Aidan kept his gaze on the big man carrying Ronnie. He was behind them, so all he could see was her legs dangling and the top of her head. He wanted to scream, take her in his arms and get out of there. Doing anything would be perfect, but the gun pressed against his back would not allow it. Especially now that Veronica was passed out. He had to remain calm and in control. – We have nothing against you. We're just trying to save my mom. – His voice was shaking. - Look, we don't even know who you are. Let us go and I promise you won't see us again.

The person behind him didn't answer and it cost Aidan every nerve to keep from turning around. The man with Veronica stopped and took the gun. He motioned for them to wait. In a matter of seconds, three monsters passed and died. It was so fast that he barely saw it happen. The silence fell, then they started walking again.

They entered an abandoned building that it's condition seemed to precede recent events. When they were climbing the stairs Aidan started to breathe again, because Veronica woke up. – Leave me alone, you idiot! I can walk! – With that, the man put it on the ground and aimed the gun at her head.

- Then walk. – When they made the turn on the stairs, he caught a glimpse of a young girl, she looked to be the same age as them, maybe a few years older and wearing torn clothes.

- Aidan, are you okay? – Veronica asked before being pushed by the man. She fell against a door, and it opened.

As soon as they entered a room, several other faces stared at them. They were all healthy people, but some were hurt. When he approached Veronica, the two embraced. Afterwards, Aidan noticed some blood running down her forehead. – And now? What do you want with us? – The sense of justice inside him was high. He needed to do something for her.

Veronica straightened her back and looked confident. – We didn't do anything for you. Let us go.

The short-haired girl with a shiny purple sash was just enjoying the show. – Ah ... They didn't do anything, right? Thanks to you two idiots, this building is now surrounded by infected people. We have no way of getting out safely because you attracted them here. Thanks. – Sarcasm practically dripped in her voice.

- And what is your plan exactly? Stay here until someone does something? At list we are going to source the problem and look for a solution there. – Veronica was angry with everything that had just happened, so she was not taking any effort to release her anger.

The strange girl crossed her arms and waited. – How do you plan on doing that? The PCASD is infested with infected people, going there is a death sentence. - The two women faced each other.

- We will find my mother, she works there and if they caused it, she must have the cure. - Aidan was tired of this girl. He just wanted to get out of there and get it over with.

- If there was a cure, don't you think someone would have used it? Especially your mother? Just accept it, either she is dead, or she has already transformed.

Veronica took a step towards the girl. – Maybe, maybe not... We will have to go there and find out. So why don't you return my gun and we're out of your way. - The stranger started laughing.

- Nothing like that. You can go however you want, but your weapons stay here. Thanks to you, we are surrounded. We need any possible advantage. – Veronica moved a little closer.

- You are the leader here obviously, so explain one thing: How do you intend to keep all these people alive in a few bullets? Because I know that with every minute that passes, the monsters get more desperate and this building is not exactly hidden. It's a matter of time. Time, they don't seem to have. - Veronica stuck to the girl's face and spoke very slowly and quietly, so that only she could hear her. - You need to decide now: do you want to keep everyone alive for a few days or would you rather save everyone for a few good years? You look like a smart and experienced girl. Come with us, we go in there, find the cure and save everyone. What do you think?

A few seconds passed. – What makes you think I have an interest in a cure?

- Maybe you don't, but you do desire to stay in power. And at that moment, we are the only ones willing to do anything. – The girl looked around and everyone stared at the two. Aidan was studying Veronica, surprised by her attitude.

- You have a lot of courage when trying to threaten me. It can also be considered stupid ... – The girl made a sign and the man who had carried her returned the gun. – Well, okay. What is the plan? – Veronica smiled.

- More importantly, what is your name? – The two were competing to see who could come out on top.

- Fine, we were not properly introduced ... My name is Rachel. - The girl said more calmly.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Veronica. He's Aidan. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get to the problem: is there a more private place we can discuss this matter?

