the triplet

Vito and their grandparents rush to the department store. They are arriving at the same time as the ambulance.

Vito is going with the paramedic to the Man private hospital when Wen Liang is waiting for them in the emergency room.

Li Na is accompanying the elders to the hospital with them. They are getting worried about her condition.

At least, they are going to Vito's private hospital. The elders feel a little relieved to know about the position.

Grandfather Sun got advice that his son gets treated in the Man hospital by Vito instruction. Grandmother Lin is telling her husband to visit his only son who is still alive.

Vito and Emma are arriving in the emergency room. Vito is instructing his cousin to arrange a full body check for his wife.

Vito is checking her heartbeat, blood pressure, and oxygen level which all come back normal. The blood test come back normal and there is no poison detected in her bloodstream.