Chapter 3.7 Duke’s Son

Liam looked at Daniel with teary eyes. His cat eyes were watery.

Daniel picked up the kitty and patted his fur. "Did kitty have fun?"

"Master, we will always have food to eat." Liam who was in Daniel's arms said. Liam didn't understand this part of the story, the cat came back with nothing and the king didn't give him anything, where can the food come from?

Then food appeared on the table. Liam stared at the food with shock and suspicion.

But Daniel just sat down and started feeding him.

"It's fresh fish soup! Drink some kitty." His eye shaped into a crescent with a happy smile.

Liam bit down on the spoon angrily, the soup taste so bland. There isn't even any salt in the soup???


Liam went to the castle again, bring a monkey again, this time is wasn't a player. so Liam didn't have as much pressure as last time.

The king smiled kindly: I thank him very much, he is a very kind man. But tell me, who is this strange nobleman, whom no one has ever seen? But who sends such generous presents to me?

Liam bow and said: you will meet him very soon. I promise.

Liam went back and took Daniel out the next day.

Liam "master, the water in that near river is fresh. I encourage you to go and swim there, you will feel much better."

Daniel smiled knowingly. "Okay."

Liam sighed, life is such-

Before Liam finish his sentence in his heart, Daniel pull him into the river,


Liam choked on water and push Daniel away and breathe fresh air. Scratching him on his chest.

"Ha! Haa…ah" the fuck!? Before Liam processed what is happened, Daniel kissed him. It was a light butterfly kiss, it went away as soon as it came.

A glow flashes and Liam's body changed and grown to his own body. One of the humans.

Daniel was sitting in from of Liam, he was smiling but his ears are red.

Liam stares at his hands then at Daniel, who is smiling. He frowned, "who are you?"

Daniel whispered with his shining ruby eyes, "guess?"

"…the duke's son?" The only thing that Liam can come up with is him. It can't be a player as if it was the player would have already revealed himself, and Liam didn't know anyone.

"Nice to meet you cousin." He blushed as he said it, he had a cute smile.

Liam had the urge to pinch his cheek. But he stopped himself. He had a feeling that he is his love but it's very weak. Maybe because it's not his real body or something? Or is it that the soul link earrings are broken?

"So are we going to continue the story?" Liam asked leaning towards him, asking cheekily. his expression was a bit scared but it was mostly curiosity.

"If you want too," Daniel replied happily. Blushes appeared on his pale skin. He has a a bit of a smile.

Liam :where has the sunny boy smile go???


Liao WenWen was her name, in the game she used WenWen.

I have gone through 3 games, she could be called a veteran player, having gone through the games, I wasn't the cute girl she used to be. Hoping to have a happy future, she only hopes that she survive till the end of this shitty game.

At the start of the game, she had clicked the screen so she can see how many players were alive, a lot of players died in the first round but more died in the second one.

[ Day 11; players: 35/100 Death: 65/100]

Liao WenWen found out that time pass fast in this theater game. One day is two days here.

She had drawn a storybook or fairytale the little red riding hood, the story is that she dies. She was eaten by the wolf, In reality, how can something be eaten and still alive? The wolf has to chew right? How can a little girl or anyone survive that? Even if the hunter came to cut his stomach like the story. She would have already been digested by then. I mean, waiting for the wolf to sleep? Why even try when you know she's dead.

But she is trapped here. She didn't go as the story goes then maybe she will be trapped. But it's better than dying, right?

Running through the forest, she has sawed the little cottage that Snow White stayed in, the candy house in Hansel and Gretel, the big wood house that was three porridge outside.

She warned Snow White when she meet her but Snow White ignored her and continued her running to the dwarf house.

Hansel and Gretel nodded but she doesn't know if they listen to her.

She didn't see Goldilocks, maybe she hasn't arrived yet. But she isn't going to wait there for a stranger.

Liao WenWen can't even see the end of the forest. But she kept running, she wants to find a place where there isn't a story going on.

Then she stumbled upon a large river or is it a lake? She saw swans swimming on the top of the water and two people sitting there, seemly eating something…. Is that a Chocolate Strawberry Punch Bowl Trifle!? How could there be something like that in any fairytale!?!?

A pale handsome teenager was feeding the shorter pretty teenager. A pure and happy air was around them, while she, who ran around in this fairytale land was dirty, sticks and leaves stuck on her and her muddy shoes. Her hair was messy and hid face has been scratched by the wind and branches in the forest.

The short pretty teenager glanced over and saw her. He tilted his head and then smiled at her. Waving his hands "hello!" He said

Liao WenWen nervously waves back at him.

"Do you want to eat with us?" The short pretty teenager smiled brightly at her.

Liao WenWen felt that she saw an angle looking at her. " y-yes!"

The short pretty teenager welcomed her but the pale handsome teenager glared at her. His murderous intent flared out. He wasn't happy that some bug came bothering their happy time!

The short pretty teenager stood up and introduce himself "My name is Liam Cohen! Nice to meet you."