Veronica was in the middle of an ethics class, when everything happened. She had to go to school alone today, because Aidan caught a cold from the recent temperature changes. She was not the most popular person, so when he was gone the whole world turned against her. She was beginning to experience cold symptoms, but it could be just psychological. And nothing was fun when Aidan wasn't around.

- Nowadays, we are surrounded by so much destruction, greed and death… People are not even affected anymore. It's a new normal. People are selfish, they think only of their own benefit. But cannot take all the blame, because that is what the world has led them to be. There are two explanations that we can raise: they do it because they know that if they don't think about themselves, other people won't either; or they've been like that for so long, they don't know another way to live. - The teacher spoke trying to get some reaction from the students, but no one seemed to hear.

It was the last class of the day; patience was long gone and now Veronica was emerged in a podcast of a girl discussing real issues. Her eyes were closed and the world disappeared. She did not hear Mrs. Mendes' speech, much less the explosion that spread outside the window.

Several students ran to see what it was while the teacher tried to keep the peace. They pressed themselves against a side window – curious and quite noisy – trying to post on their social networks, but no one saw anything. Then, among other people's murmurs, a man came reeling with red eyes and blood dripping from the mouth. He attacked a woman, bit her neck and started to scratch it. The screams were so loud Veronica removed her headphones. – What happened? – She asked, still distracted.

When she tried approaching the window to see what the fuss was about, but failed. Veronica was thrown back by a sea of students trying to get away. Before making another move, the school speaker took over: - Students, please remain calm until we find out the seriousness of the situation. Teachers, turn on channel three. - Mrs. Mendes reached for the control on her desk, but was so disconcerted that she nearly dropped it. When finally managed, the screen started to glow and in its lower margin the headline read ALERT: Virus infects people and turns them into monsters.

The reporter dressed in formal clothes spoke: - Citizens of Rivertown, pay attention. There was an outbreak of an unknown virus near the Pharmaceutical Company Against Serious Diseases (PCASD) and it is... transforming people. Leaving them bloodthirsty, unreasonable and extremely aggressive. - The reporter started swinging a pen between her fingers. – It's not yet known what caused this outbreak or who is responsible. Apparently, this virus spreads through blood contact, being the most common form seen: a bite. We are trying to contact the company, but we have not yet obtained any statement. It is advisable that everyone remains safe, lock their doors and keep the windows closed. We do not know what we are dealing with and until it is cleared up, all of us are in danger. - The image changed to a commercial about sunscreen and soon the television was shut off.

After coming out of her trance, the teacher took action and started to speak, but Veronica was no longer listening. She couldn't stay there, needed to go home and take care of her sister. Lucky for her, Aidan had a fever this morning. Not in a bad way, it would never be that. Just because he could be with the two little ones in the apartment and that was the only tranquility she had at the moment.

Everything was a mess. The students wanted to leave and Mrs. Mendes tried to keep them inside the room. With no time to lose, she waited a few seconds, took advantage of the students' panic and a small gap, grabbed her things and escaped into the hallway.

Leaving school was the easy part. Outside she had a real parameter of the situation: chaos. She made her normal way to the house as fast as she could and with every step, she saw people being attacked. Barely managed to dodge when one came towards her. As she passed the pharmacy, she remembered the promise made to Aidan: get some medicine on her way back. She knew that the flu was not serious and that it was definitely not a time for obstacles, but couldn't let him down. She just couldn't do it.

Veronica entered the store and saw people stealing. Searched as fast as she could through the corridors, avoiding fights and violence until finally finding the medicine on the last one. She was going to pay, but at that very moment the cashier was struggling with another one, taking bottles of water.

She turned to leave, making a mental note to come back when it was all over. However, an extremely aggressive monster stopped her. It entered the establishment and everything got faster. Despair reached astronomical levels when he jumped on a lady biting his neck. It paralyzed Veronica for a few seconds. Fortunately, a man grabbed her arm to save her life and bring her back to reality.

Veronica had to move, but there was no space. Shelves had fallen down. She dodged and ended up going with three more people through the glass window. The fall caused a piece to get stuck in her arm. She waited but the pain didn't come. However, there was bleeding and it could kill her.

