The life and death contract

Vito is looking at his wife change behaviour and comes closer after wearing a white Italian designer shirt with black pants. This time, he already dried his hair and put his skincare before he walks out of the bathroom.

"Is something wrong?" Vito is asking her because of her mixed expression.

"Damn it… I missed my grandmother in this issue with my adoptive cunning sister," Emma is biting her lips and making her forehead crest due to the phone call from her grandmother.

"What happens this time?" Vito is looking at her.

"I am not going to the hospital… my grandmother is waiting for me in my sister hospital room…." Emma is telling her husband about the phone.

"Come… I will accompany you to the hospital and meeting with grandmother," Vito is putting his arm in her waist and push her out from their bedroom.

"How about your tie and jacket… let me get it for you…" Emma is running back toward their closet and chose the tie for him and his jacket. She is quickly putting it on Vito's neck and putting his jacket with a matching pocket square. She can see their wedding ring on his wedding ring and the expensive watches on his wrist.

They are walking outside and going to the lobby. Ai Jia and Max are following them with all the bodyguards who spread in front of them and following them. They are entering to his newest Maybach car who is waiting in the lobby. The driver is going out and Max is taking over from the driver, while Ai Jia is sitting in the front seat.

Vito is waiting until Emma is going inside the car before he let himself be inside the car. Ai Jia is giving the box to his boss. Vito is opening the black square box where there is a matching watch with the one on his wrist. Vito is taking it out and put the watch to her wrist.

"Thank you… but I have to take this out during my working time…" Emma is worried about the expensive watches on her wrist.

"It's fine… I want you to use the same watch as mine… I am belonging to you and no one can replace me into your side…" Vito is telling her about his position in her life.

This is top-notch flirting by the demon king who is rumour to be the most villainous creature in this world. her face got hot, and it makes her turn her head outside the window to ease the burning feel on her ear and face.

They are arriving at the lobby of Qing university hospital when she takes her to the employee room to change her clothes to scrub and use his attending jacket outside her scrubs uniform. She is putting her stethoscope on her white jacket with all the needed tools for her work.

Vito is standing outside the hallway patiently and he is making a note for his wife needs for a special room in this hospital. Ai Jia is giving the brown envelope for the full-time work contract for his boss to sign. Apparently, Emma was in contracted worker in this hospital which can be cancelled after her attending completing in the hospital.

Emma is coming out with her hair to be put up as a small bun. She is changing into her scrub uniform and take her husband to the VIP floor to meet up with her sister and grandmother.

"You need to sign this…" Vito is handing her the envelope while they are walking to the elevator.

"What it is?" Emma is asking to his husband.

"You work contract… you forget to sign one… the HR people were outside the changing room, and I take from him to pass it to you… sign it and I let Ai Jia walk it back to the HR," Vito is telling his wife without blinking an eye. Ai Jia wants to cry in the front of the elevator cubicle to hear his boss lies.

Emma is taking out a stack of documents from the envelope and open it up to the page where it is marked with a post-it to sign. She takes out her pen from the jacket pocket and signs it straight away without even bother to read the contract.

"Are you just signing a contract without even reading it?" Vito is looking at his wife with amusement.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Emma is asking him while putting the document inside the envelope back.

"What happens if you just sign a life death contract with me?" Vito is looking at her sharply and receives the envelope from his wife's hand.