Chapter 26: Take down

Henry followed the bed and was halted at the door of the surgery room.

Looking at the metal gate being closed and the operation light suddenly on, Henry felt his pocket and took out a cigarette in his mouth.

"Sir, this is a hospital. Please don't smoke."

A small nurse stepped up, leaned out and motioned Henry to hand in the cigarette.

Henry grabbed a cigarette in his lips and stared at her, "if I light it, you don't care about me."

"I'm sorry, sir. Please hand in the smokes. This is a hospital. Please don't affect our work." The little nurse insisted.

"How did I effect your work?" Henry said without expression.

"Don't think I don't know. As soon as I walk here, you'll be smoking. Which room do you belong to? Why have I never seen you before? Are you related to any doctors or nurses? This is Grace Hospital, I assure you. If you are..."

"You are free to leave."

Henry disturbed the young nurse by softly looking out the window.

"What's the deal with you? Don't you get it? I'll either ask you to hand in your cigarettes or have the security guard blow you out!"

The nurse was saying this when she sensed heavy footsteps behind her. Then she turned around and smiled as she approached her.

"President Michel, you've arrived. I'm not sure where a patient came from, but he persisted on smoking here. I stated that he was deafeningly deafening Please check to see whether anyone in our hospital has admitted his family members without permission. Other patients will be in big danger if they see this!"

President Michel was in his fifties and in his forties. He was dressed in a white coat and grimaced as the nurse spoke. But when he spotted Henry near the window with a cigarette in his mouth, his expression drooped.

"You return first. I'll exchange it right here."

President Michel waved his hand and quickly stepped behind Henry.

"Why don't you take a nap, little master? At night, the air is frigid. Don't get a cold ever again."

President Michel kept his voice low so as not to disturb Henry, who was deep in thought.

Henry remained silent; his gaze fixed out the window at the passing of the night.

Bella is imagining herself lying in a blood pool.

She knew that as long as she spoke, she would be able to assist her.

But why would you choose to kill your young life rather than say a single word?

Henry sighed softly, yet there was a fire in front of him.

"Dear Dean Michel?"

His eyes were slightly astonished, only to be met by Michel's respectful expression.

"The young master appears to be thinking about something."

Michel moves the flame to the end of the cigarette. Henry pauses and removes the cigarette from his mouth.

"This is a hospital, President Michel. You did not prevent the patient from smoking and instead lit him on fire. Have you thought about the feelings of other patients and medical personnel?"

Two people look back, see the small nurse come forward fiercely, and put out a hand to take the lighter in Michel's hand.

Michel was taken aback.

He is the CEO of Grace Hospital.

Henry is the hospital's new owner.

Hundreds of employees work in the hospital, all of whom are funded by the Oswald family.

He offered Henry a smoke.

He would not have been able to highlight it if he hadn't just encountered this opportunity.

"Do you recognise him? What's the deal? What exactly is a cigarette? Even if he sets fire to the hospital with a torch, you and I can only stand there and watch. Do you see what I mean?"

Michel didn't say anything to the small nurse as he stared at her.


The small nurse started to explain, but he was cut off violently by Michel: "Don't be concerned about it here. Go to the head nurse and request a shift change. In the next six months, you will be working the night shift. Take care of the warehouse of equipment. Please don't let me see you again!"

The small nurse had no idea she'd be thrust into this scenario.

Bean tears started to whirl in her eyes.

"Ignore it." Henry handed the small nurse the cigarette he was holding "Remove the cigarette. I'm not going to smoke in the future."

The small nurse took the cigarette in her hand, but Michel was impatient and drove her away before she could react.

Immediately, Michel appeared in front of Henry and respectfully inquired, "It's cold at night, young master. Would you prefer to return to the ward and rest?"

"How about the inside rescue?" Henry pondered this.

"Are you looking for help?" Michel was taken aback, and then he remembered his mission.

"That's not so good."

"Bella is jumping down from the third level, falling on the back yard cement floor, and even if it miraculously survives, I'm worried this life will be spent in the hospital bed," Michel groaned sadly.

"Wait, what?" Henry's heart skipped a beat.

"This is the best outcome."

With that, Michel cast a sceptical glance at Henry and inquired tentatively, "young master, you're not here for Bella, are you?"

He understands that Bella is Henry's personal care, but Henry, who has a lot of life experience, shouldn't be too concerned with a tiny child.

After all, they've never seen any ladies, despite the fact that there are innumerable women playing with them.

"Do you think there's no other hope?" With a gentle breath, Henry inquired.

"It's quite difficult. Despite the fact that our hospital has the best medical team and equipment in the world, these doctors solely care for and treat Oswald family patients. The price is high. For the time being, it's difficult to get together..."

"Where have they gone?" Henry cut him off.

"At the moment, it appears that the city has only one surgical expert. All of the others are in the capital. The capital of magic..."

"Allow the city doctor to rush to the hospital and operate on Bella right now. Aside from where he is and what he is doing, you should notify them that he must return to the hospital immediately. If someone is saved, I will give each person a million dollars in addition to medical bills. If someone cannot be saved, or if he has developed the paraplegia you stated, he will collect his belongings and leave. You aren't an exception."

Henry spoke up, took a long look around the operation room, and turned to leave.

Michel remained in the same spot for a long time, as if he had discovered something. As soon as he massaged his brow, he got out the phone and dialled the numbers of all the top doctors at Grace hospital one by one.

Back in the ward, Henry looked at the clock; it was now 11:30 p.m.

He stroked his finger against the screen of his phone, paused for a while, and then dialled the number.

"It's Uncle Zack."

The phone call has been completed.

"Master, you are young! How did you get your hands on my phone? Despite Madam's promise that I would contact you for a long time, given that you haven't fully recovered, I don't want to bother you all the time. I was surprised to hear your voice today. It's fantastic!" It's only a voice on the other end of the phone, but it's a lively one.

"Uncle Zack, please quit gossiping. I'm going to bother you with something. I'm not sure if it's practical." Henry pondered it and stated.

"Oh, young master, it's an honour to serve you if you have any business." Uncle Zack's voice sounded ecstatic.

"Help me inspect the land on City Avenue that Tennyson's organisation plans to demolish to determine if we can take it down. Just let me know if you need money." Henry stated.

"Tennyson circle?"

Mr. Zack believes that the real estate industry has grown significantly in recent years, while Mr. Tennyson believes that the real estate industry has grown swiftly.

How can a young master pay attention to such a company?

Tennyson's group has made some progress in the city in recent years, but it is insufficient in comparison to the Oswald family.

"OK, I see," uncle Zack answered respectfully, despite his confusion.

"What is the fastest time?" Henry inquired.

"Don't worry, young master; I'll be there before morning."

"Well, thank you very much, uncle Zack."

Henry hangs up the phone, the entire person collapses in bed, and the heart has an unfathomable taste.

A force is discreetly active somewhere in the city at the moment.

First and foremost, the director of the city's Bureau of Land and Resources' personal mobile phone phoned.

When the director of the Bureau of Land and Resources saw the phone number, he instantly washed his hands and connected the phone: "Hello, I'm director of the Bureau of Land and Resources."

"My name is Liam Oswald."

"Good day, Mr. Oswald."