Chapter 1: a new start

Appearing from nowhere a girl who wasn't Scorpion materialized from a crimson flame in the air. before suddenly plummeting to the ground.

as she hit the ground, a shock of pain flooded her body and just like a sailor fox News censored every word that came out of her mouth.

and just as soon as she arrived in this realm too.




Her butt was throbbing and she didn't know if the fall left a bruise or not, but she was too pissed off to care at the moment.

That girl was Alison Cainin, the 25th daughter of the first Demon Lilith.

And she was of Lilith's true she was just like her mother,

A succubus.

But this succubus was pretty odd, seeing as she wasn't like her brothers or sisters...she was a bit unique. . .especially in the eyes of her mother Lilith. who also found it funny as Alison barely even remembered she was a girl most days.




Alison didn't seem to like anyone or any race, nothing against them but she thought of them all as pathetic, even her own Demon race.

She had a rough time growing up. But it made her into Lilith's best warrior tho and her most treasured daughter.

But recently aka last week, something happened and Lilith was forced to cast Alison out of her household. she knew Alison could fend for herself.


It was forced by the council to seal all of Alison's power away. After all, she did try to slaughter an entire Demon family of the herself.

It was lord Lucifer's children who were wiped out by a whole fourth and he wanted lord Lilith to execute Alison as she was currently being caged like a beast.

she deserved something way more painful and deserving of her sins, but at the same time, they all owed her for different reasons. So the other ten families threw away that idea as it was Lucifer's family who persued and caused Alison to lash out in such manner anyways.

And they had proof to back it all up as it seemed one of lucifers own betrayed him.




So in the end, as Alison had no regrets and was willing to accept the death sentence... she was freed but at a cost?

She was banished from her household and the council as Lilith's second in command, all of her powers were taken as well as she could now be targeted by any Demon that crosses her path.

But instead of throwing her out of the castle which was their household, Lilith sent her to the main realm and called in a few favors to set her up in that realm.

But it all had to start with her fully learning about that realm...and Lilith's parent-like instincts said she was also going to need real friends too.

So Lilith decided to sent Alison to high school in an advanced technological kingdom where she could learn about her new home and even start a new life there.

after all, this was going to be her restart at life.

But not as a Demon, the Demon race we're all considered monsters on all realms, they were only ever accepted in the underworld...which clearly they didn't even accept themselves as it was survival of the fittest for half of it.




Lilith knew that her daughter's mana was super low because everything was sealed away, so Alison was reset back to level 1 and a few major stuff was taken away including all her power which she kept on her at all times in case of war came and she needs Alison back at 100%.

but that was a secret.

So Lilith gave her a parting gift and it was a special necklace to keep her demonic features hidden at all times.

Also, she told her one important thing....and that was no killing anyone!!!

But that was debatable.

* * * * *

Alison cainin is a royal succubus and also the youngest of Lilith's children. she's 112 years old and despite being alive for a century, she spent most of it honing her skills and becoming a Demon who didn't need anyone but herself.

also... her looks were just too deceiving~ all of yhe royal's were deceiving just like their mother Lilith.

She was 5'2, had black hair, blood-red eyes, her body figure was average, she was flat-chested and lacked anything appealing to others like sexy curves.

But she was super cute and petite, her looks put any girl to shame as she was alluring in a non-sexy manner but could easily turn into a lewd babe with proper guidance...but she would have to be noticed first.

Her personality was... ... ... ... ...old and new.

She hadn't aged a day past sixteen, so just like the rest of her kin, she was also very young in her age and body, plus her childish and immature nature was something she wished she could get rid of...Sadly it was impossible.

But despite her current appearance, she used to look more lithe and her body was filled with muscles as she was like a knight. but now she was pathetic as she was when younger.

also, she was wearing contacts so her eyes looked violet, something about natural bloody red eyes staring at someone was apparently terrifying.

* * * * *

after plumbing to her doom like Mario she was super frustrated and cursed all of it away until she felt better which was surprisingly quick.

after telling herself to chill she looked around to make sure that her favorite sword was there...


"Noooooo!" she looked around and all she found was a note next to her saying.

Note: no...(^w^)

- Mommy~

She couldn't have anything..! Nothing at all..!

"I fought a dictator for that swooooord!" she complained as it was her favorite one and it was hard to obtain, even for her.




