Episode Four - Love Rivals (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood (Instrumental)"


THE PAST | Kalina

She despised how the boys stared after the Qeathan girl like a pack of drooling bestaq in heat. Every year, the Skocian tribes would gather for the Skothii games to compete amongst their best warriors. It was bad enough that the Qeathan tribe always came up on top. Now, they were depriving the other tribes of possible mates.

She was sick of watching Eira Ulva outshine her in every aspect — beauty, skills, and popularity. It made her raging mad. It was always Eira this, or Eira that. People talked about her incomparable beauty, her kindness and her ability that could one day surpass her parents.

Her wise woman had warned her, "An envious woman is an ugly woman. Don't reach for the stars when you aren't meant for it. Do not be green, child. No man desires a jealous woman. You will never be content."

Like hell she wasn't reaching for the stars! One day, she was going to live in a place where Eira Ulva didn't exist.

That day came when the girl's parents were tragically killed by an apex predator and soon after, their daughter went missing. She felt sorry for the Ulva family but finally, she was free of the wretched pest. Eira Ulva's misfortune became her fortune, and everything that was Eira's became hers.



Kalina stared at the ghost of her past, face turning whiter than a sheet. Eira Ulva was alive? She was rumoured to be dead! But they never found her body, her conscience whispered. The last she heard, the Qeathans were still looking for their long-lost sister.

"Douh! You!" Eira Ulva exclaimed, storming up to her. Her face was a mixture of elation, curiosity, and surprise. "I remember you!"

Heart rattling against her ribs, Kalina scuffled backwards. "I don't know who you are!"

"Your name is Kalina." Eira reverted to their tribal dialect. "I remember you. We used to fight together in the Skothii games. It's me, Eira Ulva." A tiny frown pleated the space between her slim brows. "But what are you doing here in Ataxia? Why aren't you with the Xaosose tribe?"

"Kalina." Lars approached them; confusion written on his handsome face. "Do you know each other?"

"No!" she denied vehemently whilst Eira answered yes.

Lars was mystified.

"Do you truly not remember me?" Eira persisted. Kalina used to harass her when they were children, often making life difficult. How could she have forgotten her rival?

"I'm sorry. I truly don't remember you," Kalina lied through her teeth.

Like a dying ember, the enthusiasm in Eira's eyes dimmed. "Oh."

Kalina swiftly turned the tables around. "But what are you doing here?" Now that the shock had worn off, she wondered what the hell Eira Ulva was doing in Lars's room…or in Ataxia for that matter.

Lars cleared his throat. "Since you're here Kalina, allow me to introduce my newest member. This is Eira Ulva. She has officially joined unit six today."

"What!" Disbelief strained Kalina's voice. "She can't!"

Her outright rejection stunned them. "Why not?" Lars asked gruffly, annoyance whipping through him. As if her intrusion wasn't enough, she was now trying to dictate his job as Captain.

"What I meant to say is…," Kalina sidled up to him, curling her arm through his. Eira's gaze narrowed at the gesture. "You can't just announce it like that. A new member requires a celebration. It'll help to make them feel more welcome."

"Forget it." Lars shook her off. "Eira won't have time for celebrations."

"I won't?" Eira parroted lamely. But she enjoyed parties. The chances she had to attend one was rarer than stumbling upon a predator in the wilderness.

"Why are you here, Kalina?" Lars didn't bother hiding his exasperation. He didn't appreciate her barging in unannounced, or that she knew his passcode. He would have to rectify that. He also felt uncomfortable having these two women in close quarters — one he fucked on a regular basis, and the other he just kissed. Even though he didn't want a relationship, he wasn't a two-timing dick.

"I thought you might be in the mood." Kalina pouted, brushing her breasts against him. "Don't you always feel edgy after a mission? I'm ready to go all night long if that's what you need." There was a calculative gleam in her eyes as she glanced at Eira.

Eira's face tautened. Kalina might as well take off her pants and tinkle on Lars's leg because it was clear she was warning her off. Had Kalina truly forgotten her, or was she pretending? Her animosity resonated with the greedy child Eira knew and it seemed Kalina had grown into a man-eater.

Aware that she had intruded upon Lars's spare time, Eira decided to leave. She had no rights to be hurt or angry at him for seeing someone. Fifteen years stood between them, and even she had skeletons in her closet. For her, sex with Lars would be far in the future. She knew men had needs — all too well. It was upsetting to know she might be broken inside.

Lars noted Eira's darkened expression, misunderstanding it for anger. Undeniable reluctance strangled him when she headed for the door. "Where are you going?"

She bid goodbye without turning. "It seems like I have interrupted the both of you. I'll see you in the morning, Captain."

All this while, she had only addressed him by name. Lars took an involuntary step forward, intending to stop her. He didn't have a clue what he was going say but, he couldn't let her leave like that. He couldn't even explain this strange tightness in his chest.

"Let her go." Kalina stopped him. "She's wise to leave. Why don't you let me take care of this?" She brushed a hand over his hard on – from Eira's kiss.

Lars exhaled in annoyance, any lingering hint of desire dying a quick death. He imprisoned her wrist in warning. "Not tonight, Kalina. Or anytime in the future. Go home and don't ever come back without my permission. I don't appreciate you barging into my quarters." He spoke in cold, deadly quiet.

For the first time, a prickle of fear ran down Kalina's spine as she was subjected to his underlying temper. He'd never spoken to her like this. It galled her pride. Straightening her back, she jerked her wrist away. "Fine. I know when I'm not wanted. With your stamina, you can't go without a woman for more than a week! I'll be waiting for your apology, Lars and know that a fancy dinner or flowers aren't going to cut it."

Lars watched her leave, grateful for the peace and silence. Kalina never understood him. He talked a big game about not wanting relationships, but he was merely afraid of the commitment. He fucked every other week just to feel a close connection with another human being, not because he couldn't live without sex. Eira, on the other hand, understood him without trying. They were similar in the sense that they craved an emotional understanding but, as Captain, it would only become his weakness.

Eira would never lose hope if she knew. "Fuck." He scrubbed a hand over his face, gaze landing on the corpse eater. Miserably, he spent the rest of the night feeding the starved plant, finding that it comforted him on some level.