New York

"Boss, you are the problem in here. You are accusing her to have the affair with me while we are only talking in the boutique after she spills coffee into my shirt. Do you think about your overreacting expression toward her, and it did not hurt her feeling?" EXO is telling his boss without any hint of cowardly.

"Where is she going? Ai Jia prepares the plane for take-off, I bet she is already away from us," Vito is walking to the elevator with everybody. Meanwhile, after Ai Jia fixed the plane to be ready to take off for his boss, he is calling Gretta to take care of their boss suitcase and all their belonging in the hotel.

They are going to the airport while Andrea is taking care of their paperwork with the custom in the airport and getting clearance to use one of the runways to go up in the sky. EXO is telling the pilot the destination while Vito is taking off his tie and drinking his whisky.