Episode Nineteen - My name is Eira Ulva (Part 2)

Eira was astonished by the warm welcome they received when the copter landed in the arena. The crowd chanted her name as she stepped out, a bubble of indescribable awe and delight bubbling in her chest.

"I think you've earned yourself a fanbase," Florian laughed deeply.

Koga joined in, looking extremely smug as the camera drones focused on them. "She literally declared war on all the units. That was fucking ballsy of you, Eira."

Twin spots appeared on her cheeks as they waved to the crowd. "I only wanted our unit to win. I didn't think the crowd would go fanatic over my stunt."

"Are you kidding?" Anaelle nodded at the hologram screen panels. "They're having your scene on replay. We're the only unit with two predator partners and usually the Captains have the sole authority to keep them. This is the first time a newbie member has participated in the games with a predator. You're a phenomenon now."

"And the fact that it's an unknown predator...," Koga made a mind-blown gesture, making Eira laugh. "I'm willing to make a bet that you're going to be as famous as Captain Leitis." His eyes darted over her shoulder, and he hurriedly shuffled aside. "Captain's coming."

Eira barely had time to turn before she was hugged from behind, Lars's scent of tobacco and spice enveloping her. His arms constricted around her. "You're okay."

He had been worried about her.

She tamped down a smile, her gaze cutting across to Kalina whose eyes were shooting vicious daggers. Eira wasn't above flashing a victorious smile at the angry woman.

Lifting her hand to cover his, she reassured him softly. "I'm alright, Lars."

He whirled her around to face him, a hand clamped over her nape. "You are forbidden to ever pull a stunt like that again." There was lethal softness in his voice that caused her to flinch.

His highhandedness rankled. Her brow arched mockingly. "Are you ordering me as our Captain or as Lars Verhelst?"

Something dark and dangerous moved in the infinite depths of Lars's eyes. He didn't appreciate being challenged.

They were locked in an unforgiving stare down until Florian cleared his throat. "Umm, perhaps we can save this for later, Captain?" His words came out through gnashed teeth, all the while maintaining a smiling facade. "The drones are still recording."

Eira witnessed Lars's gaze shuttering before he released her.

"Come on, Eira." Anaelle tugged her sleeve, separating the couple. "We should rest up for the next round."


"What's up with you and the Captain?" Anaelle handed her a cup of steaming coffee.

Eira was astonished by Anaelle's question. She was the last person Eira would expect to confront her about her relationship with Lars. Since day one, Anaelle had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with Eira's personal life.

Why was she asking now?

"Not that I care," Anaelle answered her unspoken question. "It's just that the Captain's been acting off and it's affecting the team."

Eira hadn't realized that. What a terrible team player she was, causing trouble for the unit. This was never her intention. "I-I…caught Lars doing it with Kalina in our gym's locker room."

Anaelle's stunned expression was so comical, Eira had to stifle a giggle. Her pain was almost worth shocking the stoic woman. She didn't want to offend Anaelle or stop whatever was happening between them. Was this the girlfriend bonding moment people always talked about?

When Anaelle regained the power of speech, she chided. "How crass of him. I'll put in a request to scrub down the entire locker room. I'm not setting foot in there until it has been thoroughly decontaminated."

Her pragmatism loosened an unknown tightness in Eira's chest. "Lars is running away from me. He thinks I'll give up if I see him with another woman." Her throat closed up at the memory of his betrayal. "If I had to witness that awful scene again…I'd rather take a bullet to the chest."

"This is why I avoid relationships," Anaelle remarked dully, giving Eira a glimpse of the person beneath the scientist. "I avoid emotional entanglements like the plague. Relationships are complicated and hard to understand…it's messy too. It's why I prefer the cold comfort of science and research. Facts never lie, and they never change like fickle love." She took a sip of coffee. "As our Captain, Lars is admirable. He helped us find a place to belong and grow into ourselves. But, as a life partner…it's best to reconsider if he's right for you. I don't know your history together but the both of you seem…haunted."

Anaelle grabbed her reaper and proceeded to the exit. "Either way, I hope you'll resolve this problem or we're all going to suffer for it. If the Captain is truly who you want, then may I suggest you make it clear to everyone and Lars himself that he's yours. When dealing with a man, it's better to give it to them straight because their mind only navigates on a one-track."

Eira was unable to believe what Anaelle was suggesting. To make Lars hers…did that mean she had to publicly stake a claim on him? Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the muffled footsteps coming up from behind.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" a smooth, cultured tone broke into her wool-gathering.

Swivelling around, she first noticed his black trilby hat, the long brim obscuring his features save his sharp, hollowed jaw. He was tall, over six foot tall. His clothes were tailored with sophisticated looseness, paired with an elegant walking cane of gilded gold. He looked every inch the immaculate gentleman.

"Umm no." She caught herself staring. "No, you're not."

"Do you mind if I join you?"

She blinked, realizing he had an interesting accent – the vowels flat and clipped. "No, I don't mind."

He stood close enough for her to see the fine material of his coat, but far enough to respect her personal space. "Pardon me but, are you Eira Ulva?"

"Y-yes. I'm sorry, but who are you?"

A light chuckle from him. Sketching a refined bow, he removed his hat. "Falconer at your service. I'm a humble fan if you don't mind me calling myself that." Eyes of undiluted blue with strokes of moonlight silver in his irises, as if an otherworldly artist had coloured them in with the finest of brushes pinned her down.

An inconceivable shiver ran down Eira's spine.

Who was this man? Apart from his uncanny eyes, his hair was completely white out. But his features didn't look a day over thirty.

"I was immensely captivated by your fearlessness and how you maneuvered the skies beautifully with your predator — like you were both one. It's rare to witness such harmony between a human and predator."

His genuine praise turned her cheeks rosy, though no less guarded. "Thank you."

"May I ask. What is your opinion on predators in general?"

The candid question wrinkled her forehead. "I suppose like humans, there are good and bad predators. I don't hate them if that is what you're asking. Predators are only abiding their natural instincts to survive just like humans do." Her head tilted sideways. "Why do you ask?"

The weight of his stare made her uncomfortable.

As if he knew, he gave a half-smile. "An interesting viewpoint. I'm sure plenty of people would disagree with you. Most humans believe all predators must be killed."

"That is unavoidable," she conceded. "Predators have killed many of our loved ones, and vice versa. It's a continuous war between them and us, for as long as both species thrive on this planet."

"Is that why you fight for the government?"

His blunt question threw her off. She had never given it much thought. It felt as if they were playing twenty questions. Was he fishing for something?

"Eira! The second round is starting!" Florian called from the doorway, his eyes fixed squarely on the stranger.

"I'll be there in a minute!" she returned, locking gazes with Falconer. "What exactly are you insinuating, sir?"

Blue eyes were overcome by shadows, his expression almost…sad. "What is the cause you are fighting for, Eira Ulva? I hope the next time we meet; you'll have an answer for me. Until then, I wish you good luck in the next round." He extended his right, gloved hand.

Next time?

Her gaze sharpened on the tendrils of scarring that ran from the top of his wrist, disappearing beneath his glove. Had he been hurt? Tentatively, she accepted his handshake. His grip was sure and firm. "Thank you."

Falconer returned his hat and retreated, walking past a bewildered Florian. He acknowledged the Vice-Captain with a curt nod before leaving as mysteriously as he had arrived.

Eira hadn't realize she had been holding her breath, until her lungs filled again. That was intense. Whoever he was…he wasn't an ordinary man. Those blue-gray eyes looked like they had seen and experience too much of what predation offered — none of them good.