their wedding ring

Inside grandmother Lin bedroom, Emma is helping her grandmother to the bed and tuck her inside the warm blanket. Vito is telling Ai Jia and Max to secure the entrance to grandmother Lin.

"So, both of you…. Explain to me about your marriage?" Grandmother Lin is asking for an explanation for them.

"I am marrying Vito today because we met accidentally in hospital. I can not deny his charm and we are agreeing to get married," Emma is holding Vito's arm and pushing her body toward him. she is a little lightheaded from the alcohol.

"Grandma, I know that I suppose to come to your house and propose her hand. However, Lin Yan is not showing up for our marriage. I have to respect your agreement to marry your granddaughter and Emma is angry because I am going to marry her sister. here we are as husband and wife," Vito is eloping his wife with his arm and pressing her into his chest.

"You…. You are saved by meng Ru Ya…. If she is not showing up for the incident then who is going to marry Han Zheng?" Grandmother Lin is pointing her pointing finger at her granddaughter who is putting her head on his chest.

"Do not worry grandmother… I will make sure to be ready for my mistake or else I will have two husbands…." Emma is sitting at the bedside and holding her grandmother's hand.

"I will not allow that to be happening…." Vito is coming closer toward the bed and squatting next to his wife and clasping his hand on top of his wife hand who is holding Grandmother Lin hand.

Grandmother Lin opens the drawer on her bedside and takes out the leather box and opens the box.

"I want you to use this wedding ring. This is from Xiao Man's grandmother when we make this arrangement. Xiao Man put the ring into Emma's finger, and you can put the male version into Xiao Man's finger," Grandmother Lin is opening the box where there is an exquisite gold ring with the diamond detail into the women ring. They are obediently putting the ring into each other and show it to grandmother.

Apparently, there is a knock on the door where they can hear Ai Jia announcing the arrival of Lin Yan.

"Come inside…" Grandmother Lin is telling them to let her adopted granddaughter enter the room.

"Grandmother…. They are asking Sister Emma to present as she is supposedly the bride or they can not proceed with the wedding," Lin Yan informs them about the situation. Apparently, she cannot accept the defeat and saw her fiancée handsome and rich. So, she wants to take him back and she makes sure to bribe the official to marry Emma with Han Zheng. At least, she will make sure with one row and two stone leaps disappear.

"Xiao Man, can you help Emma? I will hand my responsibility for her into your hand. You make sure to treasure her and take care of her," Grandmother Lin is clasping his hand with her warm hand and smiling.

Emma is kissing her cheek to bid her farewell to rest up. Vito is putting his arm into her slender waist. She is not tall, but she has a cute face with her round face. They are going outside the room and following Lin Yan. Emma is thinking hard to find Lin Yan plan this time as the variable already change.

"Mr Mancuso, I am sorry if I was late to come to the city bureau. I was assisting my sister marriage. If we are rushing to the office, we still can make it," Lin Yan is talking without any shame toward Vito who ignore her completely.

"Mr Mancuso…. I am talking with you…" Lin Yan is stopping her step before turning her body out of sudden after she did not receive any reply or response from him. apparently, he literally brushed her off and walk straight to the area of marriage in the back garden. Lin Yan who is feeling really angry decides to follow them. No one dares to ignore her like him.

In the front of the room, the official from the civil bureau with the priest who is going to officiate the marriage between Han Zheng and Ru Ya put a stop to the marriage. No one knows if Lin Yan bribes them so she can make Han Zheng marry Emma. Vito is taking his wife's hand and put her to the empty seat in the second row from the front row.

Meanwhile, Ai Jia is walking toward the official and sort out the matter. After the official makes a phone call with his pale face, they are starting the wedding ceremonies between Meng Ru Ya and Luo Han Zheng. Madame Meng is already sitting in the front row with happy tears come down from her eyes.

Vito is resting his arm on his wife's thigh while he holds her hand. They are following the beautiful wedding until finish, and everyone is going to the reception area. Lin Yan is really angry with the failure plan.

"We still need to talk…. Do you want to stay back, or we can go back to my house?" Vito is whispering in her ear.

"Why? This is my house, and I am sleeping inside my room," Emma is telling him with her naïve voice when she is drinking her six glasses of champagne.

"Who am I?" Vito is asking her again.

"My husband…." Emma is answering her with her drunk cute face. her cheeks turn crimson red when she talks with him.

"Where should I sleep?" Vito is patiently asking his drunk wife.

"In your room…. Do not make me confuse….!" Emma is complaining like a small child.

"let's go…. You are drunk…." Vito is telling his wife and push her to leave the reception with his arm into her lower area. They are going to the Vito mansion on the outskirt of the C country.