10. In Libro Aeternitatis: The Reveal

The second vision was more vividly played than the first. So much that I had to perform about ten reality checks to ensure that this isn't real. Reality checks are little functions one can perform in a dream in order to know whether one is dreaming or not. These checks can be done by anyone. Examples are; counting your fingers. This works because dreams distort bodily functions such as counting.

I was thrown into a strange but familiar setting; I had found myself at what appeared to be the middle of the forest my vision tool place in. I tried as much as I could to explore the area, but nothing made sense, it was just an ordinary forest. "what a useless vision", I said to myself as I was preparing to return to the real world.

As I prepared myself to leave, a strong gust of wind enveloped the whole area. It all felt so real, so I stayed to see where this was going. I looked up, saw the stars in all their glory. One of the stars kept getting bigger and bigger. It took me about five minutes to realise that this wasn't any ordinary star, but a shooting one. A meteor to be precise. I realised that it was heading my directiom, so I tried to run, but my mind could not let me. I appeared to be stuck in one place, like one of those dreams where one tries to run from something, but is unable to do so.

I remained still, for I seemed not to run away from fate. In a few minutes, the meteor finally crash landed near me. I tried to head to the opposite direction, but I found myself going straight to the crash site. It was as though my legs had a mind of their own. The site was a huge crater, bigger and deeper than any I've ever seen! I made my descent into the pit, and right in the middle of it all was a object which resembled a book, with smoke emanating from it I was startled; never could I have imagined a book, of all things. I was curious, so I reached out my arms, and tried to lift the book, to which I failed - it was scorching hot. "in libro aeternitatis" was carved on the hard cover of the book. There were other writings too, but I couldn't read them, for they were obscured in account of the smoke. It was Latin for "the book of eternity". I was intrigued before, so this just fuelled my curiosity even more.

I waited for it to cool down from the friction it endured while entering the atmosphere. After a short while, with the smoke no longer blocking my vision, I was able to explore the book further. It was a large book, kinda like an encyclopaedia. It had a rather enticing exterior; brown covers that were as hard as stone; writings were in Latin; it had three objects that looked like gemstones, all three glowing and giving off a different colour. The one on the middle was red, left of it was a green gem, and the one on the far right was a yellow gem.

Again, I extended my arm, and tried to open the book. It wasn't as hot as before, so I was successful. As soon as my hand grabbed the book, I felt a surge of energy flowing through my veins - never had I felt such power before. I was overwhelmed by the power, but still, I did not remove my hand. I had come too far to give up now. After a few moments, keeping my composure amid the surge, the book finally opened. As it unfolded, a beam of light shined, and almost blinded my right eye.

As I tried to read through the first few pages, my meditation session ended, so I was pulled out of the vision, and back to hell. I could not believe what just happened, so I stayed up all night, trying to make sense out of the whole ordeal. It was mystery after mystery, I almost forgot what started this whole process.

"Wha-what's going on?", I woke up asking. It seemed I had blacked out while working overtime trying to solve all the mysteries at once. My mind was exhausted - both conscious and subconscious.

I went over to Julian's room. I told him all about my trance state. As soon as I mentioned the book I had saw in my vision, he was startled. It was as if he'd seen a ghost, so the following dialogue ensued:

"What's wrong Jules?"

"I think I've heard of this book before."

"Wait... really?"

"Yes. As a kid, I was told stories of old mystics. One of them was similar to what you just told me."

"Care to elaborate? This is getting interesting."

"Yeah, sure. I don't remember the exact story, but I'll try to narrate it to you."

"Please, do."

"Ok, so a long time ago, a meteor-like object came crashing from the skies. It landed in a remote area. Inside the crater was a book. The book was taken by a village man to the resident king, as a tribute. No one knows exactly what happened to the king after his encounter with the book. But before he vanished, it was said that his deepest desires were fulfilled, but later on he became a changed man. Everyone wanted the book to themselves, so it changed even the people who weren't in possession of it. One day, before the king disappeared, it was said that an entity from a different reality came and claimed the book. A wise but devious entity..."

I was never one to believe in folklore and stories of legend, superstitions and everything in between, but this time it was different. The fact that I had a vision that is almost like the king story was a mystery. "Could all of it mean something? Is it all real?", I asked myself.

Could all this be connected? The 'devious entity', could it be Lucifer? He's the only one that fits the description. For a moment I thought History was repeating itself, but that theory went down the drain because Lucifer had met his demise. Still, anything could be a possibility at this point.