the memories

"what did you say? Brother Han Zheng is having stomach cancer and he is on his last effort to deal with his disease," Emma did not believe the news.

"He wants to keep it secret from you. My job here is only getting your signature and your lawyer can validate the transfer of name for all his belonging to your name as his benefactor. Young master Luo is asking about some time to meet you. 

But I can see both of you are in the hospital and it will be hard to arrange your meeting," Lawyer Han is informing her about the probability of their meeting.

"I do not want to sign any paper for the transfer before I meet him myself. I will arrange to visit him soon," Emma is obstinate enough to know her to wish.

"I will leave all the paperwork with Mr Ricci to look at and he can contact me to process everything from Young master Luo side," Lawyer Han is handing the folder to Andrea with his business card.