The Search Begins [End]

This was because of the name of Rama being on it. Soon the bridge was completed. Rama and Lakshmana led the army. Sugriva and Hanuman walked behind them. The powerful old bear Jambavan also joined them.

When the citizens of Lanka heard of the arrival of Rama's army of monkeys, they becamevery afraid. They knew that their evil king would soon be defeated by the noble Rama. Ravana decided to torture Sita with a trick. He asked one of the Rakshasas who knew the art of sorcery, to make a head that was exactly like Rama's. Then he visited Ashokavana and spoke to Sita, "My dear Sita, for whose love I have now become mad, please hear me. Rama came to the shores of the sea with a large monkey army and wanted to fight with me. One of my spies found Him asleep in His tent and cut His head off. Some of my soldiers also killed Vibhishana and Sugriva. Hanuman was also killed by my men and with him, many other monkeys as well. Here is the head of Rama, please believe me!"

When Sita saw the head of Rama and the bow and arrows that belonged to Rama, She fainted. But just then, a messenger came to Ravana and told him that he was needed urgently in the court. As soon as Ravana left, the head of Rama and the bow and arrows vanished. Sita was confused. One of the Rakshasis who had been good to Her, informed Sita that it was not the real head of Rama that She had been shown, but a trick of sorcery. She assured Sita that Rama could not be killed or harmed by Ravana or his men. Sita then became peaceful.