A Very Obedient Nod

41st Floor, The Last Floor of the Failed Mega City.

"You better be quiet."

Below the howling of winds and the dark starless skies, at the highest peak from a vacant room without a roof, agitated murmurs came about.

The whispers came from a shadow, no, to be precise, the hooligan standing next to a rope-tied old man, as he held a sharp dagger against the rope. Looking from the old man's perspective, the hooligan had the same clothing—black ruffian suit, as the ones Jayce had fought.

As the old man stares at the hooligan's face, he can see a vivid scar on his left cheek.

"You are... that..."

The Old Man stutters as he recognizes the scar-faced hooligan. Even with his position upside down, he knew who this man is. He knew exactly what kind of person he is.

"I got your offshore bank accounts, your real estate, your businesses, all bought from unclean money."

The hooligan slowly said while playfully running the knife against the Old man's skin.

"You are really like the Devil like what they say."

If eyes could kill, then the glare of Fiel could've had killed the hooligan in front of him. He felt naked in front of this man. To have all your dirty secrets known by someone else felt threatening. Fiel is angry. To his dismay, he could only whimper and bark helplessly in front of the very man he describes as the Devil.

"With all your lackeys as your hell pawns, I wouldn't be surprised that you can easily learn everything you need to know about me if you wanted to. After all... This City... is the hell you created."

Fiel's voice trembled as it echo through the empty room.

But the next second made the room chilly with the shaking laughter of the Devil.

"HAHAHA I am honored to be called, the devil by you. To think that someone who had built a secret stash from illegal funds would call me the devil!!!"

Fiel could not point his finger across, whether the devil is manically laughing or simply mocking him. And rather than rebuking the Devil's statement, Fiel fell silent, he seems to despise arguing back at him. He just watched as the devil's laughter annoyed his ears to death.

A minute passed with just the Devil laughing to himself before it abruptly stopped. He stared at Fiel and a wicked smile crept up.

"You should be ashamed of yourself but letting that slide, I've got a good offer to make... tell me if you are interested."

Fiel felt his skin tingling with a sense of fear crawling up to him like when a snake is about to infect its poisonous venom unto its prey. He knew that if he wanted to live, he could only answer to the Devil's every whims.

"Wha-haa-what is it?"

Fiel could not even utter his words properly.

At his answer, the smile on the Devil's face grew wide. Then the devil enthusiastically said,

"How much for a sin so bad, it'll hurt like a virgin's first night?"

Hearing those words made Fiel's eye sockets to bulge and his breathing turn unsteady. It did not took him a while to understand what those words meant even if the Devil himself played words.

When the Devil look away for a second, he counted three to one in his heart silently before turning back his gaze towards Fiel. As he had expected, Fiel were thinking deeply about his offer.

"Fiel, you look adorable as you struggle thinking so hard. What was so hard to think, when all you have to do is to bite him hard like the scorpion you are!"

Fiel could not retort, the devil stuck his softest spot.

Before becoming the dean of Hariya Academy, he was known as the Scorpion of the Underworld. Few only knew about it now, but the devil himself is no stranger to the Scorpion's history.

"Just do it! Showcase your dreadful sting to this city once more..."

Fiel could only sigh seeing the crazed smile curving at the face of this detestable Devil, he hated him to the bone but right now he could not do anything but to just let him be.

"For old time's sake, I'd love to see it again!"

The devil shouted when he sees that Fiel were unresponsive. His shout is loud, growing excited with every word he said.

With expectant eyes that shined like stars, the Devil counted one to three silently. And it took a few minutes before Fiel finally gave a reply.


A silent wave of his head as if the energy to move his muscles were terribly lacking. It was hard for Fiel to agree to the Devil's offer but he nodded and gave his agreement anyway.

It was a nod with so much reluctance.

The Devil blinked a few times before suddenly erupting with a wide smile. It is as if the nod gave him life that he even clapped his hands, ecstatic to receive the answer he wanted.

"What a very obedient nod. hehe"

The Devil chuckled as he shifted his gaze to the starless sky, his gaze is deep but to God knows what in the world is the Devil is thinking.