The Secret that is Hidden Inside the House

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A hidden mechanism has been detected around the room.


The screen panel that just showed up in front of Shin, made Shin wary about his surroundings as he looked around the room. As soon as he found that nothing happened around him, he then looked again at the screen panel with a calm look on his face but still, he was a bit surprised by what he just read.

'Is this what I think it is…'

As Shin tries to think about it, suddenly another screen panel shows up in front of him.


Would you want to pinpoint the whereabouts of the hidden mechanism?


"It seems [Appraisal] is more useful than I thought."

Shin said that with a smile on his face. The first time he used [Appraisal], he thought that the skill can only appraise skills, objects, or maybe people. But he didn't think it can appraise a room as well.


As soon as Shin said 'yes', suddenly a pinpoint showed up at a certain place in a wall alongside the distance parameter.

'Damn… This indeed looks very similar to an open-world game.'

Shin can only show a wry smile as he looks at the pinpoint and distance parameter. The only thing that he thought about it is that it almost looks the same as the other open-world game which usually uses a map to pinpoint a location and there is also usually a distance parameter on the game which can make us know how far the position we are and also the pinpoint location itself.

Though the only difference with this is that the [Appraisal] skill doesn't show any map or anything similar which is unfortunate, but still this is quite useful when tracking something hard to track.

Soon he walked toward the place where the pinpoint was placed. As he walks toward it he soon stands in front of a wall.

"*sigh* I knew it, this place…"

The place where the pinpoint is sticking is a place where he already knew. A year ago after his grandpa died, he started to sort up all things in the house as he wanted to properly make the house to suit his living style. But as he is cleaning up the basement he accidentally found a weird hidden small button that blended at the wall.

If Shin doesn't have a keen eye, he wouldn't have noticed the small buttons that are blended at the wall. But the problem is that when he is trying to investigate the small button at the wall, the pattern doesn't do anything, which makes him think that the pattern is only a decorative thing in the wall.

"At that time, that was what I thought… Until [Appraisal] skill senses the hidden mechanism…"

Soon, Shin uses his [Appraisal] skill to analyze the small button again.


[Small button]: A button that will open you to another room, but there are some conditions to press the door.

Conditions: Possess the bloodline of the Tenjou family, and use Mana when pressing the button.


Shin, who saw the description of the appraisal, could only show a surprised look on his face. Soon he starts to sigh as he shows a wry smile on his face.

"So that is why I couldn't press the button even if I wanted to, the thing that I lack is how to make my mana come out. But I never thought that grandpa knew magic… It looks like there are so many things that I don't even know within my own family." Shin with a sad smile could only look at the button while wondering what his grandpa's identity was.

But soon Shin stops wondering as he thinks it's futile considering the lack of information that he knew about his grandpa, since assuming with the lack of information can sometimes lead someone into his own demise.

"Anyway, how do I even touch the button when I can't even bring out this so-called mana." As Shin mumbled while wondering how to press the button, he soon touched the button while trying to analyze the button once again, but suddenly a screen panel appeared in front of him.


[You have acquired the skill Mana Manipulation]


Shin, who notices the screen panel, pulls his finger quickly from the button as he wears a wary look on his face. After reading the content of the screen panel, he soon calms himself down while sighing as he is thinking something with a deadpan while sighing.

'*sigh* It looks like everything that I do tends to give me some skill, like that time from the café where I learn [Cooking] and [Hand-to-Hand Combat Technique] skills. It's like living in a world full of cheat codes… But thanks to this I learn how to use Magic I guess by only touching a button which I don't even know why it gives me the skill itself...'

Soon, Shin looks at his hand and also his body as he starts to sense something that he hasn't even felt in his entire life. He definitely can feel unknown energy that is circling through his entire body, which he quickly guesses is probably mana that is inside his body.

Shin then looks at the button once again as he wants to try to press it again. But soon he stops as he then opens his [Save and Load] skill which he then uses his save slot to set a save point before he is going to touch the button since it's not hurt to be more careful rather than regretting it later.

Shin soon once again tries to press the button, but even so, nothing is happening, which makes Shin confused.

After that, he gets an idea and tries to imagine a flow of mana coming out from a single finger. This causes the button to get pressed as he can feel mana flow out from his finger, but soon a small needle pops out from the center of the button as it stabs his finger skin a bit which makes his front finger a little bleed.

Of course, Shin then pulls out his finger, but he still has a calm look as he is already expecting it. The reason why Shin is still calm is simple, it is because he already knew from one of the conditions when pressing that button, which is to have a Tenjou bloodline and from that one condition he already deduced that once you press the button it will surely take your blood a bit though he doesn't know in what way they will take it. But if it somehow turns into a dangerous situation where it can kill him, he can just instantly load from the situation he is in.

Suddenly after the needle takes his blood, the wall that is in front of him is rotated as it slowly reveals a room he has never seen in his entire life living in this house.

'Never expected that grandpa would make a secret room in the basement…'

Shin, who just sees what is happening in front of him, only shows a wry smile as he looks at the wall revealing a secret room that he has never seen even since his childhood.

He then enters the room beyond the wall as he can see many antiques and some stuff that he sees that his grandpa collects. But of course, there is also so much stuff that he doesn't recognize around him. Now, this answers Shin's question about where his grandpa kept all of his stuff after he passed away, which caused him to get confused a year ago.

Shin then walks around while using [Appraisal] skill as he walks around the room.


[Stone Mask (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)]: A powerful ancient artifact that can turn a living being into a vampire. It is triggered when it is touched by the blood of the living being which causes the edge of the mask to extend its tendrils of stone and then pierce the wearer's skull and brain which later turn them into vampires resulting in them gaining immense strength and other abilities but in return, it gives the wearer weakness to direct sunlight. The only exception to this is the pillar man itself, as when they are wearing this mask, they will be granted a near-invincibility and the ability to manipulate the body.

[Murasame (Akame ga Kill)]: A cursed blade that could kill a person with a single cut. When cut into any part of a person's body, a poisonous curse spreads through the person's body who gets cut, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart. When a certain condition is fulfilled, the user's scleras turn black, with black markings appearing around their pupils and a dark aura enveloping their body. Also, red markings will appear all over the user's body and remain as scars once its effect ends.




[Dragon Slayer (Berserk)]: A massive sword that is crafted by the blacksmith Godot to kill a dragon. Due to the weight itself, the weapon is unusable for a normal person to wield. But when a person is capable of using the massive sword as a weapon, It can easily shred anyone into pieces when they can't block it.


Shin, who walks around while seeing the screen panel, could only have a surprised look on his face as he walks around trying to see all the stuff that his grandpa has.

'Grandpa… What the hell... are you keeping all the dangerous stuff for?'

Shin could only have many sweat drops on his face while looking around, as he didn't think that his grandpa would collect all these dangerous items in the basement. But what confused him the most is that next to all the item name there is something similar to a title which he thinks that it is probably some sort of anime, manga, or Light Novel title, but he has never heard such title, which he concluded that it is probably a title of an unpopular series, or it is a series from his past life, which he believes the latter since the weapon was somehow a bit cool. But of course, that is just his assumption as he isn't really sure about it.

At the end of the room, as he walks, he soon finds a big door that isn't attached to any wall standing in front of him. But as soon as he looked at the door, he soon found a piece of paper attached to the door.