Trying her best, she got up and started running, ignoring what happened and focussing on her goal. When there was no longer air in her lungs, Veronica had to stop. Made her way to a quiet alley feeling like a new reality. She took the backpack off her back and put the medicine inside while removing a thin blouse. After a poorly made tourniquet to stop the bleeding, she was satisfied and went back on her way.

Coming out of the small temporal vortex, the outside world was apocalyptic. She made it to her building and passed people running around with children, animals and precious objects in their arms. Veronica picked up her pace until she reached her own door. Tried opening, but was unsuccessful. Knocked a few times and threw the body forward narrowly dodging a mother who would hit her with the baby carriage.

- Who's there? - Startled when a voice asked through the door, but she recognized it immediately.

- It's me Aidan, open up! - She said screaming. After a moment, the door opened wide. Veronica ran in, leaving the noise outside to be drowned out by a few centimeters of wood.

Aidan hugged her relieved for a brief period of time. – Finally! I was worried about you! Why didn't you answer the phone? – He got close to hold her face trying to analyze what her eyes had to say. Suddenly, he shifted his attention to the redness that stretched across her arm and jumped back. – Gosh, Ronnie! What is this?!

Veronica was still confused by everything and without even answering, she left Aidan to find her sister. Running across the hall, she saw Anna and Jack playing on the bedroom floor. In a sigh of despair, she threw herself on the floor, hugging Anna with the good arm. – It's so good to see you, I'm glad you're alive. But we have to go, we are not safe.

- What are you talking about? – Aidan's voice alarmed her and she could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand up. He was close, with more precision, he was on his way when she got up to leave the room. – Calm down. Breathe… What is happening?

- Didn't you see the news? - Veronica dodged into the living room and turned on the television. It shows the outbreak of an unknown disease. Only she couldn't hear it properly because the dizziness got stronger. Aidan focused for a moment on the reporter before turning his attention to her and notices her skin paling. She could feel that her forehead was sweaty leaving the hair strands a little heavier.

- No! I didn't! But you can tell me everything while I fix your arm ... – Aidan ran out the door, but she wasted no time. Went to the kitchen, took the phone out of her pocket and wiped her face while calling her parents. After a few attempts, they finally answered. – You're lucky that my mother was a nurse. - Aidan says walking through the door with a briefcase. With a look he was quiet. Jack and Anna just watched in fright from the living room.

- Mom! How are you?! Are you okay?! – Ronnie shouted to the phone as she felt dizzy. Carefully, Aidan removed the tourniquet she had made. At the same time, he was trying to stay calm and keep her still, but in doing so, her arm moved and she clung to the edge of the sink to keep from screaming or scaring anyone.

He raised his hands quickly. - Sorry, sorry, sorry! - But without delay, he tried to remove the glass as if she was porcelain. His hands were shaking and very much wished he didn't care so much for the chance to do a better job.

- Ah, that's good! Yes, mom, we're fine too. – She nodded to Aidan who was asking for permission to make the final move. – Mom, you're scaring me. – She bites her mouth when Aidan finally takes off the piece of glass. – Yes. Yes, I know where it is. Okay. – She tightened the edge and supported her body, because she was starting to lose consciousness. – Seven, five, three, two. Ok ... I'll do it. – Veronica took a deep breath using all her strength to remember the few numbers. – Yes, we are, stay calm. See you later. I love you too. – It was the last thing she said before hanging up and collapsing on the floor.

- Hey, hey, hey, Ronnie, stay awake. – Aidan crouches in front of her and continues to press her wound, already panicking. – Jack, get mom's bag, quick! It's up there. – The little boy runs to help. The bleeding had stopped and Veronica kept her eyes closed just waiting for the needle. – Ronnie, this is going to hurt a lot, but I need you to stay still. Can you do this for me? – The concern and uncertainty in Aidan's voice was clearly noticeable and she wasn't able to respond. Veronica took a deep breath and nodded quickly while her sister grabbed her hand.

