Chapter 1.13 Famous Paraplegia author

Zhao Ren was surprised. Zhao Ren was thinking inside. He is sure Feng WenLei will help him do the mission instead. And he still have the system to help track down the people who are in the deal. Zhao Ren's parents aren't the richest people but they are quite rich.

It was quite a mess I do say. Feng WenDa excuse us and we went back to my room. I fallen asleep at the time. I don't want to act all they shit where you get emotional and Feng WenLei talk him into dating him. Zhao Ren don't want a half ass confession when it's his first time dating.


Feng WenLei signed and picked up Zhao Ren who was really sleeping and gently place him on bed. And cover him with blanket. Feng WenLei sat down on the side of the bed and stares at Zhao Ren who was sleeping peacefully. Feng WenLei eyes turned darker for a bit but soon came back.

"I'll be with you forever Xiao Ren." Feng WenLei smiled. And walk out with little sound as possible. When Feng WenLei closed the door, the smiled and gentle air immediately disappeared.

Feng WenLei went to his own room and pulled hair tie. He called his subordinates "Find all the ants that is involved in the case." Feng WenLei said in a cold tone without any emotions.

"Yes" someone on the other side responded.

"Making my little deer sad... I'll make you pay twice as much.." Feng WenLei smiled coldly.


Zhao MiaoMiao didn't have the time to think. felt more and more angry, and new and old hatreds came to their hearts together, and he wished to immediately slay Zhao Ren. Only if Mon and dad have killed the kid too!

She was taken by the police. She was a spoiled woman, she couldn't stand staying at the police station. She was already suffering from staying in the station. Her hatred gone up to the roof.

Ji Zhen step on the floor of his house. "Sign~ this is why woman is trouble." he only been dating with her for a while and he really liked this woman.

"Go get her out." he order his subordinate.

"Yes young master." the subordinate replied and went out.


Xiong : Host! I found few trails!

Zhao Ren : Great. Good job. Who is it?

Xiong : apparently the accomplice was.... Your dad's brother? He transfer money to someone and that someone order and told Zhao MiaoMiao parents what to do. In the end that someone killed Zhao MiaoMiao parents and got away with it. The original's uncle didn't even lift a hand in this ordeal.

Zhao Ren : Wow. Impressive, send the proofs to Feng WenLei secretly.

Xiong : right away host!

Zhao Ren lean back on his wheelchair. This world isn't hard at all. Even if there is no Feng WenLei helping, he can still Finnish this world easily. Well..... It is a low level world.


Feng WenLei got a email. Feng WenLei raise his brows. He doesn't have many people who is in contact with him or his his contact information.

He opened it. It has photoshots of texts and the names list. Liao SiMo? It's little deer's uncle..... Feng WenLei continue.

The temperature went more down as he read. He face couldn't hind his anger. He quickly order his subordinates and lawyers. He look at the sender. It was a random number....

He won't bother with it, it seems this person doesn't want to be involved in this.

The matter was solved fast as Feng WenLei has the best lawyer. They were sent to jail. Zhao MiaoMiao has sneak out though. Sadly.

But she didn't have a good life. Ji Zhen wasn't a normal person. He was a pervert, he like to abuse girls he likes. From the system, she was locked in the basement most of the time.

The original book and his book was a big hit. There was TV shows made and movies from the books.

Lan' wonderland was made into a show too. Feng Han was excited about it was about it even when he is 10 years old.

Zhao Ren got together with Feng WenLei after the ordeal of his uncle. Though they didn't get married but they were together for there life.

At Feng WenLei's death bed he hold Zhao Ren hands hard. "I.... Want to be.. With you even in my next life..."

"Me too." even though Zhao Ren like Feng WenLei for his looks. These years of being together with him.... He was moved. His heart isn't Made of stone. Feng WenLei gave all his love to him... Zhao Ren.. No Hei JianAn, love this man.

Feng WenLei smiled. He slowly closed his eye and his heart stopped beating. Zhao Ren took this man in his arms.

Xiong : Host...

Hei JianAn : It's fine. Let's go.

Zhao Ren closed his eyes too and his soul slips away.