professor Lim Xu

"You are going to be busy today. Do not forget about your meal…" Emma is looking at her husband who still closing his eyes in the car.

"Thank you…" Vito is telling her without moving his body. She is changing her face direction from his face into outside the window. She is letting him to rest before his hectic schedule.

The car is moving quickly into the road, and they are arriving in the hospital entrance where Ai Jia is opening the door for his new madame. however, Vito is pulling her hand and gazing at her.

"What time are you going to finish today? Do you want to meet up for dinner?" Vito is asking her.

"I do not know my schedule yet. How about I call you during our lunch time to tell you about our dinner?" Emma is looking at him back to take out her phone. Vito is taking her phone and putting his own number before press the number to call his private phone. No one know the number of his private phone except the person who is really close into him.

"Call me…" Vito is returning her phone before she put it into her bag. She is exiting from his car and walking into the neurosurgeon department. She is going into the resident and attending locker before she can see her name in one of the lockers.

"Emma…. You are back… I thought you never come back… Professor Lim is looking for you all the time," Chen Jin Yang is telling her. She is one of the residents in the neurosurgeon who join together with Emma, but Emma manages to surpass all her colleague with her ability and high IQ.

"Let me change into my scrub and report to Professor Lim. I am sorry for making your life miserable to assist him during my absent…" Emma is taking her scrub uniform and change it quickly. She uses her glasses and her scrub clog with her initial on each side. she uses her white coat and put the stethoscope on her neck. She is looking smart at the moment with her white coat.

"You have to treat me with something nice…." Jin Yang is telling her before she is taking Emma's arm to the professor office.

Professor Lim Xu is the youngest head department in this hospital. His cold demeanour makes him to be the best neurosurgeon in this hospital and number two in the whole country. He chooses Emma to be his assistant in every procedure due on their relationship since in the high school. He was her senior and they have known each other well enough. He already knows her ability since in the high school. No one can handle the killer professor except Emma.

They are knocking his office to report about their arrival into their professor. Emma is the only attending with the same ages as the resident.

"Professor Lim, Emma is coming back…" Jin Yang is reporting to the professor who just taking break from some open skull surgery this morning.

"You back… I thought you mention about resigning after your marriage," Lim Xu is making remark into his assistant.

"Professor, it means you do not want me to be back as your attending…. I will apply to others professor or Assistant professor Xian is looking for attending also…" Emma is answering her senior with easy remark.

"Promise me to work extra hard and make sure to get new employee card from HR… You are going to assist me into two operations today," Lim Xu can not deny his happiness to see her back to the hospital regarding her status as marriage women.

"I will Professor Lim… I am going to HR and check into your next procedure patient.." Emma is bowing to her senior in front of her.

"Ask to Jin Yang about everything to catch up…" Lim Xu is advising her. he never can be really hard toward her. he saw her going outside his office with his soft eyes.

"You are going to do night shift tonight as the last operation will take more than 6 hours because the procedure to retract the tumour inside the patient frontal lobe," Jin Yang is advising her friend regarding the professor procedure.

She is going to HR to fix all her paperwork while Jin Yang is going to the ward to check into the professor patient. Normally, Professor Lim likes to do his round during this time. She is hoping Emma already back from the HR. it is true about the only person who can handle the cold professor only Emma.

She is preparing his patient chart before he is doing the round and study each of the patient. It means she will be able to answer the professor if he is going to ask for some question regarding the patient condition.

Emma is getting her new ID card as attending in neuro department. She will be assisting the Professor to practice more her skill. She was the youngest neurosurgeon in the history who manage to become the attending in neurosurgery.