Aidan walked over to stand beside Veronica and she put away the gun. - Follow me. - The three passed through a dirty corridor, with worn walls and a predominant smell of sewage, into an old door that was barely preserved in the wall.

Rachel opened the door making a loud creak propagate through the place and they entered an empty room that could be considered tidy. There was an old dining table in the center and a few old chairs around it. On the walls, some pictures were hanging, with varied images of forests, horses and children. In the corners of the place were small rusty cabinets crammed with papers. The room smelled a little more pleasant than the rest of the place, but it was still a building that had been abandoned for years.

They sat around in questionable chairs. – So, what's the plan? How do you intend to end this whole situation? – Rachel was curious and seemed genuinely interested.

- Well, we were going to enter the building and from there, we'll find Aidan's mother. Then, the cure and release it to everyone. – Rachel's expression reached a level of expressionlessness that neither of them had ever seen in another person.

- Only that?! Is that all you have?! – Rachel leaned on the tables and stood up. – This is not a plan! This is hardly an idea! You haven't thought of anything and still want me to help you! What are you going to do when you get there and your mother has already been transformed? That is, if you get there! – She crossed her arms. – There is a sea of ​​infected people from here to the building. It'll be even worse inside. You need something better and faster! I cannot put all hopes in one possibility!

- You're right. -Veronica gets up too, she wanted to be able to talk to Rachel at the same height to show dignity. She knew they had very little planning. – But you already seem to have had some ideas. We all know that there is a cure for this or we want to believe that there is one. And at the moment, it is better than any alternative. So, you can help us get into the building, find it and save everyone. What do you think?

Rachel was uncertain. – And why would I do that? It seems to me that my biggest chance of survival is to do it all on my own. Take care of these people. Protect them.

- That's exactly why. You have motivation. In this life, you only achieve one goal, if you really want to. Together we can help these people before it's too late. -Veronica walked to the other side of the table until she came face to face with Rachel. – We can wait until the government comes in and does something, but how many are going to die in the process? I admit that we don't have a plan. But I know that if we combine our options, we can make a difference. Are you in? - Veronica took a big breath after finishing her speech. She was waiting for Rachel's answer, hoping to have convinced her.

- And you? What do you think about all this? – She turned to Aidan.

- I am with her no matter what. If you asked me what I trust most in this world, the answer would always be Ronnie. She is the best person I know and I put my life in her hands. If she is saying that we will save everyone, I believe her. You should, too. That's my opinion. -Veronica just smiled at the boy. His words were so sincere that even her heart ached.

- Okay, let's do this. You convinced me. – The two smiled and sat down. – I have some ideas.

Aidan and Veronica looked at each other. - And we're ready to hear them.

- So, let's start. You may have noticed that the infected have a weakness to the sun. They stay inside the buildings until late and only then, leave. I advise you to do this at night. Because although we can use their weaknesses to enter the building during the day, once we're inside, that's it. There will be a concentrated sea of ​​them.

Veronica was thoughtful. – It makes sense. Following this principle, we can use objects with light and heat, in addition to weapons, to keep them away.

- How many flashlights do you have? – Aidan asked thoughtfully.

- Few and very old, but we can use fire. Carefully, of course, if it gets out of control, then the cure is over.

Aidan suddenly remembered. - When I got the machete from the grocery store, we passed a section of household items, with flashlights and lamps.

- It is a valid option. That would win us a few seconds, we will need a little more. Those infected also have a small amount of hearing and vision. If we pass very quietly and do not cause commotion, the night will be our ally. We will be able to cross without drawing attention.

Veronica was calculating all the things that could go wrong and it seemed like the best way. – Okay, that deals with outsiders. Once we are inside, we'll have to find some living soul that will lead us to the cure.

- Not necessarily. My mom once let me go with her to work. – Veronica smiled, but then remembered. – They did not allow me to enter, but right at the entrance, once the turnstiles is pass, there is a map of the building.

