 horsepower."

"The powerful wedge-shaped feature and eye-catching Mercedes-Benz insignia give it a feeling when it is still, his uncontrolled breath."

"In the industry, we nicknamed it Suit Thug," the saleswoman continued incessantly.

"Are there any existing cars?" the attractive woman asked, raising her hand and looking at the time.

"Beauty, you are correct today. There is now only one AMG model equipped with a V8 engine in our shop, including the present automobile in the city, which is what you see now.

"And today is the fifth anniversary of the launch of our Poly Auto Store, so if you pay and pick up the car today, we can give you a discount of 50,000 pounds on the basis of a discount of 12 points, as well as a year of free maintenance," the salesperson said.

She had a sense that she was frightened of breaking the car dealer's sales record today.

"Well, I want the entire amount, so go ahead and bill me," the woman said carelessly.

Even though it is a little pricey, a car worth less than two million pounds is sufficient for her.

The most essential thing is that she adores this car.

Every mature lady has a restless and wild heart hidden deep within her soul.

The salesperson's "suit thug" in particular enthralled her.

"Immediately wipe the car for the customer, and see what else can be delivered in our store; move all around and offer one piece to the VIP," the sales manager said as he walked over, holding the rag, and handed it to the salesman on the spot.

"Manager, I'll open the bill now, and when I get back, I'll wipe the car for the beauty," the salesman excitedly seized the cloth, but when she spotted Henry waiting behind the manager, her eyes flashed with irony.

"What sort of order, the people have already paid, so quickly wipe the car, and receive the gifts after wiping, the customers are waiting," said the sales manager.

"Huh? Have you given it in?" the salesman said, "Beauty, you have already paid?" the attractive lady shook her head.

She also observed Henry following her, and an ominous feeling arose in her heart.

"This gentleman has paid in full for this car, and now he has to take it away; what do you need to do now, and can I repeat it for you?" The sales manager stepped up with a gloomy look, then grinned. "I'm sorry this lady, now this gentleman wants to pick up the car, would you kindly go to other display locations to see it?" asked the attractive woman.

Did you really buy it?

"You bought it?" the gorgeous woman asked Henry, her face troubled.

Henry gave a gentle nod.

"Make a bargain," the attractive woman said abruptly.

She approached Henry, pushed her long hair aside, tilted her head, leaning forward slightly, and brought her crimson lips close to Henry's ear.

"Let you give me the car, and how about I invite you to dinner alone tonight?" The woman stands 1.73 metres tall and wearing silver high heels. Henry believes she is nearly as tall as herself.

Furthermore, her money was already sufficient, but she is now hunched over again, and the space between the two is close at hand. Henry can thus not only smell the delicate aroma of the woman's body, but also see the whole appearance of her chest A glimpse.

The woman's lovely eyes blinked as she noticed Henry in a stupor.

"Is it okay, handsome guy?"

"No, you should go look at another car."

How could a woman who could purchase this car outright make such a deal with herself?

Henry said lightly before walking around the woman and approaching the automobile.


Sexy ladies have never been so enraged.

Despite the fact that the words are currently amusing.

No man, however, has ever dared to refuse her Mary Mabel.

Furthermore, regardless of his appearance or clothing, this is the man in front of me.

"What's your name?" Mary Mabel asked, biting her crimson lips and staring at Henry's back as if she could kill.

Henry was irritated as well. Despite the fact that this woman had a terrific figure and a nice face, he was plainly intrigued in this car. If he wanted to go somewhere else, he wanted to buy another one. Why would he be upset with himself?

"Henry, but knowing my name is pointless because you won't recognise me anyway."

Henry stated quietly as he turned his head.

"All right, Henry, please wait for me; I guarantee you'll regret what you did today, and you'll wait for me!"

Mary Mabel yelled fiercely and stormed out the door in high heels.

When Henry saw the woman go, he shook his head helplessly and asked the sales manager, "Can I pick up the car now?" The sales manager was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and answered, "Of course you can. Wipe the car for you, and then drive out for you!"

The brand-new Mercedes-Benz Grand G was washed and driven out of the vehicle shop twenty minutes later.

The saleswoman who finished the order was still standing there with a sleepy expression on her face.