After a few seconds, she looked at him and her vision was dark and out of focus. In the background she could hear her sister's light cries and the heavy breathing of everyone present. Suddenly, her arm started to burn until no more.

Everything was black. Everything was calmer. At that moment, she couldn't say why. Realizing she had closed her eyes again and had passed out briefly. She could hear her own heart beating in her ear. While opening her eyes, she saw that Aidan's face was very close to hers and covered with concern.

- Heavens! – He smiled relieved without blinking, fearing that it was a mirage. – Give her a few minutes, you two. Get a backpack, put some clothes, a sweater and some food. – Still holding Veronica, trying to stay calm. - You scared me just now. How are you? – His voice trembled a little and she could see a tear trickle down his face, but the smile remained.

After a few seconds, she felt able to respond. – I don't know, but I don't have time to find out. We need to go. – She tried to get up, but almost fell. Her body was not yet ready.

- Wait, you're weak. I know it's an emergency, but tell me and I'll do it. – He said helping her to sit up better. But she was determined, tried again, managed to get up and stood on the edge of the sink.

- Make a backpack for you and one for Jack, we have no time to waste. Oh, and get your medicine. It's in my bag! – He stopped to face her. – Go! - Without another second, Aidan picked up the medicine and ran out of the apartment. She staggered into her room, using the walls to keep upright, because everything was spinning right now.

While packing her own suitcase, Veronica heard cries behind her and when turned around. Her sister was clinging to Jack. – Are we going to die? – The little girl's trembling voice silenced all the other sounds.

- I'm scared, where's my mommy? – Jack said holding on to Veronica. She couldn't afford to stop, she needed to be there for them. So, she replied to the little one:

- I don't know Jack, but don't worry. I will not let anything happen to you. – She leaned on the bed trying to appear more confident and overcome the slight dizziness that still chased her. And then looked at her little sister. – But I need you to pack that suitcase Aidan asked for and bring it to me.

- It's ready. – Anna ran out the door and then came back. Upon checking the contents, there was a teddy bear, a dress, a light sweater and two bars of chocolate. Veronica couldn't help but smile. Her sister was looking a little happier. Veronica took a deep breath to stand high.

- Okay, almost there. – She turned around, finished her suitcase quickly and went on to help Anna, after first getting some food and water from the kitchen. A few minutes passed while the three prepared everything in silence.

Everything was arranged. The TV started flashing when the door opened again and Aidan came in with two backpacks. – Ready, ready.

- Warning, warning, this is not a test. It is declared dangerous to go outside, stay safe, and protect yourselves. The mayor said that they are doing everything to get around the situation, but in the meantime, everyone needs to remain safe.

She looked at Aidan and they both knew that if they were going to survive this they needed to stay calm. All they had at the moment was each other. After turning off the TV, Aidan asked: - Is there anything missing?

- Yes. - She got up, walked over to the secret closet in the hall and inserted the number her mother had given her minutes ago: 7-5-3-2. The door slammed open and revealed its contents. Inside were two guns and four cartridges. Her father kept them at home for the safety of the family in case it was ever necessary. She heard a sigh with so many different emotions that she had no doubts. – Look, I know we need to stay positive, and I hope we don't have to use them. I also know that you don't like it, but we need to be ready for any and all situations. – Aidan was behind her, but she didn't want to turn around.

- Okay... Just be careful. – She nodded and put one of the guns with three cartridges in her backpack. The other weapon she prepared, lifted and placed on her waist. Because her father was a police officer, he insisted that she learned to shoot. So, since she was a little girl she went to the shooting range because: "the world is very dangerous and one day she would need it". She never wanted her father to be right about this, but here we are.

- Since I know how you feel about it, I won't even offer it. But get some knives in the kitchen. We need to get out soon. – She ran to make sure everything was locked while he followed her advice. Veronica took the car key and everyone left quickly. She knew that they had already wasted enough time, but at that moment there was no time to regret it.

Aidan ran ahead, followed by Jack and Anna, and soon Veronica came. They were keeping calm and away from people, making as little noise as possible and not knowing what they could find. All that came into her mind was that she had no way of controlling the world and they could get hurt. But she would definitely die before letting anything happen to those living beings.