Killing Of Kamsa [End]

Krishna jumped onto the high platform where the king sat. Seeing Krishna approach him, Kamsa drew out his sword to fight. Krishna knocked the crown off the king's head and dragged him down onto the floor. Sitting on Kamsa's chest, Krishna struck the king again and again.

With the fourth blow, Kamsa was dead. In order to let everyone know that Kamsa was really dead, Krishna dragged his body around the arena as a lion drags an elephant after killing it. There was a great roar of joy from the people when they saw this.

King Kamsa had thought of Krishna day and night, since the day he was told that Krishna would be the cause of his death. For this and for dying by the hands of Krishna, Kamsa was rewarded with freedom from taking birth again in this world.

Krishna then freed His parents Devaki and Vasudeva. He also freed His grandfather and Kamsa's father, Ugrasena, whose position as king, Kamsa had forcefully taken. Ugrasena was also imprisoned by Kamsa, just like Krishna's parents. Now, he was given back the throne, to rule as the chief of the Yadu dynasty.