chapter 0

Around midnight, the guards change shifts. Two knights with shiny red and blue armor on, walk to the two knights that is watching the court yard. one of them have a silver color armor with a little bit orange mixed in. The other one has a sword at his hip and no helmet on. the one without a helmet has dark brown hair with a little mustache the same color.

"Hey, mike. did you see any one about?" ask one knight with a spear the color of a pumpkin. The knight on the left, mike, answers back with a shake of his head.

"we have not seen anyone around so far. You cant be too careful with those mages running around doing whatever they want." he tells the other two knights with a stern look.

"Me my partner will watch out for any activaty in the court yard." the new knight with a shield that has a red cross on it says to Mike.

"good. now we might as well try to get some sleep for once, right? Frank?" Mike asks his fellow knight on watch.

"we dont get much time for sleep with all the attacks on small town in the kingdom." Frank tells the two knights.

"than, you better go before an attack or something happens to the towns in the kingdom, right?" the knight next to the knight with a shield says to Mike and Frank.

"we will," Mike says to them and walks the way the red and blue knights came from. Frank follows after Mike.

"hey, say hello to Mary will'ya, Mike?" the one that did not say anything yet calls after them. Mike turns to the one kept quiet.

"yeah, I can do that for you, see'ya later. Will." Mike says to Will. With the knights that was at the door gone and red and blue knights now guarding the court yard. You poke your head out from over the wall. You have a black hunter cloak on with is hood up. Your hair is light brown and have no hair on your face at all. You want to get into the castle, but you have to get past the guards first. Option 1 is you try to drop down form the wall behind some bushes in the court yard. Option 2 is you crawl along the wall to a more darker place to drop in.

chapter 1 for option 1

chapter 2 for option 2