Vito's jealousy

"Speak!" Vito is skating around with the heavy hockey ball on his stick. He wants to hear their reason for all their decision to betray their organization.

"Don, we are not doing anything and get set up with all the things reported to you." Pablo is kneeling on the floor naked. His body shiver from the coldness of the ice rink. 

"I do not know anything and yet, I got pulled into this mess!" Con is screaming full of anger for getting dragged into this whole scene.

"How about you, John? You seem a little quiet," Vito is stopping his movement after hearing all their word.

"I do not care to be denied anything. If you find me wrong then I am wrong," Peter is telling him and trying to be brave. He knows well enough his time end today because of his son stupidity. However, he has to take responsibility for his child wrongdoing.