chapter 5


I was in my office doing paperwork and going over new battle plans when I felt the whole building shake.

[What was that]

[Is someone having an intense fight in the arena]

It wasn't the first time something like this has happened so I wasn't to worried.

However after a couple of minutes I felt another rumble and right after it I felt it, That pure killing intent that was even enough to make me tremble.

[wh-what the hell was that]


A man came barging into my office and started talking while out of breath.

"C-Captain there (Huff) is a fight in the lobby between a level 250 and a newbie"

"Why does that matter just..."

I cut off my words when I suddenly thought of something.

[could that killing intent came from one of those 2 in the lobby]

"Never mind I'll deal with it myself"

I walked towards my personal elevator and rode it down to the main floor. while we were going down I could still feel the Killing intent and it still made me tremble but I noticed that the one who informed me and was coming down with me didn't look like he felt it.

"do you not feel anything right now?" I inquired

"Uhh no Captain, is everything alright"

I just decided to ignore him and not respond

[he doesn't feel him that's strange]

[he should be around level 100]

[although that isn't strong it should be at least enough to feel someone's killing intent]

[unless his killing intent is so pure that you need to be high level and extra sensitive to things like this like me to be able to feel it]

Well I was thinking the elevator opened on the bottom floor. when I stepped out I saw a gruesome scene there were 10 men all bloodied and broken thrown at different parts of the lobby. The one who really caught my eye was a large man sitting on the floor in a fetal position looking up in terror and was crying.

[Is that piss around him he even wet himself, seriously]

I then looked up towards what the large man was staring at. and I saw it a man standing over him looking down as if he was looking at an ant on the street.

"It's him" I suddenly blurted out

After I said that everyone suddenly turned to me including that man.

Suddenly before I realized it him and I were looking straight at each other and I felt some force almost like it was telling me to go to him.


About 15 minutes earlier

After I grabbed the large man wrist and he was on the ground in pain. He started calling for help well more like ordering his men to kill me.


[seriously you can't beat me but you think your goons can]

[This gives me a chance to blow off some steam at least]

One short fat man was the first to move. I decided beating them half to death instantly would be fun so I decided to play around a little.

The Fat man instantly went to punch me. So I side stepped out of the way and put my foot out in front of me and watched the fat man roll like a bowling ball right into the wall.



[fat man weighed more than I thought he even made the whole building shake]

After they notice Fat man wasn't moving again anytime soon they all decided to charge in at once.

After playing around and breaking multiple bones in their bodies I used one of my powers to alter gravity and forced all of them all to go flying all over the lobby after they all landed there was blood coming from almost all the holes in their bodies.


[ah that was fun it's been a while since I played around like that but it looks like no one died since I didn't get a level up]

After that I turned around and looked down at the man and released my killing intent, It was so pure that only the one I directed it at could feel it. It was then that the large man understood the difference between him and me. He became so terrified that he pissed himself and curled up into the fetal position and looked up at me in pure fear.

[not even a speck of hate or anger in his eyes just fear, how disappointing I was hoping he would be a little strong minded after the way he acted earlier]

"It's him"

I suddenly heard that from behind me everyone including me turned to look at where the voice was coming from.

Then when I turned I saw the most beautiful women I had ever seen, I looked straight into her eyes and felt a force pulling me to her.

[No way could she be the one]

Just like in werewolf novels that I read about before each one has a destined mate, well Immortals are similar, but unlike in the stories it wasn't hard to just walk away and think nothing of it when we meet are destined one. So there are lots of immortals who just walk away and don't care, but on the other hand many immortals have wanted to find their destined one and that includes me.

[I never thought I would be able to find her, hell I gave up the idea a long time ago because I thought I never had a destined one because of how I was created.]

After staring at each other for awhile, I walked up to her only standing about a foot away.

"can we go talk somewhere else" I asked in a kind voice that I have never heard come out of my moth before.

"yes I would like that" she responded in a quite and shy voice

So we walked to her elevator and went up to her office.

While we did that, everyone stared at us dumbfounded.

"the ice queen who hates men who get to close got shy"

"this is big news"

"this will be top news"

"but what about this mess"

"what about it who cares"

"exactly this mess can be cleaned but a shy Ice queen that can't be changed"

"how about this for a headline.....

With that before we even knew it we became the talk of the entire country.