The Lurking Aziel

"By this time you probably noticed right?"

Inside my treehouse's room, the static voice abruptly asked me. Of which I could not understand what he is trying to imply.

"What?! My dreams? What do they mean?"

While still bound by an unseen force, I still struggled to break free. I can't figure out why this is happening to me in the first place.

"Ohh you will soon realize... now, I think you should proceed with your story." The static voice again urged me.

"right, fine! Whatever... so Aziel became a stalker..."

And so I continued relaying my dream...





Thinking about how beautiful the woman he saw, Aziel could not help but get intrigued by the creature. And so he followed her wherever she went.

For a brief time, he had forgotten the war he left behind.

His gaze was explicit.

The heart that only knows how to follow moved. It was beating rapidly and then stopped beating only to drum wilder. Every time he looked at the woman, he felt something.

'Lust?' But he hoped he could feel more. Something that is deeper than that.

For the first time, he is following his own.

Maybe it's because he used to be the Head Seraph for a long time. Aziel's heart hardly moved. It used to be calm at any time, but now it is throbbing so hard.

It was a minor and small change that even Aziel didn't notice.

But I know that feeling very well.





The Next Day!

Aziel settled his heart and went to observe the woman. He saw that the woman is headed outside her house to gather something, seeing the large basket she is holding.

Based on the woman's actions, she seems to be living alone in a small wooden house near the coastal region of Arcadia.

There is an open field in her house's backyard, and the scene of her carrying a basket while picking up herbs is a picturesque view that filled his chest with air. Fresh mangrove trees, white flowers blooming on the vast meadows in the distance made the woman stand out even more.

She is smiling as if she's the only thing existing in those patches of land and Aziel wondered how can she be so happy doing minor things such as that.

After quite some time, the woman went to the nearby town and of course, Aziel followed her where she is greeted by the townsfolk merrily.

"Larra, you look so pretty again today. Are you here to sell those herbs?"

A scruffy old man who is holding his long rake greeted the woman. And only by this time did Aziel learned what the woman's name is.

'So, Larra is her name...' Mumbling to himself as he walked among the crowds of mortals passing by.

Seeing the enthusiastic greeting of the old man, Larra just politely bowed her head and smiled in response. She then continued to walk with her strides getting slower or faster in a playful manner, even catching a stargold's pollen!

These stargold's pollen blown on the breeze left yellow marks on each of the townhouses window frames. Aziel tried to imitate Larra as he catches one of them but got saddened when he sees that the pollen passed through his hands.

He is too weak that even holding material things is impossible to him. Even his thinking is now regressing into a regular spirit.

Truly just an ordinary spirit...

'It seems I overreacted, looks like she never saw me staring at her...' Aziel could not help but feel gloomy, recalling the first moment when he saw the woman, agonizing the fact that even if he liked her, she is unable to see him.

It was summer. Unlike the other parts of the earth that suffered from cold winters, in the southern part of the continent where Arcadia is located, it is warm. Children could be heard running around at the trails created from the carriages pulled by horses. The expressions of the wives who watered the flowerbeds and chattered were bright. All of them were waving at the woman whom Aziel is tailing like the fluttering of laundry lines hung between houses.

And these houses smelled like scented candles—a testament that people were living there.

The scenery of the town was ordinary and nothing special. The people acted dandy and chill as they watched Larra pass them by.

"Good Morning Larra!" People seem mesmerized and entangled as they whiff the air surrounding Larra. Her smell and the herb's faint aroma mixed and just like Aziel, people thought that Larra is 'so lovely.'

He kept a close distance to Larra.

Then they moved past to an alley where some boys were kicking a ball made out of softened vines, the girls showing off their flower garlands, the young people helping their fathers at work, the middle-aged people who appeared to be maintaining peace and vigilant to town's safety, the wives who greeted them with a kind smile, and a particular person that had a dignified stature who worked with a caring attitude.

All of them gestured goodwill at Larra. She is like a local celebrity crowned in attention.

The town itself is as simple as how the people are dressed—nothing fancy, just plain clothes in almost monochromatic colors. Like those wooden fences that Aziel almost touched, they were all wearing different shades of brown.

Larra is the only one different. That is probably why, wherever she went, people would turn their heads in anticipation.

It took a few more twists and turns until finally, Larra reached her destination! A small store with stone bricks and a tidy-looking entrance welcomed Aziel who lagged behind Larra.

"Welcome! Welcome! So it's this beautiful maiden, Larra! I've been waiting for you"

An old lady with benign temperament yelled in her weak voice after seeing Larra come in.

"Lady Athy! I am quite embarrassed by your words. This lowly one is not qualified to hear such praises." Larra replied with bashing cheeks. Clearly, a fine humble lady. This made the old lady named, Athy tease her more.

But to Aziel who listens to their conversation, he is in awe after hearing Larra speak the first time.

"By the heavens! Such angelic voice!" Even lumping Larra with the other angels.

Throughout the whole day, Aziel faithfully tailed Larra like an obedient dog. He kept on wondering how Larra is filled with sparkling cheer and radiant smiles. Now he got his answer.

It's because she is loved by the townsfolk and she is a source of joy to them.

The feelings sprouting on Aziel went beyond the level of Admiration and all other passionate emotions.

Well, he is certainly someone who might enjoy voyeurism, except he had no idea what that is yet.

Though, they wandered in lightness, when they arrived at where Larra's house is located, Aziel found that all he had seen this whole while is just a mask from Larra pretending to be joyful...

He witnessed a scene that tinges his soul in anger. The lurking Aziel, for the first time, felt sympathy.