The death

"Please… Please… let me go… I will let you take everything and also Han Zheng… sister, it's all for you. I will go far away, and you can think if I am dead. I will change my name, and no one will know about me and my baby. Please save this baby as your future nephew…" Emma begged and kneel down on her knees. She is only wearing thin underclothes on her body. There is a shackle on her feet and a haggard appearance from her time inside the containment.

"Do you think that I will let the bastard kid inside your stomach alive…? You are thinking so highly about yourself…" Lin Yan is trying to grapple her face with her hand so roughly while her face is showing a disgusted look into her older sister.

"You… Impudent bastard… My grandmother takes you into our family and adopts you as one of her granddaughters and this is how you repay our family goodwill…" Lin Emma is screaming to the woman stand in front of her.

"I pay it really good. I continue the family name and bring the family business to flourish without you in the picture. A grandmother is resting nicely in some outer skirt retirement house. I will become the new Luo Madame to replace you. Brother Han Zheng son is in my abdomen and your kid will be only a bastard kid who never born in this world…" Lin Yan is laughing to see the last person in Lin family begs for her life. She will take the Lin family wealth and everything that comes with it in the package, a handsome and rich husband.

"Ha.Ha.Ha. I think God will not be quiet when everything is coming back at you… You are accomplishing a lot during your time within the family. I wish you lifelike hell ahead… If I cross path again with you and I will make sure your life like hell…" Emma spits some blood from her mouth due to the poison in her body.

Apparently, Lin Yan does not stop in there. She is sacrificing herself and stabs her shoulder before she screams for help. Luo Han Zheng is walking inside the containment room with his bodyguard and look at Emma with disgust look and enveloping Lin Yan body who is dripping with blood.

"Brother Han Zheng, Sister tries to kill me and the baby. She has something wrong in her brain to think and convince that I am the person who is behind all of her misery. Please save me and our kid, brother Han," Lin Yan tries to act weak in front of Luo Han Zheng. Emma knows really well that Han Zheng gets soft to a weak woman like Lin Yan.

"You are a fool, Luo Han Zheng, in terms of women. You will regret it soon when she abandons you for someone wealthier… she is taking your hand because she does not want to marry into the Mancuso family as the business agreement between our family. She is fooling you to take the blame from the Mancuso Family…" Emma is laughing, and her breaths start to catch into her body. Han Zheng is walking toward her before he slapped her so hard on her cheek. This is the first time, he lays his hand toward a woman, but in his eyes, this small, lovely girl who he once loves turns into evil.

"You are not the old Emma, and you turn into an evil," Han Zheng is taking out his white handkerchief from his suit jacket and clean up his hand as if he just touches something filthy. He is walking back to Lin Yan's side, acting pity with the wound on her shoulder. The truth that She only nicks a little of her shoulder skin.

The breath on Emma body starts to fade away. She is laying down in the foetus position as the excruciating pain in her body creep from her chest. She is putting both of her hands over the big stomach of her with the kid from Luo Han Zheng from their wedding night. Their son will be born within two months, but they have been in containment when Lin Yan finds out about her pregnancy. She makes the moves and turns Emma's life become a living hell. She got treats as a living corpse with the title of slut over her forehead. Lin Yan traps her into a story of her own unfaithful live style.

As soon as there is only one short breath in her throat. She vows to God and even to the Devil king to become a ghost to pay her son revenge and her parent to the evil witch in front of her. She cannot let her acts of revenge be lost and follow her into the graves. She will need to make her pay all her sins to her.

After she finishes prays for her last wish, she closes her heavy eyes when she can feel the coldness already creeping into her body. All she can see is the darkness and all the happy memories with the love of her life, her parent and her family. She might not feel it and her last tears come out from her closing eyes. she left the world with her unborn son full of revenge on her bags.

However, she is walking with her unborn son to the long dark alley with no end. The surrounding environment is really cold and bleak. Emma has been in the worse level of hell for the last half-year under the palm of her adopted sister. This situation does not seem that bad for her and she decides to walk forward in this long alley.

It said that a lost soul who fulls of revenge in their body cannot cross the river of the afterlife. The old lady will not accept her bitter life soul into the afterlife. She will need to settle her revenge before she can jump into her boat.