She was really upset about that and she got up she sulked as she started exploring her new living quarters.

She rummaged through everything in hopes maybe....maybe! something of hers that was there...but there was nothing!

It was a new life and there was nothing left of her old one

she then tried doing what her eldest brother once taught her and that was to look on the bright side "¿Yami there is no bright side! ! !¿" she yelled in their original tongue, Enochian.

but then something hit her...there was only one good thing she could think of.


She was finally able to kill her boredom, that was the only thing she was actually happy about.

She then took out a small ancient stone tablet and it was like a little screen with letters and numbers.

[ Name: Alison Cainin ]

[ Soulchain-grade equipment ]


The stone tablet glew up and then disappeared. but a transparent screen appeared in her face.


[ Name: Alison Cainin

HP: 10/10 DM:10/10

SP: 10/10 Hunger: 81% ]


[ Level: 1 Exp: 0%

STR: 1            DEX: 1

AGI: 1             VIT: 1

INT: 1            CHR: -1 ]

-Manipulations and skills-

[ LVL 1 succubus lust ]

(LVL up progress(٪01))

- No current mana crystal cores

She didn't understand two of them so she tried clicking on both of them.

It worked! and a description appeared under them.

[ SP: 10/10 ]

- Stamina Points, the lower the stamina gets the more tired and exhausted you get...dumbass.

[ hunger 81% ]

- The incubus and succubus are creatures of the essence, you eat essence and also their strands which are also referred to as energy.


You're also a sex Demon's so to collect the essence more proficiently, you must make a boy or girl orgasm for them to produce a certain essence called a first-order essence.


You could always try absorbing strands as your brothers can, but your not a regular member of the cainin household, your a pure-blood so unless you're going to a whore house, I wouldn't attempt eating sexual energy.


You're going to need semen or the essence as it's your main source of nutrition.

It said to her and her face turned sour but then she suddenly started blushing out of nowhere as it said some lewd and icky stuff.

"Haha!. . . .There's no way in hell I'm doing any of that!" she laughed despite not having any actual choice.

Alison then walked over to the door and opened it to see where the hell she was but then she just looked into the hallway of another area.

She looked around and she saw some sort of room in front of her's and then a hallway leading out to an open area.

She was hesitant and this was a different land than from what she was used to and everything around her looked super strange and scary.

She then started wondering why she was so nervous and sweating bullets as she didn't even take a full step out of the room yet.

She tried pumping herself up but then she immediately got frightened by a sudden noise.

It was as if her warrior spark was gone and she was like her younger teenage self again...she didn't understand and she was actually scared to leave the room at this point.

She slammed the door closing it before whatever entered found her.


She was outside the room

"fuck!" she was supposed to be on the other side of the door.

But then she suddenly heard footsteps walking up behind her and her hand shook as she was trembling.

"Hey your finally here roomie! haha I bought us dinner~ I hope you like udon~" a feminine voice said and Alison slowly turned her head to see a girl with pink hair and light blue eyes smiling at her.

"uhh..." she didn't know what to say, this was her first time ever meeting a human before, and to be honest she was actually feeling scared for the first time in twenty years....Also, she didn't even know where she was! or who even was this girl?

***A Few Minutes Later***

In the end, she found herself sitting on a couch in front of this girl who was in the other one and was already eating.

She looked at the bowl and she had no clue on what to do, it could be poison for all she knew or even a toxic medicine could have been in there? this could actually be a demon in disguise could it not?

Also, she didn't know how to use chopsticks.

The underworld/hell was more herbs, fruits, and hunting demonic beasts for food which was cooked over a Hellblazer. so it was all-natural stuff.

She kept looking at it and the girl chuckled"I didn't do anything to it so stop glaring at it like that silly~" the human girl said speaking hestian a common language amongst the common races there. it wasn't early spoken in the underworld but it was taught to her family by Lilith herself.

"You could of" she said suspiciously of this lady...but then her stomach grumbled as the smell of the food was getting to her.

"I swear to the heavens I didn't touch it," she said but before she could say anymore Alison stopped her, is this was going to end up in a religious standing she didn't want to hear about it at all.

She picked up the two little sticks breaking them apart and then she tried copying what the girl did.

It was enough to shut up her but as soon as she got it....hands failed and it flew up in the air hitting her in the head

A mountain of laughter busted out of the girl and Alison will never trust chopsticks again.