Luo Han Zheng Plan

It takes a few days for Bai Yu to get better in the hospital. He is losing his two hands and crippled by Vito. He vows with his own life to take acts of revenge on Vito regardless of the consequences. He is trying hard to accept his condition as a cripple man, but it seems his life turn to be in the deep abyss every time he looks at his arm.

He is recuperating back at home in his mother mansion and did not dare to come out from the house. His assistant is working from his home when he gets more frustrated to see his assistant with a full hand.

He is venting his frustration toward his assistant. It is really aggravated to see the full and perfect man stand in front of him. If Bai Yu's assistant did not think about his debt to his boss mother family, He would want to resign and leave this angry human being.