the wedding picture

"I am coming now, grandmother," Lin Yan is getting up from the bed. 

She finds out that last night, the cousin of her brother-in-law really satisfied her on the bed.

"Do not forget about your promise to give me your sister!" Sun An is reminding her before she is going to leave the room who is fills with naked women inside the golden cage.

"Wait a second. Get this as precaution," Sun An is standing up and give her some ice product to her hand.

"Why should I need this drug? Are you trying to poison me again?" Lin Yan is refusing the drug. She is well aware that last night is the last time for her to get inject with this kind of substance.

In the entertainment industry is a big taboo for artist to use the drug and they will get into problem when they are touching the drug. Lin Yan only uses some happy pill occasionally when she wants to have fun but nothing sort of injection to her vein.