the God of all God

There is an emergency in the hospital and they are calling all the residence to come into the hospital.

"I have to go back to the hospital... there is a huge accident happening on the highway... we need to go back to the hospital," Emma is blushing red to remember all their kissing.

"Get ready... I will take you there," Vito is telling his wife to get ready. She is going to the bathroom where all her needs already lay on the bathroom bench.

"Vito, is someone coming to the room while we were sleeping?" Emma is shouting to her husband from inside the bathroom.

"Why?" Vito is peeking to the bathroom with only his pyjamas pants. His six-pack abdomen area really make Emma swallow her saliva down to her throat. Vito's fringe is coming down to cover his forehead.

" It's looking like my own bathroom and not a hotel room." Emma is telling toward her husband.

"Someone is coming while we are sleeping to replenish all of our necessities.... we are going to stay here and go back to the mansion during the weekend..." Vito is explaining toward his puzzled wife.

"Are you serious? Am I dreaming at the moment?" Emma can't believe the cold statue in front of her. He got a nice body but there are some scars on his chest and back. His body becomes masculine with all the scars on his body. His handsome cold face immaculate a mysterious aura toward his opponents.

"Get ready or else I can't control myself and you are going to yell at me...." Vito is explaining to his wife before he takes his phone and makes a phone call to his assistant.

"Ai Jia, find out everything regarding Luo Han Zheng. I want to know everything about her… why the headline can be subduing by Lou corporation? Do you want to die?" Vito is reprimanding his assistant on the phone.

"It is still there… no one dares to take out the headline, Boss," AI Jia feels wrong with his boss acquisition.

"Good… Make sure the headline comes out to the billboard in the city centre about her scandal," Vito is telling his assistant to give a blow into her scandal. No one can trifle with his wife.

"I will do it… Do not worry, Boss… do you need something else?" AI Jia is asking for another instruction.

"Tell the paramedic to divert all the accident victims to Man Hospital… they are not allowed to send any victim to the Qing hospital…" Vito is telling his assistant about the newest idea for his wife working time.

"Yes, boss…" AI Jia wants to puke blood after hearing his boss outrageous instructions.

"Good… If you manage everything nicely there will be a bonus for your performance," Vito is telling his assistant before he closes the connection.

Ai Jia is relaying the message to Max for finding out all about Luo Han Zheng and his relationship with their madame. meanwhile, he is sending a powerful email to the paramedic and use all his resources to divert the victim to Man hospital.

Vito phone is ringing out of a sudden. He is already inside the shower to refresh himself. Emma thinks it is some important call and pressing the answer button.

"You are crazy, Mr Vito Mancuso… How can you divert all the accident victims to our hospital? Do you want me to die young age?" a cold nagging voice comes out from the opposite side of the phone.

"I am sorry… Mr Mancuso is still in the shower… do you want to leave any message?" Emma is asking him.

"Who are you? How dare you answer the demon king phone…? You said he is in the shower…" Li Wen Liang is screaming to hear a girl voice on the phone.

"Who is on the phone?" Vito is walking out only with a towel on his waist. His good tone body with some scar on his back and chest make Emma blushed crimson red.

"I do not know but he seems to love to scream… can you use the bathrobe or your pyjamas after showering?" Emma is telling him about his nakedness. She loves to see his body which is on par with his handsome face. she is lucky to marry the God of all God. It is really a slap toward Lin Yan face to find out about her unwanted groom.