Love is so complicated

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When Shin got out of the classroom, he saw Suna and Takeo were still waiting for him outside the classroom. But what he didn't expect is that there were more people waiting for him.

Suddenly Shin feels his right shoulder being tapped by someone which made him look at the person who was tapping him.

"Shin, I missed you~" When Shin heard this he looked at the person with full disgust. The person who said this was Shu Maiko, one of Shin's close friends. Sadly he has a different class from Shin which made him always visit Shin's class. Shu, who notices Shin's expression, can only shudder as he laughs wryly.

"I was joking!! I was joking!!"

Shin who heard this could only sigh while looking at his friend Shu. He then looks around and finds Onodera, Ruri, and Satou are also waiting for him, and this makes Shin look at Suna with a bit of a suspicious gaze upon him which he can only avoid. He knew that Satou will be here since Satou is Satou, and he also asked her to come with him today, but he never expected Onodera to be here.

For Shin, this was one of the worst-case scenarios, in which both Onodera and Satou are waiting for him together. He knew that he had to tell Onodera about his relationship, but not this soon.

Shu noticed that Shin had quite the complicated situation right now and that there was something wrong. He knew that Onodera had feelings for Shin but he also knew that Satou and Shin had feelings for each other.

"Takeo-kun said that you will celebrate something and he thought it would be better if we came along, but if that's too troubling for you then we're sorry." Onodera only smiles at him while saying this.

"No, it's alright, you both can come as well." When Shin heard this he could only look at Takeo with a deadpan. He knew Takeo meant well, but sometimes he wants to let out some cursed words and lash out at him.

But after hearing Onodera, Satou tugs his clothes and then says something to him.

"Shin... Even though We just started dating, you are going to celebrate it... I'm so happy." Satou moves her head toward Shin as she then hugs him with a happy blush on her face while kissing him.

'Ah... I don't care anymore...' Shin who got a kiss from Satou is happy as he then kisses Satou back which causes Satou to blush even more.

When Satou declared that both she and Shin were dating, all of them showed a surprised expression on their faces except for Shu, Suna, and Ruri, though Ruri and Shu were a little bit surprised by it. But when Satou kissed Shin, all of them couldn't help but feel very surprised by it since they didn't expect they would kiss each other so brazenly in public.

After Satou and Shin pull their lips away from each other, Shin looks around him and finds not only his friends are surprised by his and Satou's actions, but some students who were nearby were also surprised by their actions.

Shin who sees this at first wanted to try and 'Load', but when he thought about it again that action is a bit irrational since, in the end, he is going to tell everyone that the both of them were dating. It's just the current situation that made him feel a bit nervous since he has to see Onodera sad.

"I'm going to surprise you guys later, but yeah it seems the bean has been spilled huh... As you can see, Satou and I just recently started dating." Shin could only smile wryly while declaring this to everyone. But as soon as everyone was still a bit surprised by what happened, there was someone behind him who was also surprised.

"Shin... You have a Girlfriend?!"

The one who talked was Shizuka as she gave him a surprised look on her face.

"Shizuka-nee..." At that time, Shin only looked at Shizuka with a calm look as he also knows that this will happen sooner or later.

"I'm happy for you Shin, but you need to have self-restraint you know. So don't you dare make her pregnant while you're still in highschool..." Shizuka could only laugh as she reprimanded Shin.

"You don't need to worry since I'm not going to make her pregnant in high school... And even if I would, I would still take responsibility."

"Don't you dare to do that!! Or I wouldn't know how to face your grandfather... And If I were to find both of you kissing again at school grounds, then both of you are going straight to the guidance office." Shizuka could only let out a bit of a mad expression after hearing Shin's reply but soon she slowly walks past Shin as she then pats Shin's shoulder with her right hand.

Before Shizuka passed Shin completely, Shin noticed Shizuka's sad expression for a second.

'Shizuka-nee.' When Shin looked at Shizuka's expression, he could feel the sadness on her face. At that time Shin wondered why she made that kind of face. Is it because of him dating Satou? He knows that Shizuka is sensitive about her age and also marital status, but even so, the Shizuka he knows will always let out a mad look on her face rather than a sad one. This is the second time he saw Shizuka make that face, and he doesn't like it one bit.

Before Shin was able to think further, both of his shoulders were getting held by something big. He then looks in front of him and finds Takeo's big face is in front of him.

"Shin!! I feel happy for you!!" Takeo with a teary grin congratulated Shin while shaking his body forward and backward which made him dizzy.

"Stop shaking me Takeo!!" Shin can only shout as he slaps both of Takeo's hands.

"Sorry!! Sorry!! It's just I'm so happy for you Shin." Takeo could only wipe his teary face as he smiles at Shin.

"I get it so stop crying." Shin could only show a wry smile as he calmed Takeo down.

"Shin, I knew that you were popular around ladies, but to think you would get a girlfriend first!!" Shouted Shu with a goofy smile while patting his right shoulder.

While everyone is congratulating him, Onodera then says something to him as well with a smile.

"Good for you Tenjou-kun, you two look like a lovey-dovey couple."

"Yeah... Thanks."

When Shin heard this from Onodera, he could see the smile that Onodera makes is a forced one. He knew how Onodera feels about him, but right now the situation is a bit too complicated.

Ruri, who is beside Onodera could only sigh while looking at her with a stoic face.

When Shu notices the situation that just happened, he then says something.

"Since both of you just started dating, Why don't the both of you spend time with each other alone today? Anyway We can celebrate it tomorrow or at a later date. Now let's go everyone, we shouldn't bother the couple." Shu with a goofy smile invites everyone to go.

"Ah yeah, both of you must spend more time with each other!!" Said Takeo while giving a thumbs up to Shin.

"Good luck, Shin." Said Suna while he only smiles at him.

"Then Tenjou-kun see you tomorrow... I guess," said Onodera with a smile on her face.

Before Shin was able to say something, everyone was already gone as only both Shin and Satou were left in the corridor aside from the other student who was still looking at them. Currently, Shin could only feel thankful to Shu for releasing him from the current situation. That is the first time he has ever been in that kind of situation and at that time he feels that the atmosphere is so heavy. He knows that he has to face this kind of situation more in the future sooner or later, but right now he just wants to enjoy the current time with his girlfriend and he doesn't want to make her worry over his own problem.

Shin then looked at Satou with a smile as he grabbed her hand.

"Shall we go?"

Satou heard Shin and shows a happy smile while nodding at him.
