Chapter 132 Leah, Moving in

RB Chapter 132 Leah, Moving in

Eric once again placed his head on the table after venting. Elena had been surprised by his outburst, but now, she had once again closed her eyes.

Leah had lowered her head earlier on, so no one had been able to see what expression she had been making.

The two middle aged guys and Sally had not engaged in the conversation. They had acted as if they didn't see nor hear anything.


That soft sound echoed within the room before the center of the table lit up and a light beam was projected into the air. It expanded and enveloped a diameter of a bout a meter. A holographic image formed afterwards.

"Hello, once again promising people. Mmmm...I was going to say youth, but two of you died and we gained two new representatives." A woman appeared, dressed in a flowery blouse and a pair of black pants. Her hair was a short, Cleopatra style.

"I am going to choose from among you the high executive. I gave you a chance, but now, it has expired."

"What? Why?" Monki became ajitated. The others also curiously waited for Cleo.

"The war is about to start and I am very very busy. Underground cities are also going to participate in the war. Preparations for war in this city have been severely delayed by the lack of a figurehead."

That caused all dissatisfaction to vanish. She was right. They hadn't seen any preparations being carried out.

"The position goes..." She paused here causing the anticipation in the room to mount. Everyone's hearts were rapidly beating, like drums. They leaned forwards, their every being, tense! Even the two middle aged men.

"...Mugumivu. He has the most suitable abilities to manage all this." She even provided an explanation.

She was surprised to see that an uproar didn't happen. They had all simply collapsed back into their seats, as if agreeing with the decision.

"I agree with it." Monki was the first person to talk. Though he was gritting his teeth.

"I do too." Eric was the second, earning looks from Leah and Elena. Though, they too ultimately followed his lead.

"I thought there was going to be plenty of dissatisfaction, but it seems I was worrying too much. A person is going to come and brief you on all the other things. I am busy, so...bye!" She smiled and the hologram collapsed.

The room darkened as the people in the chairs entered deep thought. No one was in the mood to talk...well except the only couple in the room.

Miss Njibwa was whispering in Mugumivu's ear. Monki had an ugly expression upon seeing that, but there was nothing he could do.

"Eric, what now?" Elena asked after sometime.

"Now...we wait. Since he got the meat, we should also have some soup. Though...I don't think that soup will be provided by him, but, the organisation itself, as a means of pacifying us." Eric explained.

"That's good. Anyway, Eric, I am moving in this afternoon." Leah said after a few seconds.

"Okay." Eric answered.


"Today, I am taking you with me to the laboratory." Dr. Marcus said.

Today was the 5th of November, 2199. The bio-egineer had only managed to come back today. And it seemed that the project that had been occupying his time had finished. He was relaxing in the sofa, enjoying a cup of coffee.

It was the morning hour, before the rise of the sun. He had come back just before dawn.

'This girl appears to have feelings for the boy.' The doctor thought while observing the two opposite him.

Leah was nervous under the doctors scorching gaze, not knowing what to do.

This person was the owner of the apartment, someone she didn't know, so she didn't know where to start, whether to be friendly, or neutral.

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people. What's your name?" Dr. Marcus asked, taking a sip from hi coffee cup.

"My name is Leah Musota Butwa." She answered after taking in a deep breath.

"Musota you come from one of those clans..." Dr. Marcus nodded. Eric hadn't introduced Leah to the doctor, since he had been in a hurry to go back to his experiment at the time.

"Did the task you were working on, end?" Eric asked. After all, if the man was taking him to the lab, it had to be that he was finally free.

"Yes. I don't know when the next one will come, so its better to take you there now." Dr. Marcus answered.

"Okay. Let me go change." Eric stood up and went into a room at the side, leaving Leah alone with the man.

"Girl, we might take a few days without coming back, so if you become bored, you can take a trip around the city." The man suggested.

"Ah! Don't worry. I won't become bored. I have a friend. I will hang out with her." She answered frantically.


Eric and Dr. Marcus had taken a taxi to the edge of the city. After coming out, the wall of the cave attracted his attention. It was shimmering, like it was glowing a little.

A lone building, with only a single floor appeared near the wall. It was so long that Eric couldn't see the end.

"This building houses all the laboratories for all the bio-engineers in this city." Dr. Marcus explained upon seeing his puzzlement.

He walked at the front while the boy followed behind as they made their way towards it. It didn't have any higher floors, only the ground floor and it was white. Security was tight around it. No humans were near it, but Eric caught sight of multiple AI controlled weapons, like laser guns.

"Am I allowed to be here?" Eric asked. He had gotten tense on seeing such an arrangement.

"Don't worry, as long as you have my approval, I can bring you here. But don't ever try to come here alone as you will be shot on sight." Dr. Marcus assured, but also warned him.

"Multiple renowned bio-engineers from Kampala city and beyond borrow the usage of these laboratories by paying money. They are owned by the Black Diamond group." As Dr. Marcus explained, they made their way through the gate and walked along a corridor. Everything here was white.


Once inside a laboratory, Eric marveled at the equipment. It was the latest generation!

He moved here and there, caressing them like they were priceless. Dr. Marcus had an urge to laugh at his antics.

"There is no need to be this excited, is there?" He asked with a smile.

"These are the latest technologies! Some, I hadn't even seen them yet, only read about!" Eric answered in amazement.

"Come here...tell me, what is the direction that you want to pursue?" Dr. Marcus asked as they both sat down on long stools.

There was no risk of contamination in this laboratory even though they had just entered. The reason was that there was a beam which destroyed everything at the entrance.

"Hmmm...let's see, I want to try adding new bases to the human genome." Eric answered after some thought.

"Oh! Many bio-engineers have experimented with that, but so far, no one has managed to succeed." Dr. Marcus revealed.

"I have already thought and created two suitable bases in my mind, I don't think anyone has ever used them." Eric had confidence written all over his face.

"Okay...I will allow you to do your experiments here." Dr. Marcus didn't dissuade him.

'It is better to let him do what he wants, besides, I get plenty of free resources.' Dr. Marcus thought while staring into those dark blue eyes.

"Okay, let's start! What do you need?"


"I thought I was going to have plenty of time with Eric, but it seems he is also very busy." Mumbled Leah absentmindedly while watching the TV screen. She was dressed in a pair of hot pants, showing off her juicy looking thighs, plus a green blouse.

'I need to become stronger, but I also need to find people to whom I can entrust with my life.' She thought. Eric was the one she found herself to be most comfortable with. Even Elena didn't enjoy such a position in her heart.

"Now, what can I do to relieve myself of boredom, should I go shopping?" She once again talked out loud. Dr. Marcus had been kind enough to leave her with enough money for that. Chloe's clothes didn't fit her, especially the chest area.

"Hmpf! Is it that great to have such massive boobs?" She looked down on hers. They were still in the budding stage, and she knew that they will probably reach the same level as Chloe's once she reached her age, but that still didn't make her any less dissatisfied.

"I haven't seen her here, but I am sure she does live here...forget it, I will ask him when he gets back." She said before going into Chloe's room and starting to spice herself up in the mirror. Her appearance was her biggest selling point, like all the women, so she had to make herself more beautiful.