Thinking about the area, you decide to move on to a different part of the outer castle. You crawl one direction of the wall and stop before the guards could see you. You find that you are by the front gate to the castle. Looking down, you see no one but a few guard. The guards are no where near you, and you have a perfect dark area to drop into. Without waiting, you slide down the wall roof and drop into the shadows with out making a sound. The castle stables are near you with a few horses resting in it. You silently rush over to it, and go in to see if there is a door to the castle. Before you could reach the end of the stables, the guards tell down from there post.
"Drop the bridge!" A knight calls down, you don't know which one said it from you view point.
"Dropping the bridge!" Calls back a knight with a huge war hammer on his back. The knight with the hammer start to slowly turn a big wheel toward the wall. He stops turning when the bridge is all the way down. You turn your gaze to the open castle gates in wonder.
'I wonder who it is at this time of night.' You thought to your self. The sound of hoffs on wood echoes in the stone area. A all Black horse came riding in. On the horse is a girl, no older than 16.
'She looks about my age.' You thought to yourself as the girl stops in front of a guard. She gets off the horse and hands the reins to the guard. Before the guard can take the reins, the girl pulled back and stare at the guard with a killing gaze.
"You better put my Shadow in the finest area in the stables. Make sure he gets the right type of oats, unlike the last boffin that gave him donkey oats! That idiot! What does he think my Shadow is? A infer donkey! The nerves you lowly peasant have!" The girl rant on and on about what they need to do for her precious 'Shadow' before letting the guard take the reins of her horse. The guard that the girl was in front of just stands there with a forced face.
'I feel sorry for that guard, wonder what he did in his past life to have such bad karma?' You wonder as you watch the scene.
"It be my pleasure, my Lady Rose," the guard says the girl.
'Wait! that is Rose Stanly! The same girl that was so nice to everyone at the generous donation for orphans. WoW,' You thought in disbelief. You just stare at her as she walks into the castle with he head held high. You snap out of your thoughts by the sound the stables doors opening. You quickly hide behind one of the walls that separates the horse as you hear the guard put lady Rose's horse in one of the areas.
"I can't believe that I thought working at the castle would be Easter. Far from it! That princess is so annoying with how she treats the peasants and any one she deems unworthy of her respect! I have had enoght of that's brats attitude. I'm going to teach her what happens when you disrespect someone!" The guard rants. After lady Rose's horse is in, he storms to the back of the stables. You stand still and hope he does not see you. Second pass as you force your body to stay still. The angry guard rushes past and into the castle with a loud dang. You also hear him tell someone to wake the stable boy so he can take of the princess's horse. You can follow the guard and try to stop him. Or you can hurry in the castle and look for what you came for.
chapter 5 for following the guard
chapter 6 for get in and look