The other salesperson glanced at the car's taillights as if he had lost his soul.

"Ah, 100,000 commission, this should have been mine..."

Chao propelled Mercedes-Benz G massive eight-cylinder engines kept his mouth amazed in the car, feeling uncomfortable.

"I honestly did not anticipate to get the opportunity to drive this car in my life; fourth, your family's 20 acres of land is planted with gold; how can you pay such a high price?"

Henry couldn't get out of the co-seat. pilot's "Just leave it alone," he said, smiling. "I'll drive the car for you in the future, but when I need to use the car, you have to be the driver for me. How about my gas bill?"

"Fuck, really Huh? Are you going to drive this automobile for me?" Santiago's eyes widened, and he stared at Henry, stunned.

"Well, but you have to keep it a secret for me; if someone asks, just say the automobile belong to you or your relatives; just don't mention me."

Henry purchased the car merely for the sake of convenience.

It's not that he's unfamiliar with Bentley or Rolls Royce, two true luxury brands.

But he didn't want to be so visible in school.

If the Mercedes-Benz G's appearance did not entice him, he would prefer to purchase a BMW X4 for pure mobility.

"Low-key..." Charlie sighed quietly, "Look at Stephen 's domestically produced Aurora. He was intriguing in school all day. No one is paying attention. Even Anna ran with him. What a thing."

"Homer's scorn grows," he does not like Stephen that horrible Aurora Well, if he knows now even buy a big fourth of G under the eyes without blinking an estimated intestines regret green.

In the car, everyone started talking.

Only Henry sat silently in the co-pilot seat, his heart unsure.

For a long period, a few people drove in the city. When it was almost time for class, they grudgingly parked their car in the school's parking lot and walked back to the school building to class.

Henry noticed that many people in the class were staring at him like a monster as soon as he went into the classroom.

Many people look at you with contempt and glee.

He was perplexed and sought out a seat with Santiago and the others. He was taken aback by how good he looked at me, especially because he didn't owe them any money.

Henry was tense throughout class.

Despite the fact that no one spoke, he could tell that everyone's gaze was fixed on him.

It's as if you're a clown who is being watched by everyone and isn't completely at ease.

The same can be said for a couple of the 106 bedrooms.

Santiago's fury was the most ferocious. He intended to grab someone and question them, but Homer stopped him.

After all, this is the senior year's final mandatory course, and the substitute teacher is a well-known selfless in the college.

When there is a squabble in his class, the brothers refuse to accept their diplomas.

Santiago was about to catch the girl in front of him who had watched his class after finally making it to the conclusion to get out of class when he heard the sound of crisp high-heeled footfall and headed towards them.

"Will you attend to my birthday party tonight, Henry?"

Anna was dressed in a black one-piece hip skirt with a gold zipper connecting the end to her chest, and her face was thickened. The cosmetics, which gives her a voluptuous and sensual physique, adds to her coquettishness.


Henry was surprised, and a bitter expression came on his face.

Every year since I met Anna, Henry has meticulously planned her birthday.

He once constructed a screensaver out of a list of all the Anna-related festivals.

In order to get some part-time work done before that day, so that I could buy gifts for Anna.

But he had no idea that for Anna's birthday today, he would only be able to attend as a guest and accept her invitation.

"I have a commitment tonight, so I won't be able to go to your birthday."

Henry felt a pang of loneliness in his heart as he looked at Anna's meticulously applied cosmetics and outfit.

"Yes, after we split up, what do you want our fourth child to do, ride on your Land Rover, we can't climb high?"

Homer was direct and to the point.

Anna did not react, instead staring intently at Henry.

"Are you unwilling to even come to my birthday party? After all, we used to be in relationship, so everyone can get together, and I want to apologise to you for my earlier attitude toward you, and I hope you can accept it."

Anna expressed his sincerity. Henry couldn't help but look up in surprise.

Even Santiago stared at each other, perplexed, as if they didn't comprehend what was going on.

"Apologize?" Henry was perplexed.

Anna agreed with a nod "I wasn't very good at the time. I not only ended our relationship, but I also profoundly damaged you. I'm not begging you to forgive me, but I'm about to graduate. I just want to celebrate the last birthday in a good way before graduate from college. Please accept to participate on my birthday."