- It is already something, not very promising. But something.

- It helps us a lot now, Aidan. Thus, we will pass very quietly through the monsters until we reach the room with the cure.

- And then? These things must be protected by passwords and pass cards. We won't be able to enter. – Veronica had decided, Rachel was a very realistic person. What had its good and bad sides?

- When we get there, we'll find out. If it has a pass, we steal from someone who is dead. Besides, there are several people here, some of whom must be good with a computer. This is even if there is energy there.

Rachel was considering all options. – I take care of the computers, if any are still working.

- Let's be honest, we can plan as much as we want, but we will only know what to do once we are inside. There are so many variables in this plan that it is impossible to promote the guarantee of success. The best is what we already have: alternative options and motivation. What comes next will be the result of that. – Aidan wanted to put a smile on Ronnie's face and he did.

Rachel took her gun and placed it on the table. - I have some more. Veronica, you're one of the best snipers I've ever seen, you're responsible for keeping them away. And I will help you with that. When we get there, I go to the control center and deactivate all electronic protections. Aidan, are you good at anything? Except words? – The honesty in her voice hurt Aidan's ears.

- I understand a little about vaccines, cures and pharmaceuticals. My mom taught me some tricks. – He said uncertain.

Rachel didn't trust him, but she needed to try. Because they were right, if they did nothing, they would be dead for sure. – Okay, well, I'm going to put together the armaments we have and see what we can take without compromising these people. Jonathan! – The strong man who had carried Veronica appeared through the door. – I know you overheard our conversation, but we need to discuss something. Feel at home here, I'll be right back. It's almost dark, so we need to do this quickly. - And she started to make her way out.

- Yes, that's why I need to get the lanterns from the market. – Aidan remembered what they had discussed. He wanted to prove himself useful.

Rachel was already close to Jonathan at the door. – Okay, go there fast and we'll meet here in half an hour? – Aidan and Veronica got up and everyone left the room.

When they were out of earshot, Veronica brought up the subject: - What did you think of her? Do you think this plan will work?

Aidan was confused and thoughtful. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but needed to believe that everything was going to work out. The fear of losing Ronnie was great and that plan was a huge risk, but it's not like the two of them had anything better before they met her. – Honestly? I don't know, she looks like an intense and troubled girl. But has good ideas and I feel a little better knowing that she will help us.

Veronica was unsure about Rachel. Couldn't explain her feelings. Yes, she was calmer knowing that they had a way in mind of how to achieve the goal, but it was not as if she trusted the woman. They just met and when that happened, she ended up unconscious. – Don't you think it's strange that she wants to help us? She doesn't even know us.

- I know, Ronnie. But she is right, this is bigger than us. – Veronica agreed and the two started down the stairs in the abandoned building. – Who do you think these people are?

- I have no idea, maybe not even she has. But it doesn't matter, does it? Everyone deserves the right to survive and needs help. – The two arrived at the entrance to the building and she drew out her gun. – You know the way, go ahead. I've got your back. – Aidan got out carefully looking sideways first, trying to find a monster. The two were not making any noise, just walking quickly along the way, stopping little by little, every time a monster appeared.

It was already dusk and soon the night would come. When they turned the corner, the market was ahead. It was a large market that the two of them had blocked the door from, so they needed to enter from behind. At least they remembered that it was empty, of course, except for Rachel and Jonathan. "Let's hope it still is".

The feeling of tranquility was short, because the door was open. It had to be quick. Once inside, the two made a mutual, unexpressed decision to remain silent. Veronica switched positions with Aidan, taking the lead as they looked for the lanterns. With each corridor they turned, their hearts skipped a beat. The store seemed extremely quiet, but it was better to be safe.

When the flashlights appeared in front of them, the two took as much as they could fit inside their backpacks and several battery packs. And made their way back to Rachel. Everything was calm outside as well, so they gained a little more confidence in their plan to go unnoticed, but even so, the next few hours would define the answer between life and death.