Vito's change of plan

"Are you angry? Let it be and do not think anymore for that stupid woman," Emma is holding tight to her husband arm. She is acting to be coquettish to her husband.

"I am spoiling you and no one can touch you. Andrea and Ai Jia, I do not want to see his company by the end of today. I want it to be flat out and demolish!" Vito is instructing his right hand and assistant. 

"I would know you will say like that. the process has been starting and you will hear everything tomorrow morning," Andrea is telling his boss.

"Are you really going to make his big company bankrupt? Can you do it?" Emma is looking at him inside his arm on the way to their car.

"Why can't I do it?" Vito is looking at her with his amusement look at her wife reaction.

"How do you do it? it is not easy for you to do all of that stuff. Why do you have to waste energy for them?" Emma is complaining to her husband.