chapter 2


[Another boring day as usual]


[This old bald dude showed up I knew he was trouble so I made the new guy, Matthew, deal with him]


"As I have said you do not have clearance to enter the city" Matthew replied

[It seems the new guy has a lot more patience then me, I'd of already knocked that asshole on his ass if I had to deal with him]

[There seem to be more guy's like this showing up recently it's starting to be a pain maybe i should find a new job or maybe be a hunter full time]

[Ya that could work, maybe after today I'll...]

"You got another one today to it seems John."

A man's voice brought me back to reality. It was Shay.

[He seems down again today, every day he comes back with only 1 or 2 goblin stones daily]

[I've tried cheering him up again it seems like he's doing better now]

After the usual conversation with Shay, Shay left for inside the city.


[Seems that bald man didn't like Shay being allowed to enter, but his voice sounded weird]

I looked over at the bald man, but what I saw was something I've never seen before. The bald man suddenly had bulges coming out of his body he was growing bigger and became almost 10 feet tall and his fingers became log enough to wrap around a person, his skin became purple, his face became distorted it looked almost like overlapping multiple faces in a picture, his mouth became the size of two basketballs and his teeth became sharp like a shark's, and the bulges all over his body burst and everything the black puss touched melted.

Before anyone could react that thing grabbed Matthew with his long fingers and lifted him up and bit off his head the only thing that brought us back to reality was an ear piercing scream from a women who was waiting to enter.


[Why the hell is there some being that has a God's aura on it]

[Have the Gods returned]

[No, why would they return now]

[Is it some sort of remnant of the Gods that was dug up recently]

While I was contemplating why this was happening John started yelling orders at the other guards. One of the guards began calling for reinforcements while a few started evacuating civilians to a safe distance, and remaining guards began to attack.

"Surround it from all side!" john yelled


[Oh look one of the guards is trying to be a hero by running in alone]

[lets call him Mr. Hero]

"No Stop don't be a hero you can't fight that on your own" one of the guards yelled

Before his words could even reach Mr. Hero that thing flung its hand around and its long fingers hit Mr. Hero like a whip that sliced through him like butter. His blood splattered everywhere it even got on me.

I looked down over my body and only one thing went through my mind


[Its been awhile since i actually got blood on myself]

[I must seriously be out of it today]

As I was talking to myself 5 more guards died.

After 5 more minute and only 2 guards left standing, the Hunters finally arrived. It took the hunters only a couple of minutes to kill the God monster.

[God monster huh]

[That doesn't sound bad I'll go with that for now]

[I'm surprised it took that long to take it down]

[The guards I understand as they are only about level 15-20, even John who is the strongest among this batch of guards is only at about level 30. Maybe those hunters weren't going all out, that women leading them seemed strong]

[Meh, whatever I don't care about that I just want to take a look at that body but it seems I'll have to do that later where there are no eyes to see me]

[I could just temporarily blind all of them and take a look but I feel that will cause a bigger commotion]

[Well at least John survived, if he was about to die I might have intervened a bit and got a better look at it but I guess that wasn't necessary]

I decided that I didn't need to spend anymore time here so I went home.


After about 30 minutes of walking I finally made it home. It wasn't a high end place nor was it run down, it was a two story building with 6 apartments and a small house and shed off to the side where the Landlady lives. The landlady is a sweet old women who is kind to just about everyone but when you forget to pay rent..

[ugh, I get shivers just thinking about it]

I don't really know any of my neighbor's, I know the other 5 apartments are rented out because the landlady told me but I've only seen 2 of the other tenants and neither even spared me a glance so I decided just not to care about it.

I finally got back to my apartment, it is on the second level right at the very end. I opened my door and see my wonderful apartment.

[ah, home at last]

Its not a big space 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and a living room right next to the kitchen.

I decided to have a quick shower and then plopped onto my bed.

[Oh Crap, I forgot to go exchange the monster core for money]

[oh well guess I'll do that tomorrow]

As soon as I was about to sleep an image of that female hunter passed through my mind. Dirty blonde hair that went down to her mid back pulled into high ponytail, long slender legs , a set of tits that were just perfect not to big but not to small just perfect, and her light blue eyes if it wasn't for everything that happened I feel I would have been pulled into them.


[What the hell am I thinking I've been with lots of women over my passed thousand years its just been a few years (*cough*few decades *cough*) SHUT UP BRAIN. since I've done it]

[Ya that must be why]

With those thoughts gone I let the darkness engulf me as I fell asleep.