The night stretched still and through the leaves of tall pine trees, the moon's glow fought for passage. At a considerable distance, Aidan enjoyed the sounds of the nocturnal animals as he tried to stay awake. He knew they were close to the cabin, but was afraid he might have missed a turn. There were no people for miles except for them, let alone cars. Veronica slept peacefully in the passenger seat in an uncomfortable position, but didn't seem to have nightmares and her arm seemed deflated. Her light breathing soothed Aidan to the point that he needed to pinch his hand from time to time for a slight shock of energy. All he wanted was to stop and sleep, but those people in the car were half his family and he wouldn't be responsible for letting anything happen to them. But the fever had left his body tired. He needed a distraction.

He hoped his mother was all right. She must be. "Right? There is no reason to worry... She was trained for situations like this, they deal with diseases all the time". It was not working; he knew there was something wrong. And even if everything was fine, many people have died and things will no longer be the same. "She had said that they were doing important research recently. Was it about that? Is she guilty in any way? No... She would never do that. But what if she did, what if it is true and did it really help to cause a civil war?" He strongly believed that once things get better, the survivors will be very angry about the deaths of their relatives and friends. "And why wouldn't they be? If it were Ronnie who died...". He couldn't even finish the thought. Only the relative thought of something happening to her gave him chills. Didn't even want to imagine.

Aidan turned to face the girl. She slept peacefully, so sweetly. All the moments they lived together from nine to the present day flashed before his eyes. Of course, there were some fights, but no one is perfect. But wouldn't change a thing, not even for a second. It had been a while since his feelings for her started. Different from when they were both children, but he didn't know if she felt the same. It seemed so. After all, the two seemed to agree a lot and the chemistry in the air was almost palpable. Aidan really wanted to try something stronger than friendship. Everyone talks about love, but he didn't know what it was. His parents weren't exactly the best definition for it. Well, his father died when he was seven and his mother was pregnant with Jack. He was shot during a major assault, but he was the criminal.

At that time, they were not wealthy and a second child freaked them out. Of course, Aidan would never tell Jack that, but it was the truth. He found out years later that his father's plan was to rob a large bank with two more bad men. Aidan doesn't know the details, but remembered exactly his mother's face when she told him. Elena was done for it, got help from the government and an important job at the PCASD that gave some stability back. So it wasn't all bad. Still, Aidan felt that his feelings for Veronica were stronger than his mother's for his father. But this virus situation made it a lot harder. "I hope there is still time, after all this ...".

Aidan felt his head wander, had to remember that he was driving and crashing the car would not be the best idea. So, he was immensely grateful when Ronnie's parents' hut appeared in front of him. They were close and he could rest for a while before making his way again. Just hoped the gas would be enough for at least part of the return trip.

Aidan completed the last few miles, parked and picked up the phone to message Richard or Camila and open the gates. After a few seconds, the entrance door opened and a short woman, very much like the girl beside him, ran out to meet them. – I'm glad you're here! I was so worried. Is everyone okay? - He heard her say when they crossed the gate. Aidan continued driving to the designated parking space on the left side of the house. It was only when the car was off that he opened his window and noticed Richard standing in front of him. Camila was coming quickly from behind.

- Did you make a good trip? Nobody got hurt, right? – Richard asked as he slowly approached the driver's window. Aidan noticed his heavy expression and the stronger lines under Richard' eyes.

- Yes, everyone is safe. Just asleep. – He was stopped by Richard while taking off his seat belt. Camila had already opened the back door and picked up her daughter to take her to bed.

- Let us take care of them, just wake up Veronica, please. – Tried to complain, but Richard continued. – We both know that this is the most difficult task. – Shaking their heads to agree, they both laughed softly.

- Count on me, sir. – They were both family to him, but considering the situation, he didn't feel comfortable calling him by his first name. It had been a long time; Richard didn't even try anymore. The boy was a son to him and there was potential with his daughter, so it was respectful. It gave him power. He would not complain.

Aidan turned to Veronica and started to rock her gently. – We're here, Ronnie, wake up. – Nothing. – Ronnie, we need to get in. Please wake up. – Zero answer. – After poking her face a few more times, Aidan got some movement. But it just made her spin on her injured arm, which eventually woke her up. It wasn't quite as expected, but it worked. – Good night… Get up. We need to eat something.

When Veronica managed to focus the vision, she realized they were parked and that Aidan's face was close to hers. Her heart jumped slightly and couldn't help but smile. She tried her best to hide the redness that went up on her cheeks pretending to wipe her face, but the event did not go unnoticed by the boy. Sitting made the huge cabin visible through the car window. Ronnie missed that house. So many holidays had been spent together in that place, it was a family heirloom. One of the few, her parents still hadn't gotten rid of. Perhaps the emotion made it too hard to sell. It was still night and everything seemed so calm. Just sounds from the shrouded forest. - Good evening.

Aidan helped her out, after she loosened her belt and grabbed the gun. The parents were standing by the door. Richard was alert and had a gun in hand, while her mother looked at her intently, just waiting to come closer. When she did, they grabbed her in her arms. – I'm glad you're alive! – Her father released, but her mother continued. So strong it cut off part of her breath.

- Not for... long if you... don't let go. – That made the mother released quickly. There was a light laugh from Aidan and Richard in the background.

- No time to waste, let's go inside! – Richard grabbed the gun as Aidan pulled her hand on the way to the front door. The heat inside the house shook Veronica comfortably and it nothing else mattered at that moment. They were alive. Closed her eyes for a few seconds to enjoy that simple sensation, but then her sister came to mind.

As if Camila could read minds. – Don't worry, the little ones are already in bed. - Said when finally locked the door. – How are you? How is the city? – Veronica looked at Aidan, too tired to answer. He had it worse, but she simply couldn't manage enough strength.

- As well as possible. - He replied, making a small smile appear on her face. Everyone walked to the kitchen and sat down ready to devour the breads on display. Aidan sat beside Ronnie and smiled slightly when she leaned against him.

Veronica looked around and everything was exactly as she remembered, as if it was a photograph. There was a broken white tile near the door to the backyard from an old accident running in the kitchen. She could even hear her mothers' voice shouting at them during the first trip they made to that house with the two families together. They were also the same pieces of furniture: ugly; out of class; that her grandmother had bought it before she passed away. No one in the family had dared to say out loud that they belonged to a bottle of rum and a box of matches. She could feel the memories through the years jumping in her mind, struggling to be remembered. It was all it took to flood her with a comforting sense of familiarity. It was well received right now. They could die at any moment and something stable, as simple as an environment, has already made her feel like everything was fine.

The silence hung and the only audible sound was their chewing. Veronica knew the parents were hiding something, they were tense and looked at each other frequently. After a few seconds, the silence was cut. – Aidan, we tried talking to your mother and apparently something happened in the company's building. – He held his breath and felt the world collapsing. – There was an error with a security measure and everything started there, but she did not give details. There was no time for that, the call was cut. I'm sorry, I don't know how she is right now, but don't worry… We'll take care of you both. – Veronica grabbed his hand under the table and started drawing random patterns.

Aidan could feel all eyes on him. – I thank you both from the heart, I would never doubt that and I ask you to take care of Jack. But tomorrow Ronnie and I will go find her. – Veronica saw her mother's eyes widen in astonishment and she straightened up uncomfortably.

- It is very dangerous; you guys won't make it. – They looked at each other. – Don't misunderstand me. I know you want to help Elena and trust me, I do too. But the chances of something going wrong are not worth the risk. – Aidan is stirring irritably. Everything was worth the risk of not losing your mother.

Richard continued before he could say anything. – That's right. It is very difficult out there. You will end up being contaminated... – They both knew that this possibility existed, but it was Aidan's mother who they were talking about. Besides, they might be able to help more people along the way.

- Mr. and Mrs. Martin, with all due respect, we know how the situation is out there. We just got out of it. But I can't leave my mother alone, I need to help her. – He tried to convince them, but he was too tired to make arguments.

Veronica intruded before the discussion went on. – And I'm going with him. They are my family too and at this moment, she is in danger. I know how much you care, but dad you trained me yourself. You know what I'm capable of. – Her father didn't seem convinced, so she reached out. – Please trust me. That's all I ask. – Her parents sighed, they knew that once their daughter put something in mind, it would be the end of it. Veronica stood up before they could say anything else. – Rest assured, we are going very early and will be back soon. It will be alright, but at the last chance that something goes wrong, tell Anna that I love her. – Aidan followed her out of the kitchen, leaving the other two still seated, clearly unsure of the situation. - Oh, and I'll take the guns. Love you. Take care. - She grabbed Aidan's hand and ran upstairs.

When they reached the top of the stairs, there was a slight discussion listenable from the floor below. They ignore it. The choice was made and would not go back. She turned to Aidan to wish him good dreams and saw him looking at her. But it was not an ordinary look, it was more like ... "Arg!" The word did not come to mind and only then did she realize that some time passed with the two of them just standing there… Staring at each other… Without saying anything...

- Thanks! – Aidan broke the silence and the eye contact. – Thanks for everything I would say. Thank you for being you, the person with me through all of this. – She smiled without realizing it.

- I should be thanking you, but thank you doesn't seem good enough. You were always there for me. Today you practically saved my life! There is nothing more I could ask for. – She saw his face flush and it gave her confidence. – Even so, the truth is: we are in this together. And tomorrow, we'll both face what's out there. Whatever happens, I know that nothing bad in this world can happen if we are together. – Without giving him time to answer, she seized the moment and hugged him. Against her chest, Veronica could feel Aidan's heart race and was grateful he could not see the color of her cheeks.

Even taken by surprise, Aidan immediately hugged her back. Pulled her closer as if he was falling and only she could save him. Which was probably true. It seemed like an instinctive action. He knew that there, between the two, was right and true. So, he took advantage, because didn't know what the morning would bring and at that moment, it didn't really matter.