She is trapped

"You are promises right, uncle… I will not complain any longer and you can even make the hospital full public hospital…" Wen Liang is wiggling his tail to get lure with the newest equipment. He is going to work as much as his uncle want to get his hand into the newest toy.

"Yep and also some of the newest robotic hand to do the operation. We will make sure, your hospital is going to have more resident and nurse," Vito is convincing his nephew.

"I love you, uncle…. You are my God and saviour…" Wen Liang is keeping praising his uncle before he got cut off by his uncle.

Vito is drilling the whole hospital director for his plan and make them work with him until ten PM. As soon as his phone ring, he picks up his phone briefly before stopping his meeting and torture for the whole hospital director.

He is walking out to meet with his wife on the hospital lobby which make Emma surprised to see him on the lobby with the same suit as this morning.

"I am hungry…" Emma is telling him as soon as she sees his handsome face.

"What do you want to eat?" Vito is asking her for her feeling when she suggest some meat barbeque. It makes Vito to crest his forehead.

However, he still takes her to the Korean Barbeque restaurant. Emma is really happy to get treat with the meal.

"Can I order some alcohol?" Emma is asking Vito for some alcohol to make her relax.

"Are you not on call tonight?" Vito is asking her about her duties.

"Of Course, not…. Waitress, can you get me a set of soju Bomb…?" Emma is asking the waitress. She vows in this life; she will live her life with the fullest ability. She will not live as the old timid Emma.

Vito only smiles to see his wife enjoy her after work time. They are ordering the most expensive set of Kobe wagyu beef slice with the Iberico pork slice meat. The waitress is coming to bring her order for the soju bomb. They are eating in the exclusive BBQ restaurant in town. It means all of their service and produce is in the top of the line.

Emma is downing the whole soju bomb in one drinking. It is amused Vito for her ability to drink alcohol.

"Slow down with the soju…" Vito is reminding her for the alcohol content while he is drinking it in moderate pace.

"I am in good mood today even though we were crashed with some emergency case. I just want to celebrate the fall out of my sister Lin Yan with brother Han Zheng…. It was a huge satisfaction to see her lies to be found out," Emma is drinking her second glass and it makes her check really red.

"Em, you have to eat the meat…" Vito is placing some meat into her bowl. Emma is obediently eating the meat with her rice. She is drinking the soup and asking for more soju bombs after the first set is finished.

"What do you want me to do with your sister scandal?" Vito is eating his meat after asking for his wife opinion.

"Do you think me as soft-hearted if I ask you to put it down? I just remembered about my grandmother request about our family name dignity…" Emma is asking back to Vito with her face already red as the boiled crab. She is already falling into the trap of her husband handsome face and look at him as long as she wants. Because the handsome person sitting opposite of her belong only to herself.