Episode Twenty Five - You Win (Part 2)

Eira made it a point to enjoy Lars's striptease, appreciating his rippling abs and solid chest before dropping to his jutting cock. Her eyes bulged. Eira had only been with one man in her entire life, so she wasn't sure what constituted as 'normal sized'.

Kalina had taken that into her?

"Don't worry, it'll fit." A very male appraisal gleamed in his amber eyes, a smile capturing his lips.

Regaining her confidence, Eira crawled on all fours and reached out to touch him. Velvety hard and hot. He felt amazing. Wetting her lips, she stretched them over the girth of his cock, fitting him inch by inch. Eira had utmost confidence in sucking a man's cock, although they weren't pleasant memories. But she wanted to do it because this was Lars, not anyone else.

She wanted him to enjoy it as much as he had done for her. Grabbing the base of his staff, she started moving and sucking – in, out, in out. At one point, she hollowed out her cheeks and released him with an audible pop, licking from tip to base. All the while, she kept her eyes on him, reading the pleasure and listening to his soft groans. He liked this.

Eager to please him, she swallowed him whole until he hit the back of her throat. Her eyes watered when her gag reflex kicked in but, she blinked them away.

Lars couldn't believe how deep Eira was taking him, the way she was pleasuring him bespoke her experience before him. He hated that another man had taught her this. The tingling of his spine and tightness of his balls had him rearing back. "Going to come." His voice guttural.

Eira dug her claws into his thighs, her eyes commanding him to come.

White hot pleasure paralyzed him as the orgasm hit and he spilled down her throat, moaning.

Eira swallowed every drop, waiting for the feeling of impurity and disgust to overwhelm her like it always did. There was none.

"What's wrong?" Lars noticed the warring expressions on her face.

Happiness and immeasurable pride welled in her. "I'm glad that I enjoyed doing this with you."

Lars didn't need an elaboration to know what she was talking about. His face softened, and he planted a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you for this wonderful experience."

"I-if you don't mind...," she spoke hesitantly, "Can I be on top?"

Lars had no will to deny her anything, especially if it meant helping her through her traumatic sexual past. Surprising her, he threw himself onto the bed, lying like a starfish and watching her with sensual, dark eyes. "Go ahead. Have your way with me."

Eira bit her lip, not knowing where to start. She wanted to touch him everywhere. She might as well have been a sex novice; her hands twitching. Her ex-lover had never allowed her to touch him. Her body was his but, his body was his alone.

"Take your time," he encouraged, noticing her dilemma. He placed his hands behind his head. "Explore me."

Licking her lips, she traced the tendons of his neck, silently moving down to the curves of his collarbone. The male body was a work of art – lean, hard and everything she wasn't. Lars shivered when she touched his nipple, flicking lightly. A mischievous light entered her eyes as she lowered her head. "I wonder if men are as sensitive as women over here."

Before he could answer, she mimicked what he had done earlier to her own breasts, her lips and tongue worshipping his flat, brown nub. Eira was satisfied to hear a deep moan from him, her own pussy twitching. Wet and eager.

Spreading open-mouthed kisses along his brawny chest, she finally lifted herself over him, legs on either side of his torso. Glancing down at him with her pink hair tumbling over her shoulders and a tell-tale blush across the bridge of her nose, Lars had never seen a more arousing sight. Positioning her core over his length, Eira rubbed her juices all over him, sliding back and forth in a lazy motion that only drove them both wild.

"Eira," Lars choked. "I don't think I can wait much longer."

Grabbing his throbbing shaft, she said. "Me too." And notched his head into her opening, sinking down onto it.

"Oh, fuck." Lars's hands shot out to steady her hips, helping her work him into her tight, wet hole.

Eira moved up and down a few times, allowing her inner muscles to get used to his girth and length. He was so big, and it had been a long time. Her eyelids fluttered shut when he was all the way in.

Neither of them moved, savouring the feeling of being one.

Eira couldn't help but squeeze him, unable to believe Lars was finally inside her.

"If you keep doing that before we begin, I don't think I can hold back," Lars warned in a low growl, his tendons straining. "Are you on birth control?"

"Yes, I just had my shot renewed when I joined the unit."

"Good. No child of ours is going to grow up in this shit hole."

Eira blinked, her mouth opening to ask him what he meant but only a sharp cry escaped when he snagged her around the waist and started moving.

Pulling out, Lars slid back in with one hard thrust and it felt incredible. Lars wasn't gentle. He didn't treat her like a china doll, and she loved it! He worked in and out of her as though he couldn't get enough, running his hands over her breasts, squeezing, and pinching her nipples.

He filled her to the hilt, sparking tingling sensations through her, causing her to gasp in both shock and delight.

Eira gyrated her hips from, fucking him from above. She needed more, needed it faster. This had never happened before during sex. Lars must have sensed her frustration because in a single flip, he had her under him.

"Playtime's over," he flashed a wolfish grin. "It's my turn."

Gripping her legs and spreading her wide open, he slammed his massive cock back in. The hard jostle would have moved her across the bed if he weren't holding on tightly. She emitted a harsh cry.

Lars leaned over her and captured her lips in an urgent kiss. His movements were frantic as his kisses became rough. Eira's arm circled his neck, and she stroke her fingers through his hair as he continued to dominate both her mouth and pussy. The wet slam between their bodies became louder and harder, Eira's legs fell open as she accepted him in, her back arching and eyes rolling from the pleasure of how deep he was reaching inside her.

Like a man possessed, Lars clung onto her, gripping her hard and not allowing the sensations she was experiencing to rob her mouth away from his.

As Eira's peak hit, a wickedly wild heat tore through her entire body. "Ahhhhhh!"

Lars followed behind, sending a growl into her mouth as he jerked in waves of sharp, unrelenting pleasure. Ropes of hot cum painted her insides, inevitably filling her. Eira felt owned. For once, there was no resounding fear or revulsion that came after sex. A tide of relief, happiness and contentment flooded her, bringing tears into her eyes.

The sight alarmed Lars. "Did I hurt you?" His hands cupped her cheek, concern shining in his brown eyes.

Just like that, the years of pent-up emotional anxiety and negativity exploded from her lungs. Taken aback, Lars moved to allow her some room, but she clung on, keeping him inside her. "D-don't move."

"I'll crush you," he uttered, careful not to hurt her.

She held him tighter, sounding like a spoilt child. "I don't care."

This was a side of Eira he had never seen before and he half-smiled. If this was her letting her guard down, then he welcomed it.

"You are beautiful." The words left his lips. And he meant them. "The first time I saw you, I thought you were a wild savage. But then, I found myself watching you. Constantly protecting you." He buried his face into the side of her neck, inhaling her perfect scent. "If this is love, then I don't want to fight it anymore. I give up. You win, Eira."

She sniffled, pushing at his shoulder until he lifted his eyes to hers. "Can we do it again?" Her core tightened around him, stiffening his cock back to life.

Lars made a half-chuckle, half-growl that thrilled her feminine senses. "I won't stop even if you beg me to." He lazily stirred their mingled cum, earning a soft moan from Eira. "I'm going to fuck you so good; you won't think about him ever again." His hand circled her neck, hard enough to make her wince. "You're mine now, Eira Ulva. Don't you forget that."

A rush of prickly heat travelled so fast along her limbs; gooseflesh rose in its wake. The bass of his tone and the possessive look in his eyes ignited a fire in the pit of her stomach. Relaxing her muscles, she openly taunted, "What are you waiting for? Fuck me, Lars."