Titanomachy {II}

Inside the cave located in Mt. Ida, a discussion was underway.

It had been near 10 years since the Great Titan War started. The war was finally reaching its climax.

—"I say brother we should just march on a Head-on collision with the Titans. We now have an equal and perhaps a greater military might than the Titans.", Poseidon voiced his opinion who was quite hyped up and raring to go since it was decided he would be wedded to Amphitrite, the Granddaughter of Oceanus.

—"I would agree with you brother, but Atlas still remains the biggest thorn in our side. As much as I hate to admit, he is still stronger than all three of us combined. Not mention if we somehow get through him defeating Kronos with his Scythe would be near impossible.", frustration was apparent in Zeus' eyes. He had previously engaged Atlas in combat and it was a pretty one-sided loss. It was as if there was no limit to Atlas' raw power.

"The Titans still edge us out in Power because they are in their prime while we are still young. We need something that would allow us to bridge the gap between us... while Altas... that freak is beyond my imagination.", Hades replied as anger flashed in his eyes as he had been the one engaged Atlas in battle the most and while 9 out of 10 time it was an one-sided contest, that 1 time was when Hades visibly damaged Atlas. A feat no one has accomplished.

"I suggest having the Cyclopes build us divine weapons capable of concentrating and compressing our powers.", Hades gave his suggestion on the matter. He had rescued the Hecatonchries and Cyclopes, and also gained the allowance to use the fires of the Underworld for such purpose from Goddess Nyx.

—"So it would seem... they afterall are quite the great blacksmiths.", Poseidon agreed to the proposition with a wondering look in his eyes, thinking about a cool looking weapon.

P.O.V. Zeus

I am so close to winning, I can taste it. Soon i'll be King Zeus.

Ever since in opened my eyes in that dark cave, hiding like a filthy rat, I had grown to hate the Titans. Especially Kronos, that bastard will die by my hand. I fought and trained till my body gave out, everyday for years on end.

I had, with the help of Gaia and mother, succeeded in freeing my siblings. Metis was along my side all this time, and soon I fell in love with her. I married her in secret, a secret which I planned on revealing after we've won this war.

But this was looking to be long time before the War ended.

I met with my siblings and I liked all of them... Hera was especially 'liked' by me. But Hades, I knew I didn't like him the moment I saw him, and I believe the feeling is mutual.

I mean who cares if you are the oldest, acting all high and noble, teaching what to do and what not to do. I'm a God. I'll do whatever I please, and if you weren't Mother's dear little precious son I would have disposed of him myself.

I'm the one the prophecy spoke of, I'm the True King.

I led the charge in the war and while I admit the starting was rough, it turned out better than he ever could.

In the battlefield no one matched my achievements, how could them, after all I could just throw my lightning randomly and it provides better results than all these 'other Titans' could on our side. But that Hades was there to ruin it as well. How is it possible for him to put an injury on Atlas!?!?!

All three of us brothers are the same in power, so how come he's better than me??

And why was HE! sent to the Underworld and not me? Am I not the leader? It should have been me who brought that "Goddess" to our side and showed her, her place.

Anyways, this time, with my new weapon in my hand, I will show everyone why I'm supposed to be the new King.

P.O.V. Poseidon


That's the first thing I recall. Falling down for a long time till I land right in acid. I still remember the Pain, but I found out I wasn't the only one in this Hell.

These people were my siblings, which was no surprise because I felt an almost ethereal familiarity with them, except for Hades.

Which was quite paradoxical as the one who I bonded the most was him.... although there weren't many choices, Hestia being a very loving and sometimes a bit overprotective sister, Demeter being quiet most of the time and Hera just being a bitch.

Hades taught me much. About how to behave, how to talk to woman, how to sed— ah..ahm.. ahm.. I mean he was quite a good brother, though kinda serious most of the time but he knew how to have fun.

When we escaped we met with our Mother and I did not cry... I did not.

And I met Zeus. Our youngest brother, though he did not act as such, there was always a weird arrogance in his eyes, but I just ignored that cause he was a guy with my line of thinking and I was familiarised with rather quickly. Though same can't be said of Zeus and Hades.

P.O.V. Hades

Having the Cyclopes create weapons for us was something I wanted to do so eagerly but couldn't as I couldn't let it be known that I knew of their existence because according to the original Myth I remember, they were supposed to be long forgotten and Gaia was the one who brought them into the fray.

And this time I allowed that to happen cause whenever I'm with her I feel as if she knows what I'm planning to do, the same with Nyx. But whatever, just because you can feel the bullet coming doesn't mean I'll let you dodge it.

In almost every version of the interpretation of the Greek Mythology, at the end of the day, things didn't turn out so well. All I plan to do is survive it, which would be quite difficult cause it is "Fated" to happen. And Fate is not so easily changed.

"ARGES!! BRONTES!! STEROPES!! My friends!!... your time to contribute to the War has come! CREATE WEAPONS!, WEAPONS OF DIVINE POWER!! FOR THEIR PURPOSE IS TO CUT DOWN THE TITANS!?!?!", And so, the storm approaches, with every rumble the hammer strikes, the clock towards the Fall of Titans ticks closer.





A/n:- Yo peeps. I'll be telling you this before... no Hades won't get a pitchfork. It will be the "Claws of Hades". But the main thing of the Helm of Darkness will remain cause it'll provide him invisibility and Fear induction.

I'll list his powers in an auxiliary chapter.

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