

It is not a place but it exists. It is inside the minds of anyone and everyone with fears. And just like anybody out there, Deman feared supernatural creatures. Aziel simply utilized this fear to ensnare the soul of Deman to his advantage.

The soul never dies. Even after death. It merely takes up another form and transforms itself based on what kind of energy the soul consisted of. And Deman built up most of his life by being untruthful to himself and that created negativity which became the structure of his soul.

That is why it is so easy for Aziel to torment him. But little did Aziel knew, he had attracted the eyes of a Reaper due to his action.

There is a Grim Reaper named Xiev who is always watching a particular girl. By the looks of it, just like Aziel, Xiev is also attracted to a mortal and had some weird magnetic pull towards her.

In a place not far from Arcadia, there is a place called the Abyssal Realm. It is the dwelling place of Reapers whose job is to collect souls from the mortals.

It is said that they do not operate under the hand of the Heavenly God but are treated as a separate force. They work solely for the Primordials—the governors of the world's very nature.


Abyssal Realm!

A time before Aziel killed Deman.

On this day Xiev was again watching the mortal realms through a well full of water. He was watching that particular girl once again.

"It's today right? that girl's death."

A voice so thin you would mistake it as nothing but soft rustles of wind. It asked the figure who was cloaked in dark robes from head to toe.

"As always, she looks terrible. I wonder why is it today?" The soft voice asked once more but the cloaked figure did not respond.

He is Xiev, one of the new Reapers known to be still and non-talkative. And the Reaper who is pestering Xiev is Ea—A mentor and elder appointed to aide Xiev in his training to become a fully-fledged Grim Reaper.

"I was curious about how is she going to die, so I decided to watch it with you. I hope you don't mind and I hope my presence would not annoy you? Xiev..."

Xiev looked at Ea before silently nodding his head.

The two appeared human-like except that their skin is completely white. So pale that it resembles the wool of a white sheep. Both of them were sitting in damp soil surrounded by huge rocks that formed a circle. It is Xiev's humble abode.

A cave he created because it was close to the gates leading to the mortal realms.


Xiev murmured.

"Mmm... So it never left that girl ever since? Aren't angels are busy fighting in the Heavenly War?"

Ea appeared shocked as the red pupils in her eyes widen in surprise.

Xiev like the usual, only nodded again but Ea was already accustomed to Xiev acting in this way. Xiev placed an hourglass in front of them and Ea could not help but sigh when she sees that it was only a matter of a hundred grains of sand when the girl dies.

Death is death. When the time comes, Reapers will take the mortal's soul.

But just as Ea were busy counting the grains of sand inside the hourglass, the quiet Xiev broke his silence.

"A Seraph!"

It is rare for Xiev to yell. Ea is interrupted by that yell that she failed to notice that the grains of sand inside the hourglass increased.

"Why did you suddenly yell?"

Ea shifted his gaze to the water in the well and is again shocked by what she witnessed!

On the surface of the water, Aziel can be seen radiating a dense, heavier golden glow. Both Ea and Xiev know that Aziel had lost his divinity and it was evident by his inability to fly. Yet now, Aziel was exhibiting the power of an angel on his own without anyone's help!

It is the scene when Aziel tried to sense where Deman is located at. That gave away Aziel's real identity. Because only an angel belonging to the ranks of Seraphs can wield such an immense golden glow.

Though the two reacted enthusiastically at what they saw, they quickly reverted their attention towards the girl, or better to call her a lady.

That lady is Larra, the wife of Deman and the mortal who Aziel had been following. It's as if Larra was a constant victim of voyeurism and she was not even aware of it.

But it was not just Larra who has these eyes stalking her, many of the mortals are also being observed by beings they do not see.

Ea was then bored and returned to counting the grains of sand in the hourglass, but then she felt something was different. She tilted her head a few more times to make sure. If not because of the heavy restrictions placed on objects such as this Hourglass, Ea would have broken it just to so she can be sure.

"Hey! Xiev did that girl increased her lifespan?"

Xiev frowned upon her and turned his gaze to the sand inside the hourglass. Xiev then soaked his fingers to the slimy water in the well and as quickly he dipped his fingers, the scene of which they were monitoring changed.

Xiev and Ea in the scene, caught Aziel controlling the machete as it pierced the throat of Damon.

"Wouldn't that Seraph be doing a grave sin?"

She bit her lips as if some kind of enlightenment was reached.

"Ah! So that's why! That flabby mortal is supposed to kill that girl and by that Seraph's interference to the proper order of things... that girl retained her life!"

Ea blurted out by herself.

At that moment, Xiev abruptly stood up.

"I... I have to meet this angel."

Xiev decided without warning, he even took out his scythe as he said so. Ea stared at him for a while as she was shocked silly by Xiev's response.

For quite some time, Xiev always wondered why they took the souls of the mortals. His eyes of his spoke to others as if there is no life contained in it. He lived their day-to-day rotting away, sometimes forgetting what they are supposed to do.

But deep inside he could feel it...

A strong connection to the mortal realm!

To that girl...

And now, to that angel...

"Ea, the truth that I have been wanting to know... I can feel myself getting close to it."

Today, Ea saw a different side to the usually indifferent Xiev. He spoke vigorously and the red eyes in him gleamed, sparkling with drive.

She placed her hand to the well and the well showed Aziel standing at the banister, overlooking the priest as it blessed Deman's corpse.

"I know what you are thinking... But would you be alright? You are up against an Angel! A seraph of all ranks!"

Ea was worried, her face distorted into a complicated expression as her wrinkles became visible. She held on to Xiev's pale hands pleading him not to go.

Xiev could only place his hand, reassuring Ea that he is definitely going to be alright. And Ea shook her head helplessly.

She then took her scythe, slit her thumb and draw some circles at the palms of Xiev.

"You have two days. You have to return to me. Understood?"

Ea firmly pressed her hands as she waited for Xiev to reply.


This time, Ea heard Xiev's voice speaking a little louder than usual. His tone is direct and his eyes were straight. After which, Ea reluctantly sent Xiev away towards the mortal realm. Xiev dived at the well and swam at its waters.

A smile crept up at the side of Xiev's lips as he realized that this shall be the first time he visits the mortal realm.

The Grim Reaper Xiev is headed to Aziel.