Chapter 43 Into The Wilderness

RB Chapter 43 Into The Wilderness

Wednesday, 16th june, 2199

Yesterday, was a fruitful day, Eric had been in the virtual world and hunted during the day, he didn't dare to hunt at night.

He didn't discover any new abilities, but that was because he had decided to focus on digging out everything his All spectrum eyes could do.

Baguma didn't show his face the entirety of yesterday. He must have been busy. That was the conclusion Eric had come to.

The family of three were now seated around the table and were enjoying their breakfast. As was yesterday, Baguma was missing.

'This bread is heavenly! I hope elder Muti's speech doesn't stop this bread from appearing at the table.'

Eric had such a thought as he took a bite out of two toasted pieces of bread coated with peanut butter in the middle. His eyes were lighting up with each bite. The food was what made living in this unwelcome family tolerable.

As the three were quietly enjoying their meals, they heard the opening of the front door. They knew it had to be Baguma.

In these times, a stranger couldn't open your door unless they could fake your biomagnetic field. Every life form had a unique one. And besides, no one would be dumb enough to break into this building just to come up here. There was nothing important.

The moment they laid eyes on him as he entered the dining room, they were shocked!

He was simply dressed in what appeared to be adventuring clothes. Dark boots, dark long pants with many pockets and also a dark shirt underneath a coat with many pockets.

He had something like a belt strapped around his waist which was supporting what looked to be a sheathed long sword.

"We are going to the wilderness. Only the boys. I am giving you 15 minutes to prepare." After saying that, he went outside. He didn't even greet his wife!

"Boys! Hurry up!" Lisa hurriedly ordered.

Eric who had been savouring the bread had no choice but simply stuff it all in his mouth. And drink the hot thick milk faster. The milk was thick to an extent it might have passed off as porridge!

They had still been in their night wear. They hurriedly went to the bathroom and washed before choosing durable clothes among their garments...well, Eric had no choice but to choose from Elec's clothes as he didn't have any.

They appeared in front of Baguma dressed in long pants, long sleeved shirts and boots.

Elec's eyes were glittering with excitement! Adventuring could only mean one thing!

The wilderness! They were going outside the city!

A grin even formed on his face.

'Is it okay to go outside the city at this time?' Eric had his doubts as he followed Baguma towards the elevator.

They rode it down and were greeted with an offoad vehicle with humongous wheels parked in front of the building. The wheels almost reached the chests of the two boys! Surprise befitting their age was colored on their faces upon seeing the humongous wheels!

It looked like the protesters still didn't congregate in front of the building, even with Elder Muti's encouragement.

They boarded the vehicle and set off.

What they didn't know was that someone was viewing them through the glass panels of the Masanyalaze headquarters.

"Baguma has set off. It looks like he's cautious! He even took the clone. He didn't want any mishap to happen." An elderly voice talked through the phone to another person.

"Don't worry, we will take it from here." Another sharp elderly voice answered before cutting off communication.

Kampala city was circular. All the headquarters of the ten clans were located along the walls of the city.

In order to be able to connect all the headquarters of the clans, a circular road was built encompassing all the clans.

The car sped along the road and headed towards the east.

Eric had thought that they were going to use the south gate, but it looked like that wasn't the plan.

Baguma the driver was quiet. Elec and Eric were both occupying the back seats and Elec was looking out the window in anticipation. Eric was lost in thought. Even though he was looking out the window, the scenery didn't register in his eyes.

The car sped along the road until they reached the Northeastern part of the city.

'If am not mistaken, the Njovu clan occupies this area.' Eric thought when the car slowed down. They were a clan which kept to themselves and weren't in the spotlight. Even their children didn't attend Mubiri highschool. They were homeschooled.

They arrived in front of a majestic skyscraper which, by this city's standards, surpassed the width of every other clan headquarters! It was constructed in such a way that an arch was in the middle, with a road passing through the middle, under the building.

Baguma drove off the circular road and entered the road passing through the building.

Eric and Elec were wowed by the magnificence of the building. Even though Elec had been in this city far longer than Eric, he didn't travel much! He only went to school and then back home.

It was like they were driving under a tunnel! Eric thought that it would end, but as he caught a glimpse of the gate at the end, he was shocked! This building was too long!

It looked like Baguma had already prepared everything as the gate opened after it confirmed the three's bio signature. They don't even need to stop of even get out of the car! The scanner must have had a large range.

Eric felt a little bit of pity that he didn't get to see Any of the Njovu clansmen but that feeling was going to vanish soon.

The moment the car drove out of the city, all other things were swept away from the minds of the two boys!

Flat terrain with outlines of hills in the distance entered their vision. The morning was misty so they could only see the outlines of the hills. There were sparsely any trees, mostly the undergrowth.

"Don't lower the windows under any circumstances!" Baguma warned with a deep voice.

The boys nodded to show that they had acknowledged. The car sped along a dirt uneven road but they didn't feel anything out of the ordinary because of the advanced shock absorption system.

Eric reached the point where he was rubbing his aching neck. The scenery was just too attractive to the boys! A scuttling critter in the shrubs, an ant hill as large as a hill, moving eyes in the abandoned buildings, and many other things attracted their gazes.

The fort road appeared as if it was used regularly, since there was no undergrowth to be seen on it.

A tiled estate had its roof flung high as Eric was looking towards it! Something large had probably been taking residence inside. It looked like a lizard, around ten meters long. Its tongue was flicking in and out.

It was looking their way and the two boys thought it was going to attack, but nothing happened.

It just stared at the car until it vanished.

'Lizards and snakes are cold blooded. That's probably why we weren't attacked.' Eric came to that conclusion. He was pretty sure that the temperature was cold.

They had been driving for such a long time that the city had vanished from their visions. Instead the mist was at their backs.


"Who do I send?" Elder Muti mumbled within his hut. The weather, especially here at the top was cold but he didn't seem to care.

He was in his hut waiting for the sun to rise. The entrance of his hut was facing the east. it was built that way because he wanted to be able to catch the first light of the rising sun.

He had spent the night here as he always does. It was something which he had gotten accustomed to doing.

He was pondering about whom to send among his many surbodinates.

"Ah! I will send her! She will give him the shock factor!" He searched through his contacts.


The car which had been transporting the trio stopped in front of a gate. There was no structure behind it. And the way it was angled, signified that it led underground.

A beam of light was released from a device that looked like an eye mounted on top of the gate. It scanned the car and its occupants.

Gears were heard turning as the gates creaked open.

The gate was something which might have existed during the beginning of the 21st century. The grinding of gears alone painted it in a light as something with a lot of history.

The car drove through the gates along a downward sloping tarmac road. It was like they were driving through a tunnel.

The gentle slope finally gave way to even ground as they continued, until, finally they arrived at the exit of the tunnel.

What entered the two boy's vision was something they would never have expected!


The Northeastern direction outside the city is dubbed as 'the savanna'. It features wildly growing grass, weak critters (including that lizard) and abandoned structures.