The Payback

In the Mancuso Mansion, Gia is bringing a male escort. As soon as he comes inside the dining room, she is pouncing his body.

She is busy curing herself with his sexual intercourse when the video call of Mancuso's elder come through the computer.

Gia is getting startled and did not dare to pick up the phone. She is leaving the laptop open to be ready for her boss to use after their sexual intercourse.

Apparently, the elders in the Mancuso organisation are getting startled and their shares in the family corporation are practically worth almost zero.

They all are getting coaxed with all the words from Sophia. They are concerned with the head of the family and the company.

They are getting all convinced with her word because of all her dedication and her parent's sacrifice in the family.

They are all trying to contact her on her phone and the latest one on her video call to find out about her plan to salvage the company.