He find her

"why you seem to be known about Fan Leng location?" Andrea is sitting on the sofa and looking at his phone. He is waiting for the update from Exo.

"Just a gut feeling. I know where he is located," Vito is taking off his jacket suit and go to the special wardrobe near his suite. He opens the door and a drawer come out with the wall full of the newest gun and all of its ammunition.

Wen Liang is coming up with the roll blueprint of the hospital building. He gets all the work out with his breathing to follow.

Max is sneaking inside the office after a while with his full outfit. He is ready to attack someone while Vito is already changing into his tactical outfit.

"Are you really going to do this? Wait, I am coming with you this time. It has been a long time for you not spilling some blood and I want to witness this," Andrea is going inside Vito's suite to get change with the tactical suite.