Chapter 3.16 Quick and Easy game

Xiong who is watching the drama on the other side shivers when Daniel looked at Liam like he was his. Human are so complex. Why would I feel scared when I'm not even there ah!?

Xiong really wants to eat junk food in front of his host again, just to piss him off. but Xiong is also afraid that it could make host leave the world just for junk food! it was painful as he could anger but can't do it because the need of energy.

Liam looked at Daniel with a gentle and bright smile. "What's gotten into you Daniel? you have been so weird."

"just.... thinking too much." Daniel replied with a stiff voice. his Rudy eyes looked away for a second but Liam still found out, he lean in and whispered seductively "What were you thinking? Daniel~"

Daniel blushes as Liam lean towards him, even though he kissed Liam and want to do what couples do, he couldn't stop himself being seduced by his little player. Why do he had such a small body? if he didn't tell Ventu how old Liam was, Ventu would have thought that he's a pedophilia!

While Daniel have has his inner conflict. Liam who found out that Daniel wasn't playing any attention to him puffed up and ran away to play.

Seeing that he could order ghost, he don't have to avoid the Protagonist Shou now. He really wants to see others faces as it's getting boring. No TV, no wifi, no phone, no games, no junk food... is a torture! the only thing he could do is bother Daniel and stare at his face all day. well, there is the clue thing but he figure it out already so it's boring again. he can only go bother other players for fun.

He didn't join any of the games that came out for a while so he didn't know what game they are on, but it doesn't do anything as he can do whatever he wants.


[ Day 21; players: 6/100 Death: 94/100]

Zhang Caicu sat on the living room sofa, biting his lips in frustration. Nothing is going right! All in haywires! He couldn't figure it out. Why would anyone play him like this? There isn't anyone he offended in this copy. And he didn't let anyone he troubled alive. So why does he keep getting chased?

There are in total five players in the room counting him out is four. He didn't offended any of them. There is just one player that didn't show up.

There is two female players and three male players.

One female is Liao WenWen, leaning on the wall. The other woman looked like a office lady, he look a little messy.

The male players are one student and a gangster with big build. The male student is hold onto a kitchen knife like it's his life line in the corner of the room. The gangster is on the other sofa in a relaxed poster.

Ventu came in the room holding a tray. The tray has sweets and snacks, all the players looked towards him. Feeling weirded out by what he's doing.

Just then, Liam came in, he walk in with a relaxed posture. Smiling gently and brightly at everyone.

But the smile made them even more wary.

Both Liao WenWen and Zhang Caicu were shocked. While other players felt strange.

Sitting down on the other sigle sofa, Liam slapped his hands and greeted them. "Hello~ players! Long time no see?" He expressed didn't change and he wasn't looking at anyone, but Zhang Caicu felt it was directed at him. He shivered, he didn't do anything to that kid yet, why is he targeting him?

Picking up the cookie on the plate, Liam smiled and took a bite.

In a quiet room the sound of him biting into a cookie was quite piercing.

Ventu who finished setting down the snacks stood straight and looked as if waiting for something.

Soon a little girl came in, She had called herself WeiWei before. She wear the same twin braids and has a bow on her head but the dress was different, she has a maid dress on and is leading a lady in.

The lady was quite pale, even paler then Daniel. Like she is dead. On a closer look, it doesn't look like skin at all. Like it was painted on, her hands are joined by ball-jointed for dolls. She was wearing a white dress that made her looked even paler. Her hair was swaying freely as she walked, wearing a white pointe shoes.

Is this Daniel's mother? Liam thought. She is the only lady who showed up with that WeiWei, but isn't she dead? In the original plot she didn't come out at all. In the memory of the original Liam, he didn't survive to this day so he isn't sure.

But this copy said that the madam had died so she isn't supposed so show up…

Everyone was tense, they don't know what's doing on at all. Liam looked towards Zhang Caicu, he looked quite shocked as well. So this isn't like this originally?

Well, Whatever.

He didn't care anyway.

The lady in white has her eyes closed. And she was quietly humming. The girl or maid WeiWei next to her took her hand. WeiWei lead the lady the lady in white to the middle of the room.

WeiWei opened her mouth and made a strange smile. "It's Time to play a little game!"

She then jump around that lady and talked again. "We'll be playing….. Guess the Dance!"

Everyone looked confused, and even more so for Zhang Caicu.

"Everyone gets one guess. The one who got it wrong with be eliminated! We're playing 5 rounds! Quick and easy game isn't it!" WeiWei bobs her head to the side.

"Okay? Okay! Let's start!" As WeiWei said the roomed changed, from the old living room to a stage.

The players didn't have the time to prepare and was caught off guard. Zhang Caicu and the gangster was more jumbled up because they were sitting. While Liam landed on a chair so he didn't fall to the ground like the other two.