
At the beginning of all things... there was only the "Presence".

The "Presence" was represented in 4 primary forms — the ''Voice'' allowing the "Presence" to communicate, the "Hand" allowing the "Presence" to interact with matter, The "Word" or the divine reason and the "Source" allowing the "Presence" to derive all things.

With the the Hand and the Source, the "Presence" crafted the Source Wall as barrier to confine the INFINITE power of the Source itself; but left a microscopic opening in the wall and covered it with a lid which seemingly blended with the wall.

Within the wall the "Presence" constructed the Multiverse, a vast series of universes coexisting in parallel. Form this vast expanse of nothingness, our universe saw it's first signs of life.

With the endless, 7 beings representing the 7 elements of all creation alongside the "First" came into being. The first and oldest of the four beings was Destiny, who chronicled all events from the formation of the Multiverse to its guaranteed end. Following this Death and Dream emerged, as well as Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium whose arrival coincided with the emergence of the first sentient races.

After this the "Presence" began to shape and develop Heaven, beginning with the seven Archangels originally consisting of Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Uriel, Raguel, Zauriel, and Raphael.

Following their creation, the "Presence" introduced angels for the purpose of delivering messages and members of the army of angels.

While this time in Heaven served as paradise, within a subject of his populous resentment was groomed. Led by the Archangel Lucifer whose pride and self- importance seized control.

He alongside one-third of the angelic population engaged in a rebellion against the "Presence" and in turn were cast out Heaven down to Hell initiating an ethereal war which would rage untill the end of time.


Within the Multiverse and in a universe far from our own life was beginning to bloom.

Originating with the God World at the center of all things, these First "Gods" were beings of enormous power and glory as well as cultural and scientific refinement. Relying on the prayers of their subjects for sustenance the Old Gods cared little about their people, often leaving prayers unanswered.

Following this and around 5 Billion years ago much like Lucifer, a mortal named Uxas began scattering doubts among the Old Gods regarding their strengths towards one another.

Sowing the seeds of conflict, after countless eons of unbridled peace the world of the Old Gods was torn apart by war.

Preying on the dead and consuming their energies, the actions of Uxas were opposed by his brother Izaya. Absorbing the energies from the God of the sky Izaya and Uxas engaged in a battle but found themselves equally matched.

Laying waste to God World and cracking the planet in two. The effect of this act sent a wave of cosmic energy radiating throughout the Multiverse, planting the seeds that would give rise to the Gods of various cultures however among them a minute portion of the cosmic wave just stopped and laid dormant waiting waiting to bloom.

Turning attention to the remnants of the God World.

Uxas, now going by the name Darkseid, used one half of the remnant to form Apokolips while Izaya became Highfather and used the other half to form New Genesis.

The remainder of the population would be split among these two territories and formed the armies of their respective rulers. Thus, emerged the "New Gods" with the Darkseid being the amalgam of Evil and the Highfather the amalgam of Good, destined to fight in the ethereal war initiated by the "Rebellion of Heaven".


Within our universe the first sentient race was reaching perfection.

On the planet Maltus, around 5 Billion years prior to the war of the Old Gods, the first sentient beings emerged as Maltusians.

Born from single-celled creatures which evolved into multi-celled creatures known as 'micro-colonies'.

The first organisms bonded themselves to primitive Maltusians that allowed them to maintain an evolutionary edge over all other creatures. Slowly transforming into humanoids, the Maltusians quickly became the dominant life form on their planet turning their attention towards the early development of science and technology.

Like many tribes in their infancy however the Maltusians were not without their darker side. With different groups forming and each one worshipping its own deity, the Maltusians found themselves in a civil-war as each tribe had attempted to secure it's position as ruler of the world.

During this time and in an act of desperation, one of the tribes released a plague upon the planet that cut a swathe through the their population by disrupting and destroying the symbiotic relationship of the Maltusians and the micro-colonies.

The remaining Maltusians soon discovered that only those in highly populated areas were affected while those in rural areas were not.

Coming to the realisation that the plague spread through physical contact, the plague was cured and all forms of physical contacts were outlawed leaving the Maltusians to genetically engineering their offspring.

Using this new found method of reproduction as a means to perfect their race, the Maltusians experimented as an age of enlightenment. Endowing themselves with a myriad of powers including telepathy, telekinesis and the ability to the structure of their own world.

For a thousand years the Maltusians continued to evolve and grow with each generation experiencing enhancement to their own longevity. On the other hand, because children being young and careless, failed to understand the responsibility that came with their gifts.

The Maltusians experienced a conflict between their youth and their elders, leading the group to eliminating reproduction in its entirety owing to the recklessness that comes with a lack of maturity.

Following this and during an unknown time in their history, after pushing the limits of science a Maltusians woman named "Kai Lala" discovered the ability to tap into the emotional spectrum. Where some say the emotional spectrum itself is the source of all life, others say it came into existence when the first beings experienced their first emotions.

Whether this is true is unknown, but what is known that this lone Maltusian's ability to access this force was primitive, a time was rapidly approaching when the Maltusians would the concept to use.

Within the Empire of Maltus and as a part of expeditionary force was Krona. Obsessed with the Desire to see the "Source" with his own eyes, he violated the sacred laws of the Maltusians and used their technology to achieve his goals.

Witness as the "Hand" of the "Presence" as it gave birth to all things, Krona's actions opened a rift in space time allowing the Time-traveler Volthoom to enter into the past.

However, if one were to look very closely them would see the figure of man sitting in throne, with a woman alongside him, point his finger towards the rift and shoot a beam of black light towards the opening which quickly passed through the rift and escaped to the Multiverse. Nobody noticed anything, well except ofcourse the "Presence", who at that moment was creating the "Source Wall".

As a being of human heritage, Volthoom was very familiar with the emotional spectrum and after tutoring the Maltusians to harness the full capabilities of his power, was offered a position among their ranks as the First Lantern.

Wielding the nigh omnipotent power of the full spectrum, Volthoom did not hail from humble beginnings. Instead like Lucifer and Darkseid, his pride, arrogance and cruelty were drawn to the surface through his use of absolute power and his Desire to toy with the souls of mortal men.

Abandoning their roles as Maltusians and taking up their place on Oa, the Maltusians imprisoned Volthoom assigning a handful of their own to serve as custodians for all eternity.

Writing Volthoom out of their records, the remaining

Oa'ns christened themselves "Guardians of the Universe" and went forward designing and engineering a method to keep the Universe safe from evil.

However, in their clash against Volthoom, a lot residue was left behind in the aftermath of their battle. A small amount of Energy of the Emotional Spectrum was just floating in space.

After a few decades, after peace was restored to Oa, the black beam of light re-emerged as it grabbed the energy and quickly escaped before it could be detected.



