The territory of Ilo in the north has served as a fortress for the incoming dangers of conquerors. Though there are treacherous forests and seas surrounding the north, the boundary has been enforced with a formidable wall and soldiers. In spite of the numbers of other nations conquering Irca, there were only two outside nations that have successfully reached the wall - the nations of Cascara and Cha. Cha nation was able to subdue the sea monsters due to the mistakes of the Cascara nation. When they have learned the plan of Cascara annihilating Irca, they devised a greater plan and used the former as their shield against the monsters. Cascara might be more powerful than them but they say they are wiser. Though the wall has been slightly destroyed in the middle part due to the consecutive and non-stop attack from the two nations, Irca won the 10-day battle. The wall has been restored after 14 days and supplemented with a more powerful defense and offense magic.
Ilo is populated less with inhabitants and more of monsters. Hunting rare monsters, and training soldiers and magicians are the usual activities in this territory. Soldiers' families, workers, and merchants normally settle for a month to two months only depending on the reports of the new monsters' emergence or explosions of natural mana. Natural mana greatly affects the non-magicians as they suffer severe illness or even death.
Ilo is led by Commander Oahk, one of the wizards of Irca. Alongside other wizards, they keep the neutrality of the mana generated in Ilo to protect the non-magician soldiers. And since studies proved that a great amount of mana that isn't purified is the greatest contributor to the transmogrified monsters' birth, Commander Oahk couldn't leave the territory for a long time. He is one of those who hold the high scepter and is considered the greatest wizard of his time. One to two healers from the Mountain Temple visit once a month to aid in the purification.
Commander Dumalo and Commander Oahk had some misunderstandings from the last conference due to the sharing of resources and extension of territorial leadership. It was conspicuous how Commander Dumalo wanted to take charge in the northwest part of Irca. He insisted on how enormous of a contribution Nego can provide to Ilo should they take charge of the area: technological advancement for the security of the wall, availability of armaments for the training, subjugations, and possible seizure of neighboring nations.
Commander Oahk didn't oppose Commander Dumalo's claims; they have nothing to lose in general. However, reports about the rogues effortlessly proliferating, gaining their access of infiltration in weakened monitoring and security in Nego worried the commander. Though Nego is into it, Commander Oahk doesn't seem to be convinced. He is the greatest wizard of his generation, yet, he has things in his mind which are evident in his eyes that he couldn't explain more so believe in himself.
Commander Dumalo might be reckless and greedy but, the wizard doesn't seem to find any fault at him. It's so strange like there's a barrier in his own rationality.
The talk about the territory leadership wasn't the issue for Commander Oahk while others in the commission understood the intent of Commander Dumalo as a mix of personal desire and power to strengthen Nego. Somehow, they found the entire argument of the young commanders rather compelling. Everyone whispered to their colleagues about their thoughts on the two young commanders.
"Younger ones have always this sense of intensity; no one wants to lose."
"But they have both defended their thoughts wisely and never lose their composure."
"This kind of young people will certainly be the future pillars of this nation."
"They are indeed nobles."
The rogues never reached the Capital and other territories due to Nego's mediation but no one knows when they will break their agreement. Things became clear now why Commander Dumalo wanted to take over the northwest.
Ilo may prosper the longest even without Nego's aid because it was fated to raise Irca. The destiny of the land must not be altered since the destiny of the inhabitants has already been reformed by the choices they have made.
Commander Oahk loves to spend his day in his laboratory; studying, researching, experimenting, and whatnots. The inhabitants of Ilo rarely see him and only those in the wizardry and military commissions of Irca can directly contact him. They say he's wasting his youth and was married to magic and books.
A prodigy at the age of 13, Commander Oahk engrossed himself to learning and experimenting, researching and discovering plenty of things.
Captain Ravil saluted the commander.
"Captain Ravil. I didn't expect you to meet me without prior notice."
The commander frowned at his presence.
"I have no excuses, Commander Oahk."
"Your stern appearance makes my nematoas and protos obviously frightened."
Holding a couple of brown seeds, their sizes are as big as a fist, and as rough as a real rock. These things exude a huge amount of purified mana and if one would look closely, they seemed to be breathing.
Stunned for a while, Captain Ravil's blue eyes go round and his mouth was opened in awe.
The once strict aura of the commander turned to a jovial-character aura. His twinkling ash-grey eyes radiate a soothing feeling like anyone's problem being taken away.
"At ease, captain. These are my new plant experiments for the farmers so they could cultivate and harvest a higher percentage of rare crops even without the blessings."
The commander put each seed in a glass container with rich soil and covered them with damped cloth. He wiped his hands and straighten his tunic.
Commander Oahk can be so talkative when it comes to his studies and shines the brightest. Being the youngest of Irca's commanders, he never fails to display vigor and vitality. He can be wise and composed, but rather display impatience if not in the mood. He is straightforward and sometimes tends to be sarcastic.
"May I ask the captain why have I been graced with his appearance?"
It was a sarcastic remark though. The fickle atmosphere or rather the commander's fickle demeanor itself is heavier than before. The young commander is displeased every time his work is interrupted; may it be the general who is calling for him or a pack of rare monsters destroying his land.
Ravil wavered a little sensing cumbersome mana from Commander Oahk and bowed forty-five degrees to the commander. Nevertheless, he spoke firmly.
"I am fluttered though I have inconvenienced the young genius commander."
Commander Oahk raised his hand abruptly.
"Let's not play games anymore. I've sensed you are in a hurry knowing this meeting wasn't known to your commander."
"Indeed. I have no excuses."
Commander Oahk raised his left eyebrow and tilted his head to the right.
"Nego, no... Commander Dumalo—"
"Why are you reporting to me about him and not to your commander?"
Commander Oahk interrupted the captain unexpectedly.
"The oracles of Nego... they know something about the commander's plans but are not willing to give the details though a cataclysm might arouse. The proliferation of rogues in the area—"
"Cataclysm you say. I may be a wizard but the decision of the oracles is their discretion. Trust their disposition... now is not the time to worry, Captain."
Ravil suddenly was lost. It felt like he was a sponge with lots of water squeezed out from him and he felt the lightest he could ever be. He remembered what he told Agor. He sunk himself into the thoughts that maybe he didn't notice he was rushing and became careless. Did he fear something might happen if he won't act right away? It was indeed impetuous. He was so ashamed of himself facing Commander Oahk.
"I might have arguments with Commander Dumalo but I must not judge him and the situation altogether. You came running to me instead of your commander because you thought I might dive into the opening of the circumstances."
Captain Ravil got nothing to say and stayed looking down, dissatisfied with himself.
"Try to gather the pieces of the puzzle first, or at least, more of what you think you have right now, Captain. Or even connect some dots."
Ravil remained speechless and lost in embarrassment. He made a mistake. He told Agor to wait but his curiosity, fused with his will, urged him to act sloppily.
"Soon... the others will be known. You will know it, right?"
Ravil was taken back into reality and his heart throbbed. Now, facing the commander resolutely, he regained his confidence and responded.
"It should not be that hard but..."
"It's better to hear it when things are proven. Besides, 'he' will be ready soon, Captain."