Episode Fifteen - Not Imaginary (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "Let Go by Trevor Something"



She kicked and screamed as the soldiers hauled her away from Lars. No! She didn't want to be apart from him! "Lars!"

"Let her go! Where are you taking her?" Lars demanded the soldiers.

"I've heard about you. The hero trying to save the damsel. Well, pretty boy, it's lights out for you," one of them sneered and punched Lars in the face. The soldier didn't hold back as he brutally attacked Lars.

"Let me go!" She struggled viciously. "Lars! Lars!" Her voice cracked when he slumped into the ground, unresponsive. Fear churned like acid in her stomach. "You cowards! Mewekki! You didn't even give him a fair chance!"

"Someone shut her up!"

A fist drove into her belly and the air whooshed from her lungs. Knees buckling, she slumped over in nauseating pain.

"Lock her up with the others. She's going to be transferred to Ustrana in the morning."

Eira waited before she pounced and took a bite out of the soldier attempting to manhandle her.

"Fuck!" he swore, punching the side of her head when she refused to let go. Blood dripped down her temple. "Get this crazy bitch off me!"

Her body seized as a surge of electrical voltage paralyzed all of her nerve endings. Another punch and she fell flat on the floor before they dragged her down to the basement and threw her into one of the cells. The man she had bitten fisted her hair and spat into her face. "The next time you try that again, I'm going to break all your fucking teeth!" He then shoved her away and locked the door.

Crawling on all fours, Eira curled her fists around the metal bars, seeing the lifeless eyes of other children, all resigned to their unknown fate. Still feeling the effects of the taser, she sobbed quietly and prayed that Lars was going to be alright.



"We are gathered here today—"

Lars couldn't focus on the shaman's blathering, his body burning with the spell of Eira's wicked desire. She sat demurely beside him, a picture of beauty and serenity while his heart was in turmoil. The couples were passing around the bowl of wana-wana and soon, it was offered to him. "You must drink," Eira whispered. "It is considered an insult to refuse. Skocian tribesmen take their alcohol very seriously."

His gaze sliced to the Chief who was watching him keenly. Lars was beginning to understand how the Xaosose tribe worked – welcoming on the outside but on the inside, it was best to tread with caution. Accepting the bowl, he locked eyes with Chief Borjan and drained the sweet beverage until not a drop remained. The older man relaxed — evidently pleased.

"Next we shall offer a prayer to bless every couple with a fruitful marriage," the shaman declared, taking a puff of a smoky liquid from a glass pipe. He circulated it around the group, the women taking the first puff before exhaling it into their partner's mouth. Lars questioned the purpose of this sensual act.

Witnessing Lars's confusion, the shaman explained. "It is customary for the female — the bearer of life — to bestow her appreciation upon the male — her mate who will fertilize her womb. To bring life into this world, is a sacred gift and responsibility shared by both husband and wife." He gestured to Eira who now held the churimonga pipe in her hands. "Go ahead, child. It will not harm your body but grant you satisfaction as man and woman."

Lars watched as Eira inhaled the smoke and turned to him. He wasn't ignorant of the stories he heard about Skocian tribal smokes – some traditional, but most were aphrodisiacs. Unmistakably, this was the latter. He also knew that it could become an addiction if used unwisely.

Eira rose over him, those compelling eyes holding him prisoner as she lowered her mouth to his. Soft lips parted and he drew in the enticing scent of berries and pure Eira. They repeated this cycle thrice more, until every cell in his body was charged with impatient desire. Eira sure as hell wasn't holding back, teasing him with a lick here and a nip there. Passionate hunger reflected in her eyes as they succumbed to the light-headed effects of the aphrodisiac.

Lars noticed the other couples subtly retreating to the privacy of their own huts. No doubt, everyone was highly aroused.

"Lars…I feel kind of…hot." Eira's unfocused gaze warned him that she had reached her limit.

"Come on," he urged her to her feet. Because he only consumed the wana-wana once, he was still the master of his senses. Eira was squirming against him, trying to climb him like a tree. A bolt of pure, unadulterated desire shot through him. He expelled a strangled breath. "Eira, hold still."

"I can't," she panted, rubbing her body like an animal in heat. "I feel…I feel…,"

Lars clenched his jaw. He knew exactly what she was feeling — horny as fuck. He hadn't anticipated the aphrodisiac to be this strong but, strangely he wasn't feeling it — the drug, not lust. Whatever Eira incited in him was his genuine desire for her.

Gripping his shoulder, Eira jumped and locked her calves behind his waist, putting them at eye level. She leaned in for another kiss, rubbing her aching core against the hard bulge in his pants. "Captain Verhelst, is that a weapon for me?"

He nearly choked up with laughter, wondering if this was equivalent to Eira's drunk behaviour. It was adorable. "If this is your idea of taking advantage, then you're failing miserably, little savage," he said gruffly. He felt like the one taking advantage of her instead. If he pounced on her now, he knew she would accept him with open arms.

"You have to help me, Lars." She chased tiny kisses along the side of his neck, up to his jaw and then sucking on his lower lip. "Please? I'm burning inside."

She didn't need to tell him twice, he was already striding to their guest hut and slamming the rickety door shut.

"Look at me," he ordered brusquely. "Are you sure about this?"

Eira was crawling out of her skin, the embers of desire flamed by the churimonga smoke. Lowering her feet to the ground, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her aching breast. "Yes! I need you right now. I ache…all over!"

Instead of feeling overjoyed, Lars glanced down at her grimly. His mind and body were at war. Yes, he wanted her but, he didn't want to want her. Raking a frustrated hand through his hair, he grabbed the hem of her dress and smoothly whipped it off her body. Her breasts bounced from the motion. "I'm doing this for you."

The delicious growl rumbling from his chest had her thighs squeezing as liquid heat pooled between her legs. "Yes, anything. Just touch me." She wanted his hands all over her — her lips, her breasts, her belly, her thighs, and her soaking wet pussy.

Cradling the back of her head, he yanked her mouth to his, capturing those lips that had been tempting him all night. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, demanding for entry. Eira moaned as their tongues tangled, the taste of him had her lifting on tiptoe, trying to get closer — to crawl inside him.

The action thrusted her breasts into his chest, those erected nubs brushing against the coarse linen of his shirt, making her shiver. Lars's kisses seemed to wring a helpless response from every part of her, a bonfire of feeling. "More, Lars. You feel so good."

His mouth left a burning trail as he sucked and bit down her neck, visibly marking her. Shifting his hold, Lars supported her with one hand under her butt, while the other slid up the side of her trembling torso, igniting a shock of pleasure. He palmed one full breast possessively, pinching her nipple until she writhed with pain and pleasure.

Bending his head, he sucked her other nipple, sucking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could, lapping at the stiff peak with his tongue until Eira buried her hands in his hair and moaned.

When she melted into his arms, he laid her down into the makeshift bed, yanking her legs wide open, showing him a delicious view of her unprotected, quivering sex. It was dripping. All for him. Licking his lips, Lars lowered and nibbled the sensitive underside of her thighs, going lower until the heat of his breath kissed her pussy.

"Please, Lars!" she begged. "Stop teasing me."

"What's this, Eira?" His tone was mocking as he used to fingers to gather the honey from her swollen depths. "You're this wet from me sucking on your nipples? My dirty little savage."

"That's because you were sucking them so hard." Her back arched, offering herself to him. "Please, Lars. It hurts…so bad." Hands skating over her taut belly, she squeezed her breasts desperately.