Punishment for who have just Sinned

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"What!? You are asking me to leave this café after only touching her butt, what kind of service is this!?" A Yellow-haired type of delinquent who is seated at a table at the café looked angry while shouting at the two waitresses, Kaho and Mafuyu.

Some of the customers who were around the delinquent look at the delinquent with a mad look on their face and some of them look scared and anxious as they look away from the delinquent. But what all of them have in common is that all of them didn't dare to confront the delinquent.

But when Mafuyu heard this she only looked at the delinquent with a glare which resulted in the delinquent getting irritated at Mafuyu.

"How dare you look at me like that!! All of the waitresses here should know their place!!"

The delinquent then grabs a menu on the table as he then throws it at Mafuyu. Kaho was surprised as she didn't expect the delinquent to be this aggressive, she was surprised when the delinquent threw the menu to Mafuyu. At that time everyone including the customer also looked surprised when the menu was thrown at Mafuyu.

Mafuyu herself only closed her eyes while thinking about taking the hit of the menu that was flying toward her. But as she thought she is going to be hit by the menu that is thrown by the delinquent, she doesn't feel anything. And when she opens her eyes she can see a hand catches the menu that was thrown by the delinquent.

"Now that is one hell of a rude customer."

Mafuyu, who heard the voice beside her, looked at the person who said that. The person that she saw beside her is Shin himself as he is the one who catches the menu that is thrown by the delinquent. Everyone who saw Shin just showed a bit of surprise on their faces as Shin just showed up out of nowhere catching the menu. When the delinquent sees Shin that shows up beside Mafuyu, he feels so unsettled but still, he looks at Shin with a glare.

"Are you alright Mafuyu-san, Kaho-senpai?

Mafuyu and Kaho nod as both of them look at Shin with a relieved look.

"So can you tell what's happening here?"

When Kaho hears this question from Shin she just looks away with a sad expression. Mafuyu then told Shin what just happened to Kaho.

"This customer sexually harassed Kaho, by touching her butt, and when she asked him to apologize, he gets mad. That is why I asked him to leave the cafe and you know the rest of the story..."

When Shin heard this from Mafuyu, he looked at Kaho who gave him a sad look as she slowly looked away from him. He then takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself, the reason why he tries to calm himself down is simple, and that is due to the rage emotion that is growing inside him. But he needs to calm himself down since right now he is still at work and he needs to act more professional, that is why he needs to show the 'cold prince' persona when handling the customer.

"Sir, can I ask you to leave this café since you are sexually harassing our waitress and also bothering the other customer with your voice?" Said Shin while showing an emotionless look on his face as he looked at the delinquent. The delinquent who heard this only became irritated but still, he showed a smirk as he looked at Shin.

"Huh… What are you talking about? isn't this the type of café where any kind of touching is allowed with the waitresses!!"

When the delinquent shouted that to Shin with a smirk on his face, Shin still kept his emotionless look on his face while staying quiet.

"What with that look on your face, huh?! I am a customer too, you shithead!! Shouldn't you treat your customer like a king or something in this kind of job!!"

Mafuyu who stands beside Shin with an irritated look is about to say something to the delinquent, but Shin told something to the delinquent first.

"Yes, of course, we treat our customers like a king. But there are many different types of a king, and you are indeed a 'Fuc-KING Nuisance' type of king to be exact, so can you please leave dear 'Fuc-KING' customer?"

When Shin said this to the delinquent, Kaho, Mafuyu, and people who are near them is surprised by what Shin just said, some were nervous, some also laugh, and some also worried about Shin since the word probably make the delinquent mad though most people who worried are Kaho, Mafuyu, and also most of the female customer.

"Y-you fucking cunt!!!"

The delinquent who heard Shin's words, of course, went mad as all of his veins started to show up on his face. The delinquent then stands up as he was about to punch Shin's face.


Most of the female customers who saw the delinquent punch hitting Shin's face were shouting all over the Café… But what all of them don't know is that the delinquent punch didn't hit Shin at all as he evades the punch while also pretending to get hit by the delinquent, and all the people who saw this thinks that the punch that hit Shin is so real, that they don't realize that Shin was able to avoid it.

"Anyway sir, since you hit me first, this is self-defense."

When the delinquent has already done his punch, Shin quickly grabs the delinquent's front hand that still forms a fist with his right hand.

'This is for touching Kaho-senpai.' thought Shin while still showing an emotionless look, but the gaze that Shin made as he looked at the delinquent, making the delinquent scared.

As Shin grabs the delinquent fist, he makes a little of a stance before he then pushes his bellow palm at the delinquent fist, which causes all the delinquent front fingers bone to break instantly including his whole hand which causes the delinquent to shout. But before the delinquent can even shout, Shin pins the delinquent down on the floor first as the delinquent at the same time shouts.


Without everyone realizing it, the delinquent was already pinned on the floor as he couldn't help but be scared by Shin's gaze.

'Well, considering how I spend less training unlike my past life, this is a bit surprising since I didn't expect that this much is enough to break his whole hand.'

Right now Shin who pins down the delinquent is now comparing his skill with his own past life. Unlike his past life, his current self is a bit weaker since he doesn't spend as much time as his past life self due to being busy at school, hobbies, and a part-time job at the cafe.

But still, Shin didn't expect that the hands of the delinquent would break so easily, but if it was his past life, the delinquent hand along with his arm would shatter when he used this technique.

The technique that Shin just used on the delinquent is a technique that he modified after he is inspired by the one-inch punch and palm strike from his past life. But unlike both techniques, the technique is using a grab with his fingers as the lower palm of his hands moves away and then pushes to break any part of his enemy body, even though he can do the technique without grabbing, but it will reduce the damage that is shown.

But for anyone to use this technique effectively, they have to train their lower palm to the utmost limit, so they don't break their lower palm when using the technique or it will make the power higher when using the technique.

Suddenly Shin got another skill when he still pinned down the delinquent.


[You have acquired the skill Hand-to-Hand Combat Technique:1]


Shin of course is not surprised anymore when he gets another skill, since he figures that he will get another skill if he does something similar when he is cooking.

"F-fuck!! Release me this damn instant!! How fucking dare you to attack me, I will sue you!!"

Even though the delinquent is still scared from Shin's gaze, he still has the guts to be mad at Shin himself due to the adrenaline from the pain of his broken hand. Shin who heard this looks at him with a deadpan as he thinks that the delinquent doesn't have the capability to think since there are many people who already saw the delinquent attacking him.

"Sir, it seems you still daydream? Sue me all you want, but even if you were to sue me, there were a lot of witnesses who saw you attacking me first? And even if that wasn't the case, I still can sue you with other evidence, you know?"

The delinquent who is still trying to break from Shin pin wants to shout back at Shin, but before he can shout, Shin says something to him.

"It seems you also don't have the ears to hear my explanation, huh… Well, Akizuki-san."

Koyo who just left the kitchen due to the commotion that is caused outside the Kitchen is called by Shin as he is still confused about what's happening and why Shin is pinning a guy on the floor, but he still replies to Shin.


"Can you grab my phone on that table and give it to me?"


Koyo nods at Shin as he then goes to the table where Shin pointed on where his phone resides. As soon as Koyo arrives at the table he finds Shin's phone in the position of standing. The diagonal that Shin phone curve is like the phone itself is pointing to where Shin and delinquent was. Soon Koyo grabs Shin's phone and then comes to him as he gives him his phone.

As soon as Shin receives the phone he then presses something on the screen with his left hand since his right is pinning the delinquent. After he finished pressing on the screen he then showed something to the delinquent which shocked the delinquent. It is the video recording of the delinquent himself where inside of the video there is also a scene where he punches Shin, this makes the delinquent go pale, as he didn't expect that his action is going to be recorded.

Before Shin helps Mafuyu and Kaho handle the delinquent he also doesn't forget to put his phone in a place that can record the accident in case this situation were to happen.

"Sir, I will ask you again, can you leave this place and never come back before I call the police here?" Said Shin with an emotionless look on his face, but this time he put more bloodlust into his gaze as the gaze itself is making the delinquent drop many sweats from his face.

Soon the delinquent face goes pale as he doesn't have the will to argue with Shin. Shin then releases his right hand that pinning him which makes him run so quickly that 5 seconds later, the delinquent is nowhere to be seen.

All the customers are speechless as they were in shock at the way that Shin is handling the delinquent. All the female customers look at Shin like a handsome charming prince who just takes down a criminal, and most of the male customers look at Shin with a scared look as they imagine themself of what if they trying to get touchy with the waitress here, though even some were too scared there are also some male customer that looks at Shin with an amazed look on their face.

But out of everyone, the people that are most surprised by this accident are Kaho and Mafuyu as they didn't know the fact that Shin knew how to fight well. Still, even then, the only person who is still confused about what is happening is Koyo himself as he just left the kitchen on a whim after hearing the shout of the delinquent.

"*sigh*It seems I have to ask Dino-san to buy some CCTV…" Said Shin as he sigh while looking around at the cafe, truthfully he wants to call the police to capture the delinquent, but the only problem is that he doesn't want to make a report at the police department since it is a pain in the ass and even if he goes there, he will waste much time there which resulting him skipping his part-time job for today.

"Are you alright?"

Kaho walked to Shin with a worried gaze while checking his condition. Shin, who sees Kaho still doing alright, sighs as he is relieved.

"Rather than worry about me, you should get back to work."

Shin then flicks Kaho's forehead as he shows a smile toward her.

"Ouchh… What is that for..."

Kaho only pouted as she put both of her hands into her forehead. Shin who see her doing that smile a bit as he looks at her, but when thinking about the time where the delinquent sexual harass her, he couldn't help but feel so angry at the delinquent and when he sees her worried for him and doing pout like face, his heartbeat starts to go fast like when he is with Satou. Shin soon calms himself as he starts walking to the kitchen.

"Anyway, if both of you are just going to stand around doing nothing, you should start working. The customers aren't going to wait for both of you to stand, you know." Said Shin as he looked at both Mafuyu and Koyo who were still standing in surprise while thinking about the accident that just happened. Mafuyu and Koyo who heard this snap back to reality as both of them soon start to go back to work mode.

But Shin, who was walking to the kitchen, still thinks about what he just feels for Kaho and how to respond to Kaho